Appointment Regulations for Uppsala University

1 Introduction

These Appointment Regulations were adopted by the University Board. The Appointment Regulations determine, under the Higher Education Ordinance, which teaching positions may exist at the University and lay down rules for the recruitment and promotion of teachers. The overarching goal of the Appointment Regulations is to create conditions that enable Uppsala University to enhance its competitiveness as an international research and education university. To attain this goal it is crucial that the University be able to attract, recruit, retain and develop teachers in order to pursue research and teaching of the highest quality. The University’s mission, as formulated in the Higher Education Act and the Higher Education Ordinance, in the University’s statements of goals and strategies and in its operational plans, constitutes a natural point of departure for recruiting and promoting teachers. The mission is fulfilled by the efforts of employees and can be accomplished only if teachers possess a high level of relevant competence to meet the needs of both today and tomorrow. The performance of employees creates the University of the present and lays the foundation for the University of the future.

The document begins by describing general regulations on the recruitment and promotion of teaching staff. After that it presents recruitment regulations for each category of teacher, followed by rules on promotion and the recruitment process. Each section is introduced by a fact panel containing excerpts from the most important acts, ordinances and local regulations on the subject. With a few exceptions, the regulations already presented in fact panels are not repeated in sections of the Appointment Regulations. Part 4, “Qualifications and Assessment Criteria”, presents University-wide definitions of expertise and assessment criteria. These are supplemented by specific qualifications and assessment criteria for appointment in Part 5 and for promotion in Part 6. Appendix 1 to the Appointment Regulations contains a summary of transitional provisions concerning the amendments to the Higher Education Ordinance that entered into force on 1 January 2011.[1]

1.1 Teaching positions and career paths in general

The Higher Education Act directs that there are to be professors and senior lecturers at every higher education institution. Beyond this, each higher education institution decides what categories of teachers there will be. Uppsala University has the following categories of teachers: professor, visiting professor, adjunct professor, senior lecturer[2], associate senior lecturer[3], lecturer, adjunct senior lecturer[4] and adjunct lecturer. The duties of a university teacher may include teaching, examination,[5] research, artistic research and development, administration, management, and external collaboration and engagement. Teachers are also expected to keep abreast of research in their field, continuously develop their teaching and follow other developments in society that are relevant to their work at the University.

The teaching positions and career paths that Uppsala University has decided to establish for its teachers are designed to meet the evolving skills needs that are crucial to enable the University to attain its goal of being one of the foremost research and education universities in the world.

The Appointment Regulations comprise University-wide principles for the recruitment and promotion of teachers. These principles have been supplemented and adapted to needs in the disciplinary domains and faculties by means of local guidelines. If the University is to advance its position as an attractive employer, it must offer the teachers it employs interesting work and opportunities for professional development. The academic career path consists of the steps associate senior lecturer (assistant professor), senior lecturer (associate professor) and professor. Alongside the opportunity of obtaining a new appointment without previously holding a teaching position at Uppsala University, the academic career path offers teachers a possibility of promotion.

1.2 Fundamentals of the recruitment process

As a fundamental principle, the recruitment process must contribute to openness, transparency and predictability when appointments are made. All public sector recruitment involves the exercise of public authority. Public authorities are required to make an impartial assessment of applicants’ qualifications and to pay attention only to objective grounds in their assessment, that is, to merit and expertise. Expertise must be the primary consideration. One objective is that the teaching staff should exhibit diversity and a balance between the legal genders. Achieving this requires an open and objective recruitment process that reduces the risk of discrimination and helps ensure that the University can appoint the person who is best qualified for the job. Public authorities are subject to the principle of public access to official documents, which means that as a rule, all decision-making material in a recruitment is public. A decision by the University to appoint a person as a teacher can be appealed.

The general rule is that teachers are employed for an indefinite period after a competitive process and expert assessment. Exceptions to the general rule of employment for an indefinite period are specified in the Employment Protection Act,[6] the Higher Education Ordinance[7] and collective agreements.[8] Normally, all teachers must have completed a doctorate. Teachers without doctorates should be employed restrictively. The teaching expertise of teachers is extremely important to the University. All teachers must have completed teacher training for higher education or have equivalent skills. The recruitment process must include a careful assessment of applicants’ expertise in research and teaching. One general qualification required is that applicants must be able to work with other people and otherwise meet the demands of suitability required to perform their duties well. An additional principle is that teachers should normally be able to teach in both first cycle (undergraduate) and second cycle (Master’s) courses and programmes.

Recruitment of new teachers is one of the University’s most important tasks. Time and resources must be committed to this task as a matter of priority throughout the organisation. Uppsala University operates in a global context and internationalisation is a strategy that supports the University’s development and helps enhance the quality and relevance of its education and research. The recruitment of teachers is an important aspect of internationalisation. As a rule, positions should be advertised internationally and recruitment committees should treat mobility as a qualification.[9]

1.3 Fundamentals of the promotion process

The promotion process must be characterised by transparency and predictability. Public authorities are required to make an impartial assessment of applicants’ qualifications and to pay attention only to objective grounds in their assessment, that is, to merit and expertise, with expertise taking precedence. Public authorities are subject to the principle of public access to official documents, which means that as a rule, all decision-making material in a case of promotion is public.

In the case of promotion, there is no competition, and experts and decision-making bodies must therefore be thorough about determining the scope of the skills required for the position concerned. The promotion process must include a careful assessment of expertise in research and teaching. Promoted teachers are expected to be able to contribute to research, teaching at all levels, and to leadership and collegial responsibility. All promoted teachers must have completed teacher training for higher education or have equivalent skills.

2 Fundamental provisions

Instrument of Government, Chapter 1, Article 2

Public power shall be exercised with respect for the equal worth of all and the liberty and dignity of the individual.

[...] The public institutions shall promote the opportunity for all to attain participation and equality in society [...]. The public institutions shall combat discrimination of persons on grounds of gender, colour, national or ethnic origin, linguistic or religious affiliation, functional disability, sexual orientation, age or other circumstance affecting the individual. (SFS 2010:1408)

Instrument of Government, Chapter 1, Article 9

Courts of law, administrative authorities and others performing public administration functions shall pay regard in their work to the equality of all before the law and shall observe objectivity and impartiality. (2010:1842)

Instrument of Government, Chapter 12, Article 5

Appointments to posts at administrative authorities coming under the Government are made by the Government or by a public authority designated by the Government.

When making appointments to posts within the State administration, only objective factors, such as merit and competence, shall be taken into account. (SFS 2010:1408)

Language Act, Section 10

The language of the courts, administrative authorities and other bodies that perform tasks in the public sector is Swedish. (SFS 2009:600)

Higher Education Act, Chapter 1, Section 5, Paragraphs 2−3

Equality between women and men shall always be taken into account and promoted in the operations of higher education institutions.

Furthermore, in their operations higher education institutions should promote understanding of other countries and of international circumstances. (SFS 2005:1208)

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 2, Section 2

[…] In addition the board of governors shall itself decide

  1. on an appointment procedure[10] […] (SFS 2010:1064)

Public Employment Act, Section 4

When making appointments attention shall be paid only to objective factors such as service merits and competence.

Competence shall be the primary consideration, unless there are special reasons for doing otherwise. (SFS 1994:260)

Employment Ordinance, Section 4

When making appointments, in addition to considering expertise and merit, the authority must also pay attention to objective grounds that are in line with the general objectives of labour market, gender equality, social and employment policy. (SFS 1994:373)

Discrimination Act, Chapter 3, Section 7

Employers are to promote gender balance in different types of work, among different categories of employees and in management positions by means of education and training, skills development and other appropriate measures.

Employers are to follow up and evaluate the measures taken under the first paragraph. Act (2016:828).

Discrimination Act, Chapter 3, Section 9

The employer is to assess whether existing pay differences are directly or indirectly associated with gender. The analysis is to refer in particular to differences between
1. women and men performing work that is to be regarded as equal,
2. groups of employees performing work that is or is generally considered to be dominated by women and groups of employees performing work that is to be regarded as of equal value to such work but is not or is generally not considered to be dominated by women, and
3. groups of employees performing work that is or is generally considered to be dominated by women and groups of employees performing work that is not or is generally not considered to be dominated by women but that gives higher pay despite the requirements of the work being regarded as lesser. Act (2016:828).

