For staff
The centre’s information for staff is available in the staff gateway
For students
The centre’s information for students is available in the student gateway
Inauguration with lecture by Nikita Nekrasov
The Centre was inaugurated on 24 January where Nikita Nekrasov, world-leading expert within the field, held a popular science lecture with the title "The Natural Language: geometry of physics".

About the Centre
The centre starts on 1 January 2024 based on grants from the Swedish Research Council´s excellence initiative for projects with great potential for innovativ research. Read about the centre and its mission and visions.

Find our vacancies and and past calls

Visitor programme
Interested in contribute as a visitor? We welcome your application. See list of our current and past visitors.

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Director Tobias Ekholm together with other PI:s, affiliated researchers and guests.

Find the list of publications from the centre

In the media
"Tobias Ekholm sees the power of geometry" - Read this article and other media high lights related to the centre.