
Below, you will find information about safety at the Rudbeck Laboratory. We want you, as a student at the Rudbeck Laboratory, to know what to do if something happens.

First aid

First aid station

A first aid station is located by the elevators at the main entrance.


In the event of someone experiencing cardiac arrest, it is important to quickly restart the heart to prevent permanent damage or, in the worst case, a fatality. A defibrillator is located opposite the reception at the main entrance.

When the alarm sounds

The automatic alarm is triggered in the fire cell affected by the fire, and the doors to that fire cell close.

Immediately cease all activities and evacuate the premises if the alarm sounds in your fire cell; otherwise, no evacuation is necessary.

Use the nearest safe exit or emergency exit and proceed to the assembly point outside the main entrance.


Note: Elevators should not be used during evacuation.

If possible, please check that the rooms on your way to the exit are empty. Assist individuals in need, such as those with disabilities. Also, remember to check toilets and rest areas. Await reports/information at the assembly point.

Read through the evacuation instructions provided at the elevators to be prepared for when a real emergency arises.

Assembly point

The assembly point is located at the bike parking area in front of the entrance building. (The C5 building has its own evacuation procedure.)

Allow the fire brigade clear access!

Do not re-enter the premises until you receive clearance from the fire department.

Sorting stations for waste recycling are located outside Rudbecksalen and in the student lounge room.

What constitutes a crisis?

Examples of what may characterize a crisis include a serious event that:

  • Occurs suddenly, unexpectedly, and unpredictably
  • Is beyond the control of those affected and/or Uppsala University
  • May cause significant life changes and/or human suffering
  • Is perceived as a serious threat to individuals, groups, and/or organizations
  • Could damage trust in Uppsala University

A crisis can occur in different ways; it can happen suddenly and unexpectedly, such as an accident, or it can gradually develop through a series of interconnected events.

If a crisis occurs

In cases of imminent danger to life, health, and property, dial 112 to reach emergency services and inform the university crisis management. This can be done via the university's emergency number 018-471 25 00, through the on-call officer (018-471 1800), or through the nearest supervisor. Other avenues for information about events include direct contact with the security manager, the HR director, the communications director, the head of the student affairs office, the head of the legal department, and the head of the IT department.

In cases of imminent danger to life, health, and property:

  • Call SOS Alarm (112) for rescue services, ambulance, or police
  • Do not hang up the phone until instructed to do so
  • Provide a phone number where you can be reached
  • Stay by the phone if possible so that SOS Alarm or the emergency call center can call back

For urgent security support or in the case of a serious event - dial 018-471 25 00.

  • Risk of or confirmed serious harm to a person, the environment, or property:
  • Risk of or confirmed significant impact on university operations
  • If you discover a break-in or vandalism, report it to the university's emergency number
  • Risk to the reputation and profile of the university or your own operation
  • Information about the emergency number 018-471 25 00
  • In many cases, external support from the university's contracted security companies can be called upon. The university's emergency number 018-471 25 00 is connected to a monitoring center at a security company. If the operators are busy, you may be placed in a queue. The operators will respond as soon as possible. 018-471 25 00 is a prioritized number at the monitoring center.

Personal threats

  • If possible, maintain a safe distance from the person making threats.
  • Stay calm.
  • Be polite, do not provoke, do not interrupt.
  • Avoid physical contact.
  • If you know the person's name, use it.
  • Try to alert colleagues or others to the threat.

Phone threats and bomb threats

Please keep in mind:

  • Act calmly.
  • Be polite.
  • Take notes of incoming numbers, call duration, and time.
  • Pay attention to the voice, peculiarities, etc.
  • Do not interrupt.
  • Record as much information as possible from the call.
  • Keep the conversation going.
  • Did the call mention a name or a location?

Example questions to ask:

  • Who/what is the threat directed at?
  • Is there a motive?
  • What exactly was the threat?
  • Are any demands being made?
  • Where is the bomb located?
  • When will the bomb explode?
  • Has the person you are speaking to placed the bomb?

Try to notice the following:

  • Type of threat: Bomb. Fire. Violence. Other?
  • Person's language: Swedish dialect/accent. Other?
  • Person's identity: Man. Woman. Boy. Girl.
  • Person's attitude: Calm. Agitated. Familiar with the premises/operations.
  • Person's voice: Deep. High. Loud. Slurred. Soft and soothing.
  • Person's speech: Fast. Stammering. Swearing. Technical jargon. Well-spoken. Distinct. Other?
  • Background noise: Quiet. Voices. Children. Traffic. Airplanes. Music. Machinery. Radio/TV. Other?

Actions After the Call:

  • Call SOS Alarm (00)112.
  • In cases of imminent danger, evacuate immediately and activate the evacuation alarm/fire alarm.
  • Report to the university's emergency number 018-471 25 00.
  • Always inform your immediate supervisor.

Suspected dangerous deliveries or gifts

Be aware of the following:

  • Grease stains on the envelope or package, as explosives can contain grease.
  • An uneven, bulging appearance or a package that feels stiffer than usual.
  • An unusual weight, unusually light or heavy relative to size.
  • An excessive number of stamps.
  • Sender/address suggesting desired anonymity.
  • Strange or unusual odor.
  • Opened or resealed package.
  • Unexplained metal strips, wires, foil, or similar.
  • A sound coming from the package, such as ticking, buzzing, or sloshing.
  • Text of a "personal" nature.
  • Package suspected to contain powder.
  • Abnormal weight, meaning unusually light or heavy compared to its size.

Actions in the Case of Suspected Deliveries:

  • Do not handle the delivery unnecessarily.
  • Maintain a safe distance from the delivery.
  • In cases of imminent danger, evacuate the premises immediately.
  • Call SOS Alarm (112) in the event of imminent danger.
  • In non-urgent cases, report/inform the university's emergency number 018-471 25 00.
  • Always inform your immediate supervisor.

Unauthorized persons on campus: break-ins, theft, or vandalism

Help prevent risks associated with unauthorized individuals in university facilities by:

  • Never letting anyone you don't know into university facilities when you enter through locked doors.
  • Pre-registering your visitors in the visitor booking system where available.
  • Ensuring your visitors wear a visitor badge indicating their authorization where available.
  • Taking responsibility for your guests while they are on campus.
  • Never allow anyone else to use your personal codes.

If you suspect that someone is on the university premises without authorization, follow these steps:

  • Notify a colleague of the situation.
  • Politely ask the person, 'Can I assist you?'
  • Request the person to show a visitor badge or access card.
  • If the person doesn't have a legitimate reason, ask them to leave the premises.
  • If the person refuses to leave the premises, inform the campus management of the incident and call for urgent security support using the emergency number.

Remember to prevent theft by:

  • Reporting the loss of keys or access cards to the campus management.
  • Locking spare keys in an approved storage cabinet.
  • If possible, lock the door to your office when leaving and secure valuable items.
  • Activate the screen lock on your computer when leaving it unattended.
  • Do not store login details or access cards with your computer.