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 2, Section 13

A vice-chancellor may delegate their duties, unless otherwise specifically stipulated. (SFS 1993:100)

Section 1 Decisions in matters concerning appointment and promotion of teachers are to be made in accordance with Uppsala University’s current Rules of Procedure[11] and in accordance with the duties and decision-making powers of management functions at the University.[12]

Section 2 Disciplinary domain/faculty boards are to issue guidelines and assessment criteria for recruiting and promoting teachers to complement these Appointment Regulations.

Section 3 The public law regulations governing public authorities when appointing staff must be applied. The pertinent disciplinary domain/faculty board and the recruiting head of department/equivalent is responsible for monitoring impartiality in appointment matters, ensuring that only objective criteria are used in assessments, that professional expertise receives primary consideration unless there are special reasons for doing otherwise, and that the recruitment process is transparent and free from discrimination.

Section 4 When the University appoints new teachers, it must select the applicants who, following a qualitative overall assessment of their competence and expertise, are judged to have the best potential to perform and develop the relevant duties and to contribute to the positive development of the department/equivalent.

Section 5 One general qualification required is that applicants must be able to work with other people and otherwise meet the demands of suitability required to perform their duties well.

Section 6 To be eligible for a teaching appointment, an applicant must have a documented ability to teach in either Swedish or English or in both these languages. In addition, the ability to teach in another language may be required, based on current needs in the recruiting department/equivalent. In the case of promotion to a higher teaching position, applicants must normally demonstrate sufficient proficiency in Swedish to be able to participate in the University’s internal procedures.

Section 7 Teachers must have completed teacher training for higher education or the equivalent.

Section 8 At Uppsala University all teachers appointed must have a doctoral degree unless there are special reasons. A doctoral degree means a Swedish doctoral degree or an equivalent foreign degree. In addition applicants must show research and teaching expertise at a level in line with what is required to be able to perform the duties well. The way in which research and teaching expertise are to be assessed is specified further under the requirements for each position.

Section 9 The disciplinary domain board/faculty board must ensure that all assessment of qualifications is objective and impartial, particularly with regard to legal gender and other grounds of discrimination. In the recruitment of professors at Uppsala University, the faculty board must take stock of all applications received to ensure that there are qualified applicants of both legal genders. If the field of applicants consists only of a single gender, the disciplinary domain board/faculty board must inform the Vice-Chancellor in writing of the measures taken to attract applicants from both legal genders in the recruitment.

3 Teaching positions

3.1 Categories of teachers

Higher Education Act, Chapter 3, Section 2, Paragraphs 1–2

Higher education institutions shall employ professors and senior lecturers to undertake teaching and research.

A professorship is the most senior teaching appointment. (SFS 2010:701)

Higher Education Act, Chapter 3, Section 3

A professor shall be employed until further notice unless otherwise stipulated in the paragraph below.

A professor may be employed for a fixed term, if the appointment concerns:

  1. a creative or artistic subject,
  2. an adjunct post at a higher education institution for someone mainly employed outside the higher education sector (adjunct professor), or
  3. a position as a visiting lecturer for a person who has the required qualifications for appointment as a professor (visiting professor). (SFS 2010:701)

Higher Education Act, Chapter 3, Section 6

Unless otherwise provided by regulations issued by the Government, each higher education institution shall itself decide which categories of teachers, apart from professors and senior lecturers, it shall employ and the qualifications and assessment criteria to apply to such appointments. (SFS 1997:797)

Higher Education Act, Chapter 3, Section 8

The Government or the agency nominated by the Government may stipulate that a teaching post at a higher education institution shall be combined with employment as a physician or dentist with specialist training, or with employment other than as a physician at a designated healthcare facility for medical training and research. [...] (SFS 1997:797)

The regulations that apply to teaching appointments shall also apply to appointments to be combined with teaching posts. (SFS 1997:797)

Employment Protection Act, Section 4

Employment contracts apply for an indefinite term. However, fixed-term employment contracts may be entered into in cases referred to in Sections 5 and 6. (SFS 2010:1230)

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 1

Teachers are employed by the higher education institution. (SFS 2010:1064)

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 2

A higher education institution may, with the consent of an accountable authority for healthcare as stated in Section 8 of Chapter 3 of the Higher Education Act (1992:1434), decide that a post as professor or senior lecturer at the institution will be combined with employment at a healthcare facility that is provides medical training and research. Training and research at such a facility includes training and research in dental science. (SFS 2010:1064)

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 4a

Qualification requirements for employment as an associate senior lecturer are fulfilled by someone who has been awarded a doctorate or has the corresponding research competence. Primary consideration should be given to someone who has been awarded a doctorate or achieved the equivalent competence within five years or within seven years of the deadline for application for employment as an associate senior lecturer. However, someone who has been awarded a doctorate or achieved the equivalent expertise at an earlier date may also be considered if there are special grounds. Special grounds are sick leave, parental leave or other similar circumstances.

Each higher education institution decides which of the time limits specified in the first paragraph will apply in different subject areas and the assessment criteria that apply to the appointment of an associate senior lecturer. Prior to such an appointment, the higher education institution must also establish the assessment criteria that will be applied to an application for promotion to senior lecturer under Section 12c. Ordinance (2024:673).

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 10

A teacher in disciplines in the fine, applied or performing arts may be employed until further notice, but for no longer than five years. These appointments may be extended. The total period of employment may be no longer than ten years. For other aspects of these appointments, the Employment Protection Act (1982:80) applies. (SFS 2010:1064)

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 11

An adjunct professor must be employed until further notice, but until a specified date. These appointments may be extended. The total period of employment may be no longer than twelve years. For other aspects of these appointments, the Employment Protection Act (1982:80) applies. (SFS 2010:1064)

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 12

A visiting professor must be employed until further notice, but until a specified date. These appointments may be extended. The total period of employment may be no longer than five years. For other aspects of these appointments, the Employment Protection Act (1982:80) applies. (SFS 2010:1064)

Associate senior lecturers

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 12a

An associate senior lecturer may be employed until further notice, but for no less than four years and no longer than six years, which is decided by the higher education institution prior to employment. The purpose of the appointment is for the teacher to have the opportunity to develop research autonomy and acquire the scholarly and teaching qualifications required for eligibility for appointment as a senior lecturer.

An appointment under the first paragraph may be extended for a maximum of two years, if the associate senior lecturer’s sick leave, parental leave or other special grounds means that additional time is needed to achieve the purpose of this appointment.

An appointment under the first and second paragraphs is otherwise subject to the provisions of the Employment Protection Act (1982:80)

Exceptions may be made to the first and second paragraphs through a collective agreement that is made or approved by a central employees’ organisation. Ordinance (2017:844).

Section 10 The following categories of teachers exist at Uppsala University:

Section 10a In accordance with the Higher Education Act and the Higher Education Ordinance:

  • Professor
  • Visiting professor
  • Adjunct professor
  • Senior lecturer[13]
  • Associate senior lecturer[14]

Section 10b By local decision:

  • Lecturer
  • Adjunct senior lecturer[15]
  • Adjunct lecturer[16]
  • Postdoctoral research fellow (appointment possible until 31 March 2018)

Section 11 An appointment as professor or senior lecturer professor may be combined with an appointment at a health care facility. The purpose of such an appointment is to make clinical skills available to teaching and research.

Section 12 The purpose of appointing an adjunct teacher is to temporarily make valuable know-how available to the University or to strengthen connections with the business sector or the wider community. Adjunct teachers must be principally employed outside the higher education system. The scope of an adjunct appointment will depend on operational requirements. At present, such an appointment normally corresponds to approximately 20 per cent of a full-time position. In certain cases, a higher rate may be appropriate, but no more than 49 per cent of full time. Adjunct senior lecturers and adjunct lecturers are employed under collective agreements.[17]

3.2 Duties of teaching staff

Higher Education Act, Chapter 3, Section 1

The duties assigned to teaching staff may comprise educational responsibilities, research or artistic research and development, and administrative tasks. Teachers are also responsible for keeping abreast of developments within their own subject areas and developments in the wider community that are significant for their teaching roles in higher education. (SFS 1997:797)

General Agreement on Pay and Benefits (Villkorsavtalet) / General Agreement on Pay and Benefits-T (Villkorsavtalet-T), Chapter 4, Sections 2 and 3

Section 2 Based on the purpose, nature, objectives and conditions of each activity, the employer has to assess and determine staffing requirements in terms of the different skills required at different times. ... Local working hours agreements are to be drawn up so as to support and contribute to the conduct of the activities, taking their purpose, nature and objectives into account.

