Procedure for student complaints
The Department of Theology’s procedure for student complaints
Student complaints can, for example, relate to grading, treatment, supervision, quality of the education and processing times.
Order of contact
According to the Department of Theology’s procedure for student complaints, a starting point when a complaint arises is that it should primarily be handled and resolved locally, where the problem has arisen. In some cases, it is enough for the student to contact the teacher. In the event that a student needs to contact someone other than the teacher, the matter should be taken in the following order:
1. Teacher (undervisande lärare)
2. Course unit co-ordinator (delkursansvarig)
3. Course co-ordinator (kursansvarig)
4. Director of studies with pedagogical orientation
5. Student ombudsperson at Uppsala Student Union
6. Head of department
Teacher, Course unit co-ordinator and Course co-ordinator
The student thus primarily contacts the teacher. If, for some reason, it is perceived as
inconvenient for the student to speak with the person it most closely concerns, for example the teacher or Course unit co-ordinator, the student turns to the next function in the list. In the event that a student may feel that his/her complaint will not be heard, the student can turn to the function that is next in line in the list.
Teachers, Course unit co-ordinator and Course co-ordinator should, for their part, try to solve the problem at their level, but may need to obtain additional information on the subject from other functions on the list.
Director of studies with pedagogical orientation
If the student does not receive a hearing for his/her complaints in contact with the teacher, Course unit co-ordinator and Course co-ordinator, the student can turn to the Director of studies with pedagogical orientation, who may need to obtain information from the teacher, Course unit co-ordinator and Course co-ordinator.
Student ombudsperson at Uppsala Student Union
If the issue of a student complaint has not been resolved in contact with functions 1–4 at the department, the student can contact the Student ombudspersons at Uppsala Student Union regarding quality and treatment in the context of education.
Head of department
If the student feel that he/she has not been heard in the contact with functions 1–5, the student can turn to the Head of department. That may also be relevant if the Director of studies with pedagogical orientation is acting teacher.