Parking at the university

The university's employees and students have access to parking tickets with "Taxa 2" (tariff 2). It can be redeemed in the parking machines or via the Aimo app.

The easiest way to get parking with "Taxa 2" is to install the Aimo app on your smartphone.

Parking machine

There is a parking machine at EBC, between the "Lagerkransen" building and the Museum of Evolution (Paleontology/Dinosaurs). Instructions for how to get "Taxa 2" in the new machines can be found further down the page.

Charge electrical cars

Charging stations for electrical cars are available on the small parking by House 16.

Parking mapZoom image

"Särskilt tillstånd" (Special permit) - Only for employees

Some of the university's car parkings also require a special permit for you to park there. Cars with a valid ticket but without a permit will be fined for parking in these places.

No special permit is required in any of the car parkings at EBC.

To begin, you need a personal account that you create yourself.

Parkeringsappens startskärm

You can continue when you have logged in to the personal account.

Part 1

Skärmbild av applikationen MobilPark

Find the address/zone code in the app.
EBC: Norbyvägen 14-22
Geocentrum: Villavägen 14-20
Zone code: 2020

Part 2

Skärmbild av applikationen MobilPark

Choose "UU Taxa 2".

Part 3

Skärmbild av parkeringsapp

Log in with your university account/AKKA account.

Part 4

Skärmbild av parkeringsapp

Finished! You can now use "Taxa 2" when you park at all the university's parkings.

Part 1

Parkeringsautomat med kortläsare

If you want "Taxa 2" (Tariff 2), start with holding your campus card agains the card reader.

Part 2

Startskärm på parkeringsautomat

Do NOT press START as long as the screen says "Taxa 2: Håll upp ditt passerkort" .

Part 3

Startskärm på parkeringsautomat efter läst kort

Press "START" on the screen when you see a red header that says "Taxa 2".

Part 4

Skärm för betalning på parkeringsautomat

Choose an amount or for how long you want to park.

Part 5

Skärm för inmatning av registreringsnummer

Write the correct registration number.

Part 6

Skärm för val av kvitto på parkeringsautomat

You only get a digital parking ticket. If you want a receipt, choose SMS or email.

