DanioReadout, a zebrafish service facility at Uppsala University – Amin Allalou
- Date: 15 April 2024, 14:15–15:00
- Location: Theatrum Visuale, room 100155, building 10, Ångström Laboratory
- Type: Seminar
- Lecturer: Amin Allalou
- Organiser: Centre for Image Analysis
- Contact person: Natasa Sladoje
The Zebrafish animal model has been rapidly developing and is now recognized as a complementary system to rodents for studying bases of human diseases. The possibility of performing automated high-throughput screens at low-cost is unique for this model organism. DanioReadout service facility at Uppsala University provides customized, genome engineering and substance exposure service integrated with phenotypic quantification and evaluation in zebrafish. The three main service areas are modelling of human genetic diseases, substance exposure studies and human cancer modelling. In this seminar, I will provide an overview of DanioReadout and show some previous and current projects together with the different image-based quantification pipelines we have at the facility.