Benchmarking and challenges in biomedical image analysis –Michal Kozubek
- Date: 29 February 2024, 15:15–16:00
- Location: Room 104150, building 10, Ångström Laboratory
- Type: Seminar
- Lecturer: Michal Kozubek
- Organiser: Centre for Image Analysis
- Contact person: Natasa Sladoje
Extra seminar by Michal Kozubek, the opponent at Karl Bengtsson Bernander's PhD upcoming defense on March 1
Benchmarking of image analysis methods using publicly available annotated datasets has become the standard way of comparing new methods to the state-of-the-art. New benchmarks are typically introduced and propagated via competitions (so-called challenges) associated to famous conferences in the field. This holds with some delay also for biomedical image analysis in spite of the lack of annotated datasets. The talk will summarize endeavors in this field and show an example of an own challenge for cell segmentation and tracking.
Note that the location is different from that of our usual CBA seminars.