Research groups at the Centre for Gender Research
At the Centre for Gender Research, there are several research groups with various focuses. These research groups gather researchers with diverse disciplinary backgrounds and research projects around a specific theme or interest.
If you are interested in participating in one of the research groups, please contact the group coordinator. More information and contact details are available on each research group's page.
Technologization of the Everyday
The research group aims for dialogue and research about technologization, its genesis, application and effects in the everyday.

Family and Kinship (FamKin)
The research group is a forum för interdisciplinary networking and dialogue around questions concerning different aspects of family, reproduction, and kinship.

Queer Studies
The research group gathers researchers with different disciplinary backgrounds but with a joint interest in queer studies and the non-normative.

Education and Science (EduS)
The research group works with projects that aim to explore different pedagogical spaces, teacher- and student identities, and teaching strategies.

A research group that explores and discusses aesthetics, art, philosophy and the sensory aspects of research.