Security and Safety
BMC strives to make the campus safe, secure and sustainable for staff, students and visitors.
Uppsala University emergency number +46 18-471 25 00
First aid and defibrillators
First aid
Being able to provide first aid and take action in an early stage can be life-saving.
In the reception, B7: 1, there is an emergency cabinet with blankets, first aid kits and first aid brochures.
Defibrillators are located in 10 locations in the public areas of the BMC:
A:1 Corridor
Outside the lecture hall B2, A2:1
Outside the lecture hall B4, A1:1
Outside the lecture hall B8: A8:1
Outside classroom B10: A10:1
C:3 Corridor
Outside the lecture hall C8:3
Outside old Scheelerummet C6:3
Outside the lecture hall C4:3
Outside the lecture hall C2:3
Fire and evacuation
The smoke alarm is triggered automatically by smoke detectors and the automatic sprinkler systems, or manually via call points, the call point and fire alarm is connected directly to the rescue service. The staff is alerted in the respective corridor by red-painted alarm bells.
In each corridor there are call points for manual alarm in connection with the door sections. By alarming manually, the alarm can go off before any detector has reacted.
The alarm controls have various safety functions, such as shutting down the central gas system, closing fire cell doors, lifts going to the entrance level, doors with card readers being opened, etc.
To minimise the spread of fire, there are:
- fire doors
- fire compartments
- a central gas system
- fire-resistant chemical storage located in level 0 in the C-line
- a centralised handling of gas cylinders, they are located at the goods reception D0:1
In the event of a fire
- SAVE first those who are in obvious danger.
- ALARM the fire service by phone 112 or trough the call point.
- WARN others who are threathened by the fire. Notify the reception by calling +46 18-471 49 50
- EXTINGUISH the fire if possible
- EVACUATE make sure to put yourself and others in safety, according to the evacuation plan.
Surveillance at the BMC is carried out by the security company SECURITAS. Patrol is mainly done during non-working hours. Outside patrols are carried out by car and on foot. Inside patrols are also carried out with dogs. Patrols are carried out throughout the premises.
Contact the security company directly on the telephone number below if you need help, e.g. after a lockout or with other questions regarding security. In case of lockout, please note that the guard will only help the person in need if he/she can present a valid ID and access card. The guard will also escort the person into the departement and check whether he/she has access. If the guard determines that the individual is unauthorised, the person in question will be immediately escorted out of the BMC.
SECURITAS can be reached via the universitys' emergency number +46 18-471 25 00, which is manned around the clock. Via the emergency number you can reach the campus guards and the Duty Officer on standby.