Section 3 Organisation of working hours

Working hours should be organised and regulated so as to help ensure that operational objectives are achieved, and that activities are carried out effectively and efficiently. The organisation of working hours should be reviewed when necessary to adapt to changing operational requirements. Working hours should also be organised so as to promote a good working environment and to prevent ill health. As far as possible given the operational requirements, the organisation of working hours should be adjusted to employees’ wishes for more flexible and individual solutions.

Section 13 The duties of a teacher may include teaching and examination at first cycle (undergraduate) level, second cycle (Master’s) level and third cycle (doctoral) level, research, management responsibilities, administrative tasks, tasks involving collaboration with the wider community and, where relevant, artistic or clinical work. The head of department/equivalent is responsible for allocating teachers’ duties within the framework of annual working hours, and for the obligation to be present at the place of work, in accordance with the local working hours agreement.

Section 14 The duties of an associate senior lecturer include research, teaching and administration. The purpose of the appointment is for the teacher to have the opportunity to develop research autonomy and acquire the scholarly and teaching qualifications required for eligibility for appointment as a senior lecturer.

Section 15 Clinical duties may be included in the duties of a professor, a senior lecturer, an associate senior lecturer or a lecturer.

4 Qualifications and assessment criteria

Higher Education Act, Chapter 3, Section 2, Paragraph 3

The Government issues regulations on the qualifications and assessment criteria that will apply to the appointment of professors and senior lecturers. (SFS 2010:701)

Higher Education Act, Chapter 3, Section 6

Unless otherwise provided by regulations issued by the Government, each higher education institution shall itself decide which categories of teachers, apart from professors and senior lecturers, it shall employ and the qualifications and assessment criteria to apply to such appointments. (SFS 1997:797)

Higher Education Act, Chapter 3, Section 8, Paragraph 1

[...] A combined post may only be held by someone eligible for both appointments. (SFS 1997:797)

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 3

Qualification requirements for employment as a professor, except in disciplines in the fine, applied or performing arts, are fulfilled by someone who has demonstrated both research and teaching expertise. [...]

The assessment criteria for appointment as a professor are the degree of expertise required as qualification for employment. As much attention must be given to the assessment of teaching expertise as to the assessment of research or artistic expertise. Each higher education institution otherwise determines the assessment criteria that apply to the appointment of a professor. (SFS 2010:1064)

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 4

A person qualified for appointment as a senior lecturer is

  1. except in disciplines in the fine, applied or performing arts, someone who has demonstrated teaching expertise and been awarded a doctorate or has the corresponding research competence or other professional expertise that is valuable for the post’s subject matter and duties [...]

The assessment criteria for appointment as a senior lecturer are the degree of expertise required as qualification for employment. As much attention must be given to the assessment of teaching expertise as to the assessment of other qualifying criteria stated in the first paragraph. Each higher education institution otherwise determines the assessment criteria that apply to the appointment of a senior lecturer. (SFS 2010:1064)

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 4a

Qualification requirements for employment as an associate senior lecturer are fulfilled by someone who has been awarded a doctorate or has the corresponding research competence. Primary consideration should be given to someone who has been awarded a doctorate or achieved the equivalent competence within five years or within seven years of the deadline for application for employment as an associate senior lecturer.

4.1 Eligibility

Section 16 To qualify for a teaching appointment, an applicant must have shown sufficient expertise in both research and teaching. Assessment criteria applicable to teaching appointments are, first, the degree to which the applicant possesses the expertise required to qualify for the position and, second, the other assessment criteria stated in the person specification for the position. Which criteria are emphasised may vary, depending on whether the assessment involves eligibility criteria for appointment and promotion, or assessment criteria for ranking applicants. The assessment criteria may be weighted differently, depending on the content of the work and the other conditions for the position that have been defined on the basis of operational needs.

Section 17 Qualifications must be documented in a manner that makes it possible to assess both their quality and their scope.

4.2 Assessment criteria

Section 18 Each disciplinary domain/faculty board is responsible for deciding on criteria for expertise that apply in that specific disciplinary domain or faculty. These complement and further specify the definitions of expertise found in sections 19–30. The criteria are to be designed so as to contribute to the objective that Uppsala University will retain its position as one of the foremost universities for research and education in the world.

4.2.1 Research expertise

Section 19 Research expertise constitutes an assessment criterion in the appointment of professors, senior lecturers and associate senior lecturers.

Section 20 Research expertise refers to research qualifications. In assessing research expertise, research quality must be the primary consideration. Consideration must also be given to the scope of the research, in terms primarily of its depth and breadth. Furthermore, consideration must be given to the capacity to plan, initiate, lead and develop research and third cycle (doctoral) education, the ability to obtain research funding in competition, and the ability to collaborate and engage with the wider community through research.

4.2.2 Teaching expertise

Section 21 Teaching expertise constitutes an assessment criterion in the appointment of professors, senior lecturers, associate senior lecturers and lecturers.

Section 22 Teaching expertise refers to educational qualifications. In assessing teaching expertise, teaching quality must be the primary consideration. Consideration must also be given to the scope of teaching experience, in terms of both breadth and depth. Furthermore, consideration must be given to the capacity to plan, initiate, lead and develop education, and to the ability to base teaching on research. Teaching expertise should also include the ability to collaborate and engage with the wider community through education.

4.2.3 Clinical expertise

Section 23 Clinical expertise constitutes an assessment criterion in appointments involving clinical work.

Section 24 Clinical expertise is demonstrated through clinical work and clinical training, and by participation in clinical development. Clinical development includes measures that have enhanced the quality or efficiency of health and medical care.

4.2.4 Artistic expertise

Section 25 Artistic expertise constitutes an assessment criterion in appointments involving activities in the fine, applied or performing arts.

Section 26 Artistic expertise is demonstrated through a candidate’s own artistic production and by reflection in the artistic field concerned. Assessment criteria include artistic depth, expression, originality, and the quality and scope of relevant artistic production.

4.2.5 Administrative expertise

Section 27 Administrative expertise constitutes an assessment criterion in appointments that involve or may come to involve administrative work.

Section 28 Administrative expertise is demonstrated, for example, by the ability to plan, organise and prioritise work in an efficient and appropriate manner, and the ability to specify and keep to time frames. Such expertise includes overall operational planning, the ability to manage resources in a way that reflects operational priorities, and the ability to work in a structured manner based on awareness of goals and quality.

4.2.6 Management expertise

Section 29 Management expertise constitutes an assessment criterion in appointments that involve or may come to involve management, i.e. responsibility for directing operations and/or staff.

Section 30 Management expertise is demonstrated by the ability to lead operations and staff, make decisions, take responsibility and motivate others, providing them with the conditions needed for efficient achievement of shared goals. Expertise may also be demonstrated by an ability to coordinate the group, to help create a sense of involvement, participation and job satisfaction, and to deal with conflicts.

5 Specific qualifications and assessment criteria

5.1 Professor

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 3

Qualification requirements for employment as a professor, except in disciplines in the fine, applied or performing arts, are fulfilled by someone who has demonstrated both research and teaching expertise. [...]

The assessment criteria for appointment as a professor are the degree of expertise required as qualification for employment. As much attention must be given to the assessment of teaching expertise as to the assessment of research or artistic expertise. Each higher education institution otherwise determines the assessment criteria that apply to the appointment of a professor. (SFS 2010:1064)

5.1.1 Eligibility and assessment criteria

Section 31 Research expertise must have been demonstrated by the applicant’s independent research contributions and by achievements that are of very high quality by international standards. The applicant must have demonstrated expertise in planning, initiating, leading and developing research; an ability to obtain research funding in competition; and well-documented expertise in supervising third cycle (doctoral) students. The applicant’s contributions to the international and national scientific community must be assessed on the basis of such criteria as the quality and scope of scholarly publications. The international track record required must be assessed in light of the nature and specific circumstances of the subject.

