About the Centre for Geometry and Physics
The center is an interdisciplinary center with purpose to bring together researchers in theoretical physics and geometry. It started on 1 January 2024 based on grants from the Swedish Research Council´s excellence initiative for projects with great potential for innovativ research. The centre builds on a collaboration that our researchers started back in 2015. The Centre grant lasts for five years with the possibility of a further five years of funding after evaluation.
Missions and visions
Both fields, theoretical physics and geometry, have seen an immense development over the last decades, largely due to an increased exchange of theories and ideas. We will facilitate this development and create a new environment for the interaction between geometry and physics, with a focus on the latest cutting-edge topics to develop the respective disciplines beyond the current state of the art. The centre constitute a knowledge centre for collaboration and exchange both nationally and internationally.
The center will also develop education across the two disciplines by bringing advanced mathematics topics to the physics community and introduce physics ideas to the mathematics community. Together with visiting professors and other guests, we will provide focused postgraduate courses on new developments in the field. We will also organise workshops and conferences and hold regular seminars. These will mainly be aimed at specialists in the field but will also include more general presentations aimed at a wider audience.

The centre's profile image is a section of a six-dimensional Calabi-Yau manifold. These are geometries that arise as some of the simplest low energy solutions of string theory and have by now myriads of applications, ranging from topology and enumerative invariants to the quantum physics of black holes. We choose this image as a symbol for our centre because this is a great example of the modern interplay between Geometry and Physics that, among many others in quantum field theory, lie at the core of our research.
Who to contact and where to find us.
Everyone who is or has been active in the Centre.
In the media
See what has been communicated about the Centre. Interviews, articles etc.
Information about the research environment in Geometry and Physics at Uppsala University before the formation of the Centre.