ISP Mathematics
The International Programme in the Mathematical Sciences (IPMS) started in 2002.
Today ISP Mathematics supports research in:
- Algebra
- Algebraic geometry
- Biomathematics
- Combinatorics
- Computational mathematics
- Control theory
- Functional analysis
- Mathematical modelling
- Mathematical statistics
- Applied statistics
- Number theory
- Partial differential equations
ISP Mathematics also supports training of master´s and doctoral (PhD) students. Training of master´s students within the networks is performed on a regional level. Training of doctoral students is partly done regionally, and partly in collaboration with scientists from Sweden and other countries, mainly in Europe.
African Mathematics Seminar (AfMS) is a weekly online seminar open for all, that was launched during the pandemic in 2020. The organizers are alternating through the different African countries while giving different regions their chance to host the seminar. The idea to introduce the seminar came from Dr Jared Ongaro at University of Nairobi.
Supported research groups:
- AAU, Ethiopia - Department of Mathematics, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
Supported networks:
- APREA - Applied Probability Research in Eastern Africa
- CoRS - Combinatorial Research Studio
- EAALG - Eastern Africa Algebra Research Group
- EANWoBAS - Eastern Africa Network for Women in Basic Sciences
- EAUMP - Eastern Africa Universities Mathematics Programme
- PDEAPP - Partial Differential Equations and Applications
- BURK:01 - PDE, Modelling and Control
- SEAMaN - South-East Asia Mathematical Network