Section 32 Teaching expertise must have been demonstrated by an extensive educational portfolio in accordance with Section 22. Furthermore, the applicant must demonstrate well-documented expertise in supervision at first cycle (undergraduate) level, second cycle (Master’s) level and third cycle (doctoral) level.

A prerequisite for considering that the applicant has teaching expertise is that the applicant has completed at least ten weeks of teacher training for higher education that is relevant to the organisation and its activities, or has equivalent knowledge. If there are special reasons, the teacher training for higher education may be undertaken during the first two years of employment. The teacher training must also include third cycle (doctoral student) supervision.

Section 33 A person who has the qualifications required for both employment as a professor and employment at a health care facility is eligible for an appointment as professor combined with an appointment at a designated health care facility for medical training or research.

5.2 Senior lecturer[18]

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 4

A person qualified for appointment as a senior lecturer is

  1. except in disciplines in the fine, applied or performing arts, someone who has demonstrated teaching expertise and been awarded a doctorate or has the corresponding research competence or other professional expertise that is valuable for the post’s subject matter and duties [...]

The assessment criteria for appointment as a senior lecturer are the degree of expertise required as qualification for employment. As much attention must be given to the assessment of teaching expertise as to the assessment of other qualifying criteria stated in the first paragraph. Each higher education institution otherwise determines the assessment criteria that apply to the appointment of a senior lecturer. (SFS 2010:1064)

5.2.1 Eligibility and assessment criteria

Section 34 Research expertise must have been demonstrated by the applicant’s independent, high-quality research contributions. The applicant’s contributions to the international and national scientific community must be assessed on the basis of such criteria as the quality and scope of scholarly publications. The international track record required must be assessed according to the nature and specific circumstances of the subject.

Section 35 Teaching expertise must have been demonstrated by an educational portfolio in accordance with Section 22.

A prerequisite for considering that the applicant has teaching expertise is that the applicant has completed at least ten weeks of teacher training for higher education that is relevant to the organisation and its activities, or has equivalent knowledge. If there are special reasons, the teacher training for higher education may be undertaken during the first two years of employment.

Section 36 Other professional expertise means expertise acquired in professional activities outside academia. The professional expertise must be of value in view of the subject matter of the position.

Section 37 A person who has the qualifications required for both employment as a senior lecturer and employment at a health care facility is eligible for an appointment as senior lecturer combined with an appointment at a designated health care facility for medical training or research.

5.3 Associate senior lecturer[19]

5.3.1 Eligibility and assessment criteria

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 4a

Qualification requirements for employment as an associate senior lecturer are fulfilled by someone who has been awarded a doctorate or has the corresponding research competence. Primary consideration should be given to someone who has been awarded a doctorate or achieved the equivalent competence within five years or within seven years of the deadline for application for employment as an associate senior lecturer.

Section 38 Appointment as an associate senior lecturer requires research expertise in accordance with Section 20. The research expertise must be of good quality and promise good prospects of an academic career in the relevant subject area for the position.

Section 38a Each disciplinary domain board is entitled to decide the extent to which the time limits of a maximum of five or seven years specified in Chapter 4, Section 4a of the Higher Education Ordinance are to be used in each subject area. It is possible for the disciplinary domain board to further delegate the decision on the time limit within each subject area to the faculty board. Decisions on the time limits of a maximum of five or seven years specified in Chapter 4, Section 4a of the Higher Education Ordinance may not be delegated further.

Section 39 For an appointment as an associate senior lecturer, teaching expertise in accordance with Section 22 must be taken into account. To acquire teaching expertise, the applicant should have completed at least five weeks of teacher training for higher education of relevance to the organisation and its activities, or have equivalent knowledge. If it has not been possible to acquire this qualification before appointment, qualifying training for teachers in higher education must be undertaken during the first two years of employment.

Section 40 A person who has the qualifications required both for appointment as an associate senior lecturer and for clinical duties is eligible for appointment as an associate senior lecturer with clinical duties.

5.4 Lecturer

5.4.1 Eligibility and assessment criteria

Section 41 To be eligible for appointment as lecturer, applicants must have a higher education degree and have demonstrated teaching expertise.

Section 42 In appointments to the position of lecturer, in-depth subject study is required rather than research competence.

Section 43 Teaching expertise must have been demonstrated by an extensive educational portfolio in accordance with Section 22, or by some other means in the area of activity that the education involves.

A prerequisite for considering that the applicant has teaching expertise is that the applicant has completed at least ten weeks of teacher training for higher education that is relevant to the organisation and its activities, or has equivalent knowledge. If there are special reasons, the teacher training for higher education may be undertaken during the first two years of employment.

Section 44 A person who has the qualifications required both for appointment as a lecturer and for clinical duties is eligible for appointment as a lecturer with clinical duties.

5.5 Adjunct teacher

Section 45 For appointment as adjunct professor, adjunct senior lecturer and adjunct lecturer, with the exception of teaching expertise, the same qualifications are required as for the relevant teacher category.

6 Promotion

6.1 Promotion in general

Section 46 Applications for promotion may only be made by teachers employed at the University on indefinite-term contracts who are actively engaged in their role at the time of application, and by associate senior lecturers.

Section 47 Disciplinary domain/faculty boards are to issue supplementary criteria for promotion that apply specifically in their domain/faculty and complement the qualification requirements for each category of teachers. The criteria must be designed to achieve the objective of being one of the foremost universities for research and education in the world.

Section 48 The subject area must normally be the same as for the applicant’s previous position, but this can be changed if there are special reasons for doing so.

6.2 Promotion from senior lecturer to professor or from lecturer to senior lecturer

Section 49 Promotion of a senior lecturer to professor or of a lecturer to senior lecturer entails an assessment of competence and a change of title. A senior lecturer or lecturer who has been promoted is not entitled to a change in their duties or their terms of employment.

Section 50 A senior lecturer must be promoted to professor and a lecturer to senior lecturer if they apply for this in writing, are qualified for such a position and have been deemed to meet the specific requirements adopted by the relevant disciplinary domain or faculty board.

Section 51 When preparing to advertise a position as lecturer or senior lecturer, a disciplinary domain or faculty board may decide to offer the possibility of immediate promotion. This means that in conjunction with the appointment, an applicant can apply for and be granted promotion to a more senior position.

Section 52 Following consultation with the health care authority, teachers with clinical duties are to be promoted either to a higher post with clinical duties or to a combined position. Promotion is possible provided that the applicant has the necessary qualifications and is deemed to meet the specific requirements for such a position. The health care authority must be given the opportunity to state its opinion regarding the matter.

Section 53 A written application from a senior lecturer or lecturer for consideration for promotion must reach the relevant disciplinary domain/faculty board nine months, at the latest, before their employment ceases or is expected to cease.

6.2.1 Qualifications required for promotion from senior lecturer to professor

Section 54 The applicant must have demonstrated research expertise in accordance with Section 31.

Section 55 The applicant must have demonstrated teaching expertise in accordance with Section 32.

Section 56 A prerequisite for considering that the applicant has teaching expertise is that the applicant has completed at least ten weeks of teacher training for higher education that is relevant to the organisation and its activities, or has equivalent knowledge. The teacher training must include third cycle (doctoral student) supervision.

Section 57 The applicant must have demonstrated collegial responsibility and be considered capable of contributing to the development of the University. This requires leadership, development and collaboration skills, and, where applicable, clinical expertise.

Section 58 Promotion from senior lecturer to professor may take place no earlier than five years following completion of the doctoral degree, to ensure sufficient experience of independent research work and supervision of doctoral students, unless there are special reasons.

6.2.2 Qualifications required for promotion from lecturer to senior lecturer

Section 59 The applicant must have a doctoral degree or equivalent competence as well as research competence in accordance with Section 34, and be considered to have the potential, as senior lecturer, to pursue research of good scientific quality. The research qualifications must be documented in such a way as to enable assessment of both quality and scope.

