Policy and Instructions for Compute Time Applications

As a NAISS provider, UPPMAX provides computational resources to any member of Swedish academia. In addition, UPPMAX acts as a compute and storage facility for SciLifeLab. Other activities, both local and national, are also facilitated. This user guide contains information about all the different resources and projects that current and potential users can apply for.


Any member of Swedish academia can apply to use NAISS resources. The NAISS resource at UPPMAX are currently Rackham and Bianca. NAISS funding body has decided that resources shall be allocated by an independent body, the Allocations Committee (NAC). Projects in NAISS come in three size categories, each of which makes different demands on the applicant. Applications are sent in by filling in a web form on the SUPR: supr.naiss.se.

Below is a description of SNIC compute projects at UPPMAX. For detailed instructions for how to apply for a project, see the Project Application Instructions.

SNIC Large Compute

Applications of more than 100,000 core-hours per month at UPPMAX fall into the Large category. National application rounds are held twice a year. Applications for time can cover either half a year or a full year, starting from January or July. Large projects must meet stringent demands for quality and reporting. Applications undergo a technical evaluation by the SNAC Working Group (SNAC WG) and a scientific evaluation.

The PI for Large projects must be employed at a Swedish University/University College at the level of Assistant professor (forskarassistent) or higher.

For more information about large applications see: NAISS Large

NAISS Medium Compute

Medium size applications of up to 100,000 core-hours per month are handled locally by the UPPMAX NAC WG member. Applications for time can cover up to a full year, and can neither be extended nor increased. Applications can be sent in at any time and will be handled within two weeks of arrival. Should enough time be left on the UPPMAX resources, your application may be granted time directly, otherwise the grant will be postponed until the beginning of next quarter. If no time is available, and if it is possible, UPPMAX may also forward the application to a similar resource on one of the other NAISS centers.

The PI for Medium projects must be employed at a Swedish University/University College at the level of Assistant professor (forskarassistent) or higher.

For more information about medium sized applications see: NAISS Medium

NAISS Small Compute

NAISS Small is intended for small scale projects and will give you 2,000-5,000 core hours per month. The PI has to be employed at a Swedish University/University College at the level of PhD student or higher. These applications are usually granted within one week and can last up to one year.

For more information about small applications, see: SNIC Small


