Student areas

At Blåsenhus there are comfortable student spaces designed for studying, as well as opportunities to take a pleasant break.

Please move back tables and chairs if you have relocated them. Do not move chairs and tables between rooms and halls.

Shared study spaces

Whether you need a place to discuss ideas, work in a group or simply take a break and eat your packed lunch, our shared study spaces are designed to meet your needs. These are available in house 14, floor 0, 1 and 2.

Lång korridor med många sittplatser och många bord. / A long corridor with numerous seating areas and tables. 


The shared student spaces is equipped with facilities to heat your own food. The kitchenettess are distributed across several locations in building 14, with the largest ones located on the ground floor.

The fridges are cleared out every friday, any remaining containers without name or best-before date will be thrown away.

There are also Restaurant Feiroz and a Coffee Shop in house 14.

Please note that it is not allowed to consume meals and snacks in any of the lecture halls, data labs or group rooms.

Närbild på en mikro och en vask i bakgrunden. / Close-up of a microwave with a sink in the background.

Group rooms

There are group rooms for students to use. These group rooms are equipped with everything necessary for productive meetings and group study sessions. Students can book these group rooms online.

Book group room

8 stolar runt ett bord i ett litet rum. / 8 chairs around a table in a small room.

Reading rooms

For students who wish to study undisturbed, in addition to study spaces in the library, there are three silent reading rooms.

Tysta lästplatser med lampa vid varje plats.

Computer labs

As a student at the institutions at Blåsenhus you have access to our computer labs, where there are desktop computers available. These labs may be booked for classes, so please check the schedule before entering.

You can find these computer labs in 21:133, 21:134 and 21:135.

Närbild på en datormus och datorer i bakgrunden. / Close-up of a computer mouse with computers in the background.

Spiritual room

Students have access to a spiritual room. The room is located in building 24:104. We kindly request that the space remains accessible and open to all, and that visitors can practice their faith as long as it does not disturb others.

Please note that it is not allowed to leave any belongings in the room.

Fina stenar med motiverande texter på. Fondvägg med skog på i bakgrunden. / Beautiful stones with motivational texts. Background features a wall with a forest motif.

Resting rooms

There are two resting rooms available for students and staff to use. These are located on the basement level, and access cards can be borrowed from the reception. The room can be used for 1 hour.

How to read the room number


The first two digits identify the building, the third digit represents the floor, and the last two digits indicate the room.

En visuell beskrivning om hur man läser rumsnummren. / A visual description of how to read the room numbers.


Blåsenhus offers several printers and copiers. You will find four of them in Blåsenhus library and slightly more than one unit on each floor in each building.

How to use the printers


The administration, in collaboration with Akademiska hus, has worked on reducing energy consumption. As a result of this effort, the administration board decided to install ventilation buttons to decrease energy consumption. Therefore, automatic ventilation is turned off during evenings and weekends. When ventilation is not automatically activated, it can be initiated via buttons located in the corridors.

Regular ventilation is activated Monday to Friday from 06:00 to 16:30, during the regular academic term. Outside these hours, ventilation can be activated using buttons placed in the corridors on each floor. The ventilation will then be active in the respective building for 2 hours.

En vit dosa med liten knapp på väggen. / A small apparatus with a small button on, on the wall.