Section 60 Applicants must have demonstrated teaching expertise in accordance with Section 35 through teaching, examination and supervision at both first cycle (undergraduate) and second cycle (Master’s) level, and through planning, development, evaluation and leadership, and be considered able as senior lecturer to assume educational leadership roles and further develop teaching activities. Teaching qualifications must be documented in such a way as to enable assessment of both quality and scope.

Section 61 A prerequisite for considering that the applicant has teaching expertise is that the applicant has completed at least ten weeks of teacher training for higher education that is relevant to the organisation and its activities, or has equivalent knowledge.

Section 62 The applicant must have demonstrated collegial responsibility and be considered capable of contributing to the development of the University.

6.3 Promotion from associate senior lecturer to senior lecturer

6.3.1 Eligibility

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 12c

An associate senior lecturer who is employed at a higher education institution under Section 12a must, on application, be promoted to senior lecturer at the higher education institution, provided they are

  1. eligible for employment as a senior lecturer, and
  2. assessed as suitable for such an appointment in accordance with the assessment criteria that the higher education institution decided, under the second paragraph of Section 4a, apply to an application for promotion to senior lecturer.

Such a promotion entails employment until further notice as a senior lecturer. Ordinance (2017:844).

Section 63 A person who is employed as associate senior lecturer must, upon written application, be promoted to senior lecturer if they are considered, upon expert assessment, to satisfy the qualification requirements that have been set by the relevant disciplinary domain or faculty board and have been set out in the job vacancy information.

Section 64 The applicant must have demonstrated research expertise and be considered to have the potential, as senior lecturer, to initiate and independently pursue research of high scientific quality in accordance with Section 34. The research qualifications must be documented in such a way as to enable assessment of both quality and scope.

Section 65 Applicants must have demonstrated teaching expertise in accordance with Section 35 through teaching, examination and supervision at both first cycle (undergraduate) and second cycle (Master’s) level, and through planning, development and evaluation, and be considered able as senior lecturer to assume educational leadership roles and further develop teaching activities. Teaching qualifications must be documented in such a way as to enable assessment of both quality and scope.

Section 66 A prerequisite for considering that the applicant has teaching expertise is that the applicant has completed at least ten weeks of teacher training for higher education that is relevant to the organisation and its activities, or has equivalent knowledge.

Section 67 The applicant must have demonstrated collegial responsibility and be considered capable of contributing to the development of the University.

Section 68 A written application to be considered for promotion to senior lecturer must have reached the relevant disciplinary domain or faculty board six months, at the latest, before the appointment as associate senior lecturer ends. An associate senior lecturer may be considered for promotion to senior lecturer only once. The decision to grant or reject the application for promotion must be made at the latest two months prior to the end of employment as associate senior lecturer.

7 Recruitment and promotion process

7.1 Decision to initiate recruitment

Higher Education Act, Chapter 3, Section 8

Before a person is appointed to a teaching post, the accountable authority for health care must be given an opportunity to state its opinion, if the position is to be combined with a post in a health care facility. (Act 1999:797)

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 8

Before a teacher is offered combined employment as stated in Section 2, the higher education institution must offer the accountable authority for healthcare an opportunity to state its opinion on the matter. (SFS 2010:1064)

Section 69 Decisions to initiate recruitment must be made in accordance with the Rules of Procedure for Uppsala University. In connection with a decision to initiate recruitment a decision must be made regarding the person specification for the position.

Section 70 In connection with a decision on the person specification for a position, it must be stated what assessment criteria will be applied. These criteria must be objectively justified with reference to the specific duties the position entails and operational needs.

7.2 Person specification for position and subject area

Section 71 The person specification for the position must be drawn up on the basis of requirements that need to be met in order to perform the job well. The person specification for the position must include the subject area, subject matter/description, duties, minimum qualifications required, assessment criteria, special requirements regarding skills and personal characteristics, and other qualification requirements. The person specification may indicate how various criteria of expertise are to be weighed against each other, as well as other prerequisites that must be met to perform the job well.

Section 72 The subject area may be indicated in one of the following forms:

  • subject
  • subject specialising in
  • subject, specifying subspecialty
  • subject 1 and subject 2

Section 73 The defined subject area, including the description of the subject, may not be complemented or modified after the person specification for the position has been decided.

Section 74 To promote gender balance in the area/position category, the person specification for the position must be formulated so as to encourage individuals of the underrepresented legal gender to apply for the position.

7.3 Job vacancy information

Employment Ordinance, Section 6, Paragraphs 1 and 3

A public authority that intends to recruit an employee must provide information about this in some suitable way so that those who are interested in the position can notify the authority within a certain time.

[...] If there are special reasons not to do so, no information need be provided. (SFS 1994:373)

Ordinance on Notification of Employment Vacancies in the State Sector (1984:819), Section 2

When a public authority gives notice that a job vacancy is open for applications or takes any other steps to seek staff outside the authority to fill a vacant position, the authority must notify the public employment office at the same time, unless otherwise follows from the second paragraph or from Section 5. However, no notification of the vacant position need be made if the authority intends to employ a person who has been given notice of termination of a position subject to state regulations or a person with an occupational disability. Ordinance (1990:75).

Section 75 A broad analysis, advertisement and active search for potential candidates must be undertaken. Individuals of the underrepresented gender must be encouraged to apply for the position concerned. Vacant positions must be described in gender-neutral terms.

Section 76 In advance of recruitment, a search committee may be appointed to identify and encourage suitable candidates for the position, to provide support in drawing up the person specification for the position and to assist in finding referees. The committee must have a gender-balanced representation of women and men unless there are special reasons.

Section 77 Information about job vacancies must be conveyed in an appropriate way to reach relevant candidates in Sweden and/or internationally and should be posted on the University’s website. In addition, notice of vacancies must be provided to the public employment services unless there are special reasons not to do so. The application period must be at least two weeks unless there are special reasons.

Section 78 As stated in Section 6 of the Employment Ordinance (SFS 1994:373), information about job vacancies need not be provided if there are special reasons not to do so.

7.4 Processing of appointment and promotion matters

Higher Education Act, Chapter 3, Section 8, Paragraph 2

[...] The regulations that apply to teaching appointments shall also apply to appointments to be combined with teaching posts. (SFS 1997:797)

Gender equality among representatives: Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 5

If a group of people is responsible for proposing the applicants who should be considered for appointment to a teaching post, women and men must have equal representation in the group. However, this does not apply if there are special grounds. (SFS 2010:1064)

Referees: Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 6

When appointing a professor (including an adjunct professor) an expert assessment must be obtained regarding the applicant’s expertise, unless this is obviously unnecessary for the appraisal of their expertise.

If an assessment is obtained from two or more people, men and women must be represented equally. However, this does not apply if there are special grounds. (SFS 2010:1064)

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 8

Before a teacher is offered combined employment as stated in Section 2, the higher education institution must offer the accountable authority for healthcare an opportunity to state its opinion on the matter. (SFS 2010:1064)

7.4.1 Processing

Section 79 Disciplinary domain/faculty boards are responsible for processing recruitment and promotion matters, including fixed-term teaching appointments, and are to adopt complementary instructions and procedures for this process.

Section 80 One precondition for appointing an associate senior lecturer is the existence of a documented operational need and financial scope for a senior lecturer appointment within the relevant subject area.

Section 81 The head of the department to which the vacant position belongs in organisational terms is to have the right to attend and speak at meetings processing the recruitment and promotion of teachers. However, the head of department must not participate in the part of this processing that is devoted to final deliberations on a proposal for a decision on the candidate to be appointed. At the proposal of the head of department or the vice-rector/dean, another representative from the department can substitute for the head of department.

Section 82 One or more recruitment committees or equivalent bodies can be appointed to deal with appointment and/or promotion matters.

Section 83 If a recruitment committee or equivalent body has been set up, it should consist of a chair, deputy chair and at least a further four members, including two student representatives. With the exception of the student representatives, the members must be academically qualified individuals.[20] Women and men are to be represented equally, unless there are extraordinary reasons to the contrary. The members are to be appointed so as to represent the recruitment committee’s area of responsibility in research and educational terms, and in general as broadly as possible. The student representatives are appointed by the relevant student union.

Section 84 An application that arrives after the deadline for applications may be considered if this can be done without inconvenience and is in the best interest of the University.

