Environmental work

The strategic environmental work at Uppsala University is based on an environmental management system in accordance with the Ordinance (2009:907) about environmental management in state agencies. It works as a tool and sees to that the work is done in a systematic manner.

Ordinance (2009:907) about environmental management in state agencies (In Swedish)

The Vice-Chancellor has also approved the Environmental plan 2025 which applies to the whole University. The Environmental plan is based on the results from a climate inventory of the University from 2021.

Environmental Plan 2025

In "Uppsala University: Mission, Goals and Strategies" and in each department's operational planning you will find more information about sustainability at work.

Uppsala University: Mission, Goals and Strategies

Organisation and responsibility

All staff and students have a responsibility concerning the environmental work by following the approved rules and guidelines. The vice-chancellor has the ultimate responsibility for the environmental work, while the head of department is responsible at their level.

Environmental responsibilites for head of departments

The environmental manager and the environmental coordinator are in charge of task at a university-wide level. Each department should also have a green representative whose task is to push the environmental work forward at their department.

Green representatives have a key part to play at the University. However, the person ultimately responsible for local environmental work is the head of department or equivalent. The green representatives' role is to support the head of department and pursue environmental policy issues, coordinate and pursue environmental work at department level, serve as a link between the local and central level where the University’s environmental work is concerned and plan, coordinate and develop documentation at department level ahead of and in the course of environmental audits.

Every department and division at the University must have at least one environmental representative (‘green rep’) to support and pursue local environmental work in cooperation with the University’s environmental coordinator.

Contact your head of department or equivalent to see whether this role can fit in with your present position.

Fill in the requisite form (in Swedish) and submit as instructed on the form.

  • Note: The green rep will benefit from a good knowledge of the Swedish language in their role, due to internal environmental audits being held in Swedish. Furthermore, the regulations concerned are also in Swedish.

Sustainability at UU

