Director General for Renewable Energies - Dr Bruno Korgo
ISP would like to recognise ISP graduate and physicist, Dr Bruno Korgo, for his important work towards scaling up renewable energy in one of the least electrified countries globally, Burkina Faso.
Dr Korgo received his PhD in Atmospheric Physics from University of Ouagadougou I Joseph KI-ZERBO in 2014, on a sandwich basis with University Blaise Pascal in France. In 2016, he became Director General for Renewable Energies at the Ministry of Energy in Burkina Faso. As the Director General he is responsible for developing and monitoring the government policy for development of renewable energies. He is one of the major actors behind the important reforms undertaken since 2016 and is institutionally involved in renewable energy projects on all scales implemented in Burkina Faso.
Further, Dr Korgo has contributed to EU policy reports on least cost options for rural electrification in Burkina Faso and highlighted the key role of renewable energy, and participated in numerous international panels and workshops around the world. He is a council member and the national focal point of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the International Solar Alliance (ISA), the Ecowas Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE), and is actively involved in many other international initiatives on various issues of renewable energy.