7.4.2 Methods of selection

Section 85 An assessment of academic qualifications is fundamental to the recruitment and promotion of teachers. The proposal of an individual to fill a position must be preceded by statements from referees and interviews, unless this is manifestly unnecessary. Additional methods of selection may be used.

Section 86 Disciplinary domain/faculty boards may decide to instruct referees to select a shortlist consisting of the applicants who are deemed to best fulfil the requirements in the person specification for the position and to submit expert opinions containing their assessment and ranking of this group of candidates alone.

7.4.3 Referees

Section 87 Disciplinary domain/faculty boards decide on the referees to be appointed.

Section 88 When appointing or promoting an individual to professor (including adjunct professor or visiting professor) or senior lecturer (including adjunct senior lecturer) or associate senior lecturer, at least two referees from other higher education institutions or the equivalent must be engaged to assess the expertise of applicants, unless this is manifestly unnecessary.

Section 89 Guidelines on engaging and instructing referees are to be issued by the disciplinary domain/faculty board for the purpose of rationalising the work of referees and assuring its quality.

Section 90 Proposals for individuals to serve as referees may be made as early as when the person specification for the position is decided.

Section 91 Referees must be teachers who are particularly familiar with the subject area and possess a knowledge of all relevant types of expertise. If the disciplinary domain board/faculty board has so directed, the referees are to rank the applicants and explain their choices. If two or more applicants are judged to be equally qualified for the position, they may be given the same ranking.

Section 92 Referees must not attend the part of the processing work that is devoted to final deliberations regarding proposals and decisions.

7.4.4 Assessment of Qualifications

Instrument of Government, Chapter 12, Article 5

Appointments to posts at administrative authorities coming under the Government are made by the Government or by a public authority designated by the Government.

When making appointments to posts within the State administration, only objective factors, such as merit and competence, shall be taken into account. (SFS 2010:1408)

Public Employment Act, Section 4

When making appointments attention shall be paid only to objective factors such as service merits and competence.

Competence shall be the primary consideration, unless there are special reasons for doing otherwise. (SFS 1994:260)

Employment Ordinance, Section 4

When making appointments, in addition to considering expertise and merit, the authority must also pay attention to objective grounds that are in line with the general objectives of labour market, gender equality, social and employment policy. (SFS 1994:373)

Section 93 An assessment of qualifications entails a qualitative overall assessment of the applicant’s qualifications in relation to the person specification for the position. Referee statements constitute part of this overall assessment.

Section 94 In an overall assessment of the applicant's qualifications, parental leave, part-time work due to childcare, trade union responsibilities, military service or similar activities are to be treated as work experience.

Section 95 The gender equality aspect must be applied in an appointment process if it is evident following a qualitative assessment that two applicants of different gender have equal or approximately equal qualifications and if one gender is underrepresented (constitutes less than 40% of those in the occupational category in question and at the workplace concerned).

Section 96 The qualitative overall assessment of the qualifications of the candidate proposed for appointment is to be formulated, giving reasons, in an official record. Gender equality considerations following assessment of qualifications are also to be formulated, giving reasons, in an official record.

7.5 Decisions on appointments and promotion

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 2, Section 13

A vice-chancellor may delegate their duties, unless otherwise specifically stipulated. (SFS 1993:100)

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 13

Teachers are employed through a decision by the vice-chancellor. […] Decisions concerning the appointment of professors may not be delegated. (SFS 2010:1064)

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 12a

An associate senior lecturer may be employed until further notice, but for no less than four years and no longer than six years, which is decided by the higher education institution prior to employment. The purpose of the appointment is for the teacher to have the opportunity to develop research autonomy and acquire the scholarly and teaching qualifications required for eligibility for appointment as a senior lecturer.

An appointment under the first paragraph may be extended for a maximum of two years, if the associate senior lecturer’s sick leave, parental leave or other special grounds means that additional time is needed to achieve the purpose of this appointment.

An appointment under the first and second paragraphs is otherwise subject to the provisions of the Employment Protection Act (1982:80)

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 12b, Paragraph 1

If a teacher has been employed under Section 12a on a fixed-term appointment at a higher education institution, no agreement may be drawn up between the higher education institution and the teacher regarding a fixed-term appointment as specified in Section 5 of the Employment Protection Act (1982:80) within six months of the date on which the employment under Section 12a came to an end.

Exceptions may be made to the first paragraph above through a collective agreement that is made or approved by a central employees’ organisation. (SFS 2012:523)

Employment Ordinance (1994:373), Section 7

Information about appointment decisions at a public authority is to be posted on the authority’s notice board.

The first paragraph does not need to be applied in the case of

-- employment that is expected to last no more than six months,

-- employment of individuals who are already trainees at the authority.

Employment Ordinance (1994:373), Section 8

A notice in accordance with Section 7 must contain information about

  1. the date on which it was posted on the notice board,
  2. whether and how the decision may be appealed,
  3. any dissenting opinions that have been noted in the official record or in any other document.

Section 97 If a head of department intends to take an appointment decision that goes against the proposal of a disciplinary domain/faculty board and or a recruitment committee/equivalent, this requires prior consultation with the dean/vice-rector.

Section 98 If a person employed as postdoctoral research fellow at Uppsala University applies for and is offered a position as associate senior lecturer, the position of postdoctoral research fellow can become a position as associate senior lecturer within the framework of their ongoing employment. The total period of employment may not, however, be less than four or more than six years.[21]

7.6 Appeals

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 12, Section 2, Paragraph 1, Point 1

The following decisions of a higher education institution may be appealed to the Higher Education Appeals Board:

  1. a decision relating to employment at a higher education institution, with the exception of appointment to a doctoral studentship [...] (SFS 2010:1064)

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 12, Section 6

Decisions made by the Higher Education Appeals Board may not be appealed. (SFS 2002:81)

Section 99 Appeals are processed by the Legal Affairs Division, which obtains a declaration from the employee, a statement on the appeal from the body making the proposal and, where relevant, a statement from the head of department. The appeal case is presented at a Vice-Chancellor’s decision-making session, after which the Vice-Chancellor delivers a statement to the Higher Education Appeals Board.

7.7 Discontinuation of appointment procedure

Employment Ordinance, Section 21, Paragraph 2

No appeal may be made against a proposal by a public authority to appoint an employee or a decision by the authority to discontinue an appointment procedure. (SFS 2007:837)

Section 100 An appointment procedure may be discontinued if there are special reasons. Such a decision must be in writing and may only be made by a person authorised to make decisions about appointments.

7.8 Nominating an individual to a professorship

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 7

A higher education institution may nominate someone for appointment as a professor if this is of exceptional importance for a specific activity at the institution. If a higher education institution nominates an individual for a post, the reason why the appointment is of exceptional importance for the institution must be documented.

Only someone qualified for appointment under Section 3 may be appointed through nomination.

The decision to nominate an individual for a post is made by the vice-chancellor and cannot be delegated.

For an appointment through nomination, there is no need to submit information of the kind stated in the first paragraph of Section 6 of the Employment Ordinance (1994:373). The provisions on expert assessment in Section 6 must be applied. (SFS 2010:1064)

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 3

Qualification requirements for employment as a professor, except in disciplines in the fine, applied or performing arts, are fulfilled by someone who has demonstrated both research and teaching expertise. [...] (SFS 2010:1064)

Section 101 The nomination procedure is to be used as an instrument for particularly strategic recruitments and may only be used if both the subject area and the person to be nominated are deemed to be of special strategic importance to certain operations at the University. The nomination procedure is to be used restrictively.

Section 102 Consultation is to take place with the Vice-Chancellor before the procedure is initiated.

Section 103 Only those who meet the requirements for appointment as professor may be nominated. In nominations of individuals to a professorship, it must normally be manifestly unnecessary to obtain referee assessments regarding expertise. If this is not the case, at least two referees from other higher education institutions or equivalent must be engaged for the purpose of assessing the expertise of the individual to be nominated.

Section 104 The nomination procedure is not subject to the information requirements referred to in Section 6, paragraph 1 of the Employment Ordinance (1994:373).[22]

Section 105 The appointment decision must be publicly posted with information about appeals.[23]

Section 106 The use of the nomination procedure is to be followed up annually at University-wide level from the perspective of employer policy and in terms of gender equality.

