PhD studies at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematics
CIM's PhD programme is aimed at those who want to conduct an interdisciplinary mathematical research project. During the programme, you will gain a unique ability to use mathematical models. The education consists of a combination of courses, seminar series and research projects.
We advertise PhD positions once a year (usually in early spring). A link to proposed projects is usually available in the announcement.
Vacant positions are announced at the Department of Mathematics
PhD students within CIM can belong to any department within the university, as long as they have a stable mathematical foundation and interest in mathematical sciences.
PhD students
Current and former PhD students at CIM
PhD student conditions
- As a PhD-student at CIM, your salary for research will be co-financed to 50 per cent by CIM.
- You are entitled to up to 20.000 kr for buying a computer.
- You are entitled to up to 10.000 kr/year for travelling purposes to attend conferences, workshops, etc. This money cannot be accumulated for future years.
- You must take a minimum of 30 credits in courses with high mathematical content. This must be reflected in the study plan, which shall be submitted yearly to the director of CIM.
- You are expected to attend activities, such as seminars, organized by CIM.
If you have any questions regarding the conditions, please contact the director of CIM, Jörgen Östensson.
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