The Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematics at Uppsala University facilitates joint research between the mathematical sciences and other disciplines and industry. The centre offers an interdisciplinary postgraduate education and various types of interdisciplinary activities.
PhD studies at CIM
CIM's PhD programme is aimed at those who want to conduct an interdisciplinary mathematical research project. During the programme, you will gain a unique ability to use mathematical models. PhD students in CIM can belong to any department within the university, but should have a solid mathematical foundation and an interest in mathematical sciences.
We advertise PhD positions once a year (usually in early spring).

- Chatterjee, Swarnadip; Göksel, Orcun; Sladoje, Nataša et al., 2024
- Barbarino, Giovanni; Claesson, Melker; Ekström, Sven-Erik et al., 2025
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