7.9 Promotion and appointment on special grounds

Section 107 By special arrangement, the Vice-Chancellor may specify conditions for appointing, reassigning or promoting to a teaching position a person who has received certain excellence grants.

7.10 Fixed-term appointments

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 9

A teaching post may be limited to a fixed term under the Employment Protection Act (1982:80), unless it is an appointment as a professor, including adjunct and visiting professor. In addition, the provisions in Sections 10-12a apply to fixed-term appointments. (SFS 2010:1064)

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 10

A teacher in disciplines in the fine, applied or performing arts may be employed until further notice, but for no longer than five years. These appointments may be extended. The total period of employment may be no longer than ten years. For other aspects of these appointments, the Employment Protection Act (1982:80) applies. (SFS 2010:1064)

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 11

An adjunct professor must be employed until further notice, but until a specified date. These appointments may be extended. The total period of employment may be no longer than twelve years. For other aspects of these appointments, the Employment Protection Act (1982:80) applies. (SFS 2010:1064)

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 12

A visiting professor must be employed until further notice, but until a specified date. These appointments may be extended. The total period of employment may be no longer than five years. For other aspects of these appointments, the Employment Protection Act (1982:80) applies. (SFS 2010:1064)

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 12a, Paragraphs 1-2

An associate senior lecturer may be employed until further notice, but for no less than four years and no longer than six years, which is decided by the higher education institution prior to employment. The purpose of the appointment is for the teacher to have the opportunity to develop research autonomy and acquire the scholarly and teaching qualifications required for eligibility for appointment as a senior lecturer.

An appointment under the first paragraph may be extended for a maximum of two years, if the associate senior lecturer’s sick leave, parental leave or other special grounds means that additional time is needed to achieve the purpose of this appointment.

An appointment under the first and second paragraphs is otherwise subject to the provisions of the Employment Protection Act (1982:80)

Exceptions may be made to the first and second paragraphs through a collective agreement that is made or approved by a central employees’ organisation. Ordinance (2017:844).

Employment Protection Act, Section 5

A contract of employment for a fixed term may be concluded for

  1. general fixed-term employment;
  2. temporary substitute employment;
  3. seasonal employment.

However, an employer must not employ an employee for a substitute position to circumvent the employee’s rights under Section 3, second paragraph. Act (2022:835).

Section 5 a

Specific fixed-term employment is transformed into indefinite-term employment when an employee has been employed by the employer in a specific fixed-term position for a total of more than twelve months:

  1. during a five-year period; or
  2. during a period in which an employee has been employed by the employer in fixed-term periods of employment in the form of specific fixed-term employment, temporary substitute employment or seasonal employment and the periods of employment have succeeded one another.

An employment contract has succeeded another where it has begun within six months of the last day of the previous contract.

Temporary substitute employment is transformed into indefinite-term employment when an employee has been employed by the employer in a substitute position for a total of more than two years during a five-year period.

Employment Protection Act, Section 6, Paragraph 1

A contract for probationary employment of a limited duration may also be entered into, provided that the probationary period does not exceed six months. (SFS 1994:1685)

Section 108 Care must be exercised when recruiting staff to fixed-term appointments, in view of the right to appointment for an indefinite term that may arise from repeated fixed-term appointments or fixed-term appointments in contravention of existing rules.

Section 109 When filling positions lasting no more than two years of temporary substitute employment or 12 months of specific fixed-term employment, a simplified appointment procedure may be used in which referee assessment may be omitted.

Section 110 The official responsible for the appointment (head of department/equivalent) must ensure that a fixed-term appointment as a teacher does not continue so long as to be transformed into an indefinite-term appointment under the Employment Protection Act without the position having been advertised and filled following a refereed procedure. If this nevertheless happens, the recruitment committee/equivalent must assess whether the individual has the qualifications required for the position.

7.11 Adjunct teachers

Higher Education Act, Chapter 3, Section 3

A professor shall be employed until further notice unless otherwise stipulated in the paragraph below. A professor may be appointed for a fixed term, if the appointment concerns [...]

  1. an adjunct post at a higher education institution for someone mainly employed outside the higher education sector (adjunct professor) […]. (SFS 2010:701)

Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 11

An adjunct professor must be employed until further notice, but until a specified date. These appointments may be extended. The total period of employment may be no longer than twelve years. For other aspects of these appointments, the Employment Protection Act (1982:80) applies. (SFS 2010:1064)

Section 111 When appointing an adjunct teacher, an agreement must be drawn up between Uppsala University and the primary employer, unless there are special reasons not to do so. The agreement must contain the terms and conditions of the appointment, such as duties, payroll costs and other expenses, resources in the form of premises and equipment, ownership of findings, the right of publication, and secrecy.

8 Legislation

The following Swedish statutes are referred to in the Appointment Regulations. The translations indicated have no legal force but have been published for information purposes. Some quotations have been slightly modified.

Discrimination Act (2008:567). Translation on the website of the Equality Ombudsman (DO),

Employment Ordinance (1994:373)

Employment Protection Act (1982:80). Translation on the website of the Swedish Government,

Higher Education Act (1992:1434). Translation on the website of the Swedish Council for Higher Education,

Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100). Translation on the website of the Swedish Council for Higher Education,

Instrument of Government (1974:152). Translation on the website of the Swedish Parliament (the Riksdag),

Language Act (2009:600). Translation on the website of the Swedish Government,

Public Employment Act (1994:260). Translation on the website of the Swedish Government,

Appendix 1 Transitional provisions for the Ordinance on Amendments to the Higher Education Ordinance[24]

The Government and Parliament have decided on transitional provisions for the Higher Education Ordinance. The relevant provisions in the Ordinance are quoted below. The meaning of the provisions is specified after each quotation.

  1. This Ordinance shall enter into effect on 1 January 2011.
  2. The earlier provisions in items 1-5, 8 & 9 in Section 30 of Chapter 4 shall, except for the regulations on extension of fixed-term appointments, apply to those who prior to 1 January 2011 have been appointed for a fixed term pursuant to these provisions. These are to apply for as long as the appointment continues. In dealing with a case involving transition from a fixed-term appointment to an appointment for an indefinite period pursuant to the earlier provisions in item 5 of Section 30 of Chapter 4 the earlier provisions laid down in Sections 7, 8, 9 & 28 of Chapter 4 shall be applied. (SFS 2010:1064)

The following applies as of 1 January 2011 regarding fixed-term teaching appointments under the previous wording of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100).

  • Adjunct teacher (adj. professor, adj. senior lecturer, adj. lecturer)
  • Senior lecturer and lecturer: appointment for one year, upon first appointment to such a position
  • Senior lecturer and lecturer: appointment for three years for a person employed at another higher education institution
  • Senior lecturer and lecturer: appointment for one year, with a possible extension for a further year, for a person who does not have the required qualifications (for example, lacking teacher training). Can be converted to appointment for an indefinite period upon request
  • Part-time fixed-term appointment for no more than one year, may be extended
  • Visiting teacher appointment until further notice, though no longer than to a certain date, may be extended, employment for a maximum total of five years
  • Teacher in disciplines in the fine, applied or performing arts

General rule: If the date of appointment occurs (employment commences) prior to 1 January 2011, earlier provisions apply.

Exception: Appointments under current provisions may not be renewed after 31 December 2010.

During 2011, individuals (senior lecturer and lecturer) not holding the required qualifications may have their appointments converted from fixed-term to indefinite-term appointments under earlier provisions.

  1. The earlier provisions in Section 8a of Chapter 4 and item 6 in Section 30 of Chapter 4 on fixed-term appointment as an associate senior lecturer may be applied until the end of September 2011.
  2. In cases concerning those appointed as associate senior lecturers prior to 1 October 2011 the earlier provisions in item 6 of Section 30 of Chapter 4 shall apply for as long as the appointment continues. Appointments of this kind may be extended pursuant to the earlier provisions. (SFS 2010:1064)

Associate senior lecturers may be appointed under earlier provisions up to 30 September 2011. The appointment of a person employed prior to 1 October 2011 may be extended for a further year, as long as the appointment is ongoing (associate senior lecturer who has been teaching more than 25% of their working hours).

