Guest PhD researcher: Mille Breyen Hauschildt

Mille Breyen Hauschildt is a visiting PhD student from Aesthetics and Culture at the University of Aarhus in Denmark. She is spending two months at the Centre for Gender Research (Sept-Oct) where she will, amongst other things, present her PhD work in the Family and Kinship research group.

Porträttbild av Mille Breyen Hauschildt

Mille Breyen Hauschildt / Photo: Kasper Palsnov

Mille Breyen Hauschildt holds a BA and MA in Comparative Literature from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. In 2015 she was an exchange student at Boğaziçi University in Istanbul. During the years 2018-2021 she taught literature and gender at the Danish folk high school Krogerup Højskole. She has written articles on culture and literature in the Danish newspaper Dagbladet Information and in 2024 she published the book Vedligeholdelsens poetik (maintenance poetics) with the Danish publisher Laboratory for Aesthetic and Ecology.

Research interests: Feminist theory, comparative literature, decolonial feminism, maintenance, social reproduction theory, narratology, literary canon, poetics, literary analysis, ecology.

What is your current research about?
In my research I look at how international literature, art and feminist activism deal with maintenance work and housework in the 1970s. I am especially interested in the trope of maintenance as a feminized mode reflecting the everyday manual, repetitive and laborious movements that sustain life. This includes activities such as cleaning, dishwashing or diaper changing. In my PhD-project I look at how these movements travel into literary form and content and in general how literary works deal with this type of feminized experience. I conceptualize a ‘poetics of maintenance’ as an aesthetic attention directed towards repetitive maintenance tasks as well as epistemological questions about how to maintain marginalized people and experiences in (literary) history.


  • Breyen Hauschildt, M. (2024), Vedligeholdelsens poetik, København: Laboratoriet for æstetik og økologi

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