Student information

Here you will find information that may be useful to know about the Rudbeck Laboratory. If you are looking for additional information, you can also visit Uppsala University's student page.

The lecture halls at the Rudbeck Laboratory are Rudbecksalen (building C11) and Fåhræussalen (building C5).

On the ground floor and on the various floors in building C11, there are also conference rooms and group rooms used in teaching for smaller groups. We recommend the use of MazeMap to find the hall or room you need to go to.

Please note that most of the smaller rooms are behind locked doors. Your lecturer is responsible for letting you in.

In the entrance building, there is a larger study/lounge area where you can study and/or have your packed lunch. There is also a smaller kitchenette with washing facilities and several microwave ovens. You can find the room on the ground floor, to the right after the reception.

In the entrance building, there is a student lunch room/lounge area where you can enjoy your packed lunch. The room features a kitchenette with washing facilities and several microwave ovens. You can find the room on the ground floor, to the right after the reception.