  1. The earlier provisions in Section 10 of Chapter 4 and item 7 in Section 30 of Chapter 4 on fixed-term employment as a postdoctoral research fellow may be applied until the end of September 2011.
  2. In cases concerning those appointed as postdoctoral research fellows prior to 1 October 2011 the earlier provisions in item 7 of Section 30 of Chapter 4 shall apply for as long as the appointment continues. Appointments of this kind may be extended pursuant to the earlier provisions. (SFS 2010:1064)

Postdoctoral research fellows may be appointed under earlier provisions up to 30 September 2011. Appointments of this kind may be extended as long as the appointment is ongoing if there are special reasons for doing so.

  1. The earlier provisions in Sections 5-8a, 11-13a, 20-23 & 24a-28 of Chapter 4 shall apply to cases of promotion submitted to a higher education institution but not completed before 1 January 2011. In applying the earlier provisions the tasks for which a faculty board or corresponding body is responsible shall instead be dealt with by the individuals or groups of individuals decided by the higher education institution. (SFS 2010:1064)

Promotion matters: Earlier provisions regarding qualifications (professor, senior lecturer, associate senior lecturer), promotion (to professor, to senior lecturer) and processing of cases are to apply to promotion matters received but not completed prior to 1 January 2011.

With regard to processing of cases, the tasks for which a faculty board was previously responsible are instead to be dealt with by the individuals or groups of individuals decided by the higher education institution.

  1. If an appointment procedure for a teacher in cases other than those referred to in item 7 above has begun but not been completed before 1 January 2011, the earlier provisions in Sections 2, 5-10, 15, 20-22, 24, 24a & 26-30 of Chapter 4 apply to the procedure. In applying the earlier provisions the tasks for which a faculty board or corresponding body is responsible shall instead be dealt with by the individuals or groups of individuals decided by the higher education institution. (SFS 2010:1064)

Appointment procedure: In other matters (not promotion, see above) that have begun but not been completed prior to 1 January 2011, earlier provisions are to be applied regarding combined appointments, qualifications, assessment criteria, processing of cases and form of appointment. The tasks for which a faculty board was previously responsible are instead to be dealt with by the individuals or groups of individuals decided by the higher education institution.

  1. In cases involving those who pursuant to item 8 above were appointed after 1 January 2011 by virtue of the earlier provisions in items 1-5, 8 & 9 in Section 30 of Chapter 4 these earlier provisions are to apply for as long as the appointment continues. The earlier provisions in items 1, 2, 5, 8 & 9 in Section 30 of Chapter 4 on extension of fixed-term appointments and conversion of fixed-term appointments to appointments for an indefinite period shall not, however, apply. (SFS 2010:1064)

Appointments in matters pursuant to point 9 above that have begun but not been completed prior to 1 January 2011 and in which an appointment is made after 1 January 2011. Earlier provisions are to apply as long as the appointment continues. The earlier provisions cited above regarding fixed-term appointments apply to:

  • Adjunct professors, adjunct senior lecturers and adjunct lecturers
  • Appointment for one year as senior lecturer or lecturer (first such appointment)
  • Appointment for three years as senior lecturer or lecturer (employed by other higher education institution)
  • Appointment for one year of senior lecturer or lecturer who does not hold required qualifications
  • Part-time fixed-term teacher
  • Visiting teachers (incl. visiting professors under Chapter 3, Section 3, point 3, of the Higher Education Act)
  • Teachers in disciplines in the fine, applied or performing arts

Exception: The earlier provisions regarding renewal of appointment and transition to indefinite-term appointment are not, however, to apply for (see also point 2 above):

  • Adjunct professors, adjunct senior lecturers and adjunct lecturers
  • Appointment for one year (with a one-year extension) of senior lecturers and lecturers who do not hold the required qualifications
  • Part-time fixed-term teachers
  • Visiting teachers (senior lecturers och lecturers)
  • Teachers in disciplines in the fine, applied or performing arts

Information: Note that regarding appointments as adjunct professor, visiting professor and teacher in disciplines in the fine, applied or performing arts, there are new provisions in the Ordinance on Amendments to the Higher Education Ordinance. (SFS 2010:1064)

  1. In calculating the length of employment of a teacher in the fine, applied and performing arts as laid down in Section 10 of Chapter 4 in the new provisions, the length of employment as a teacher in the fine, applied and performing arts pursuant to the earlier regulations in item 1 of Section 30 of Chapter 4 is to be taken into account.
  2. In calculating the length of employment of an adjunct professor as laid down in Section 11 of Chapter 4 in the new provisions, the length of employment as an adjunct professor pursuant to the earlier regulations in item 2 of Section 30 of Chapter 4 is to be taken into account.
  3. In calculating the length of employment of a visiting professor as laid down in Section 12 of Chapter 4 in the new provisions, the length of employment as a visiting professor pursuant to the earlier regulations in item 9 of Section 30 of Chapter 4 is to be taken into account. (SFS 2010:1064)

Calculating length of employment under the new provisions: Time in employment under earlier provisions is to be counted in the time of a fixed-term appointment under the new provisions for appointments as

  • Adjunct professor
  • Visiting professor
  • Teacher in disciplines in the fine, applied or performing arts

Example: Under current provisions an appointment as adjunct professor may be limited in time to a maximum of twelve years. If an individual has been employed as an adjunct professor under earlier provisions for six years, the individual may be employed for no more than six more years.

Example: Under current provisions an appointment as visiting professor is limited in time to five years. If an individual has been employed as visiting professor (visiting teacher) under the earlier provisions for five years, the individual may not be employed as visiting professor.

  1. The earlier provisions in Section 2 of Chapter 12 continue to apply to decisions issued by virtue of earlier provisions. (SFS 2010:1064)

Appeals: Earlier provisions regarding appeals are to apply regarding appointments created pursuant to the earlier provisions.

[1]SFS 2010:1064

[2] In the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology, this title (universitetslektor) is translated as ‘associate professor’.

[3] In the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology, this title (biträdande universitetslektor) is translated as ‘assistant professor’.

[4] In the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology, this title (adjungerad universitetslektor) is translated as ‘adjunct associate professor’.

[5] Examination constitutes an exercise of public authority. Grades may only be set by teachers especially appointed by the University (examiners).

[6] The Employment Protection Act (1982:80)

[7] SFS 1993:100

[8] Agreement on Employment for a Fixed Term as Adjunct Teacher. Minutes of the negotiations, 14 December 2011. Swedish Agency for Government Employers and OFR.S, SACO, SEKO.

Local agreement on fixed-term employment of adjunct teachers. UFV-PA 2012/491

[9]Examples of mobility are experience from stays in other countries, regions or other research environments, other fields or sectors, or virtual mobility. See the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Charter and Code).

[10] Swedish: anställningsordning. This is translated at Uppsala University as Appointment Regulations, i.e. the present document.

[11]UFV 2017/95

[12]UFV 2015/1242

[13] In the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology, this category (universitetslektor) is translated as ‘associate professor’.

[14] In the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology, this title (biträdande universitetslektor) is translated as ‘assistant professor’.

[15] Agreement on Employment for a Fixed Term as Adjunct Teacher. Minutes of the negotiations, 14 December 2011. Swedish Agency for Government Employers and OFR.S, SACO, SEKO

Local agreement on fixed-term employment of adjunct teachers. UFV-PA 2012/491

[16]See footnote 15.

[17]See footnote 15.

[18] In the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology, this position (universitetslektor) is translated as ‘associate professor’.

[19] In the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology, this position (biträdande universitetslektor) is translated as ‘assistant professor’

[20] Rules of Procedure for Uppsala University. UFV 2017/95

[21]Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 12a. Until 31 March 2018 both postdoctoral research fellow and associate senior lecturer were possible appointments as career-development positions under the Appointment Regulations and the Higher Education Ordinance, as worded at the time.

[22] Previously referred to in the Higher Education Ordinance as ‘public notice of vacancy’ (ledigkungörelse).

[23] The information about appeals is formulated as follows: “Any person with an interest in this decision may appeal against the decision to the Higher Education Appeals Board.”

[24]Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100). (SFS 2010:1064) Transitional provisions.


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