Media and News
Below you can find selected news and media about the centre and our research.
2024-03-18 Uppsala University News
Inauguration of a new centre of excellence for life chemistry
On 12 April 2024, the new Centre of Excellence for Chemical Mechanisms of Life will be inaugurated at Uppsala University. The aim is to create a hub where researchers with different backgrounds and expertise can transcend traditional subject boundaries and find collaborators.
2024-03-18 Uppsala University News
An important infrastructure for multiple research areas
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is a crucial tool for researchers across a range of disciplines and research fields. NMR Uppsala serves as a research infrastructure acting as a competence centre for the utilisation of NMR spectroscopy.
2024-03-06 Uppsala University News
Professor to receive Göran Gustafsson Prize in Chemistry
Sebastian Westenhoff, Professor of Biochemistry at Uppsala University, has been awarded the Göran Gustafsson Prize in Chemistry “for imaging chemical and biochemical reactions at the molecular level”.
2023-11-20 Forskarpodden (Podcast)
Vad händer i kroppens celler vid sjukdom, graviditet och andra processer? I dag kan vi få en djupare förståelse av kroppens kemi, med hjälp av teknik som blir allt känsligare och snabbare. Lyssna här. (Only available in Swedish)
2023-06-22 Uppsala University News
Five centres of research excellence at Uppsala University
Five research environments at Uppsala University will receive grants as part of the Swedish Research Council’s excellence initiative. They include innovative research into the Viking Age, life chemistry, geometry and physics, extreme climate events and human prehistory.
2023-06-21 Swedish Research Council
Fifteen research environments to receive funding
The Swedish Research Council’s grant to centres of excellence will fund 15 research environments. The quality of applications was very high. At the environments that are now receiving funding in strong competition, there are great opportunities for ground-breaking research.
2023-05-16 UppTalk (Popular science seminar on video)
Vergtygen som avslöjar molekylernas framfart i celler
Möt Ingela Lanekoff i ett samtal om hur molekylära verktyg kan avslöja kemiska rubbningar i våra celler och vävnader. (Only available in Swedish)
2017-04-04 Uppsala University News
She reveals the molecular advances in cells
What happens in cells when the molecular composition changes? In her research, analytical chemist Ingela Lanekoff at the Department of Chemistry-BMC, tracks the progress of small molecules or metabolites.