Kitchen Garden
Rosensköna, Catharanthus roseus. Foto: Jesper Kårehed.
In the kitchen garden you find plants used in the household, both today and in the past. Plants are grown not only as a source for food, but also for fibre, natural dye, oil and medicine. Many historical medicinal plants are very poisonous. Some are still in use, but then in other dosages or for new treatments. One example is the Madagascar periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus), traditionally used against diabetes but today used in the treatment of cancer.
The different flower beds are planted following a crop rotation system. A bed with peas can be filled with cabbage the next year. Rotation reduces the risk for plant diseases and makes efficient use of soil nutrients.
The kitchen garden is a place in constant transformation. The plants can be followed through one growing season, from seed to seed. It is a place for inspiration and hopefully you can get some new ideas for your own garden.