As a state employee, you have an occupational pension in accordance with the collective agreement (PA16), but you also have the opportunity to apply for partial pension, to exchange part of your salary for more occupational pension, etc.
Do you have questions about your occupational pension?
Uppsala University is affiliated with the Simplified Pension Management service of the Swedish National Board of Occupational Pensions (SPV). This means that SPV undertakes to handle all pension administration concerning Uppsala University and answers questions directly from the University's employees.
Contact SPV
Phone: 020-51 50 40
What does the SPV do?
- Provides answers to questions via telephone and e-mail to those with personnel responsibility.
- Answers questions regarding occupational pension and group life benefits from the university's employees.
- Monitors the university's retirements.
- Contacts the employee in good time before retirement, sends a pension forecast and service record and administers the application for retirement pension.
- Updates pensionable employment data for newly hired staff.
Supports the university in maintaining high quality in the pensionable salary reporting to SPV.
If you want to read more about your occupational pension, you can do so on SPV's website. You can log in to Dina pensionssidor at and check the occupational pension from your state employment.
SPV also offers a number of webinars on pensions, both for those who want to know in general how occupational pensions work and for those who are considering starting to draw their occupational pension.
SPV's webinars
Webinars for different target groups (in Swedish).