The Tropical Greenhouse
Tropiska växthusets regnskog med blommande humerklo, Heliconia rostrata. Foto: Jesper Kårehed.
The Tropical Greenhouse is home to plants originating in warmer climates than that of Sweden. Here you will find plants from deserts, rainforests, steppes and savannahs. You can stroll among orchids, lianas, palms and carnivorous plants.
Each room has its certain climate. In the Rainforest and in the Victoria hall it is warm all year round, while in the Winter Garden and in the Orchid room it is cooler and less humid, especially in winter time. The Succulent room houses plants adapted to dry environment.
There are many cultivated tropical plants in the greenhouse which are the source of raw materials that we use daily in Sweden, though few Swedes have seen the living plant. Manila hemp is used to make teabags, oil palm to make soap and shampoo, the cocoa tree gives us chocolate and the nuts of the sacred lotus are edible.
One of the largest greenhouse plants is the giant waterlily Victoria amazonica. The smallest is the rootless duckweed, Wolffia arrhiza. One plant is no larger than this: o
Visit us
The tropical Greenhouse is open throughout the year.
The adressen is Villaägen 8 and the entrance is on the garden side (east side) of the greenhouse.

Opening hours
Vecka 7
Monday 10/02
Tuesday 11/02
9:00 AM–3:00 PM
Wednesday 12/02
9:00 AM–3:00 PM
Thursday 13/02
9:00 AM–3:00 PM
Friday 14/02
9:00 AM–3:00 PM
Saturday 15/02
12:00 PM–3:00 PM
Sunday 16/02
12:00 PM–3:00 PM