ISP Physics

In 1961 an international fellowship program started at the Institute of Physics at Uppsala University. The program was then called the International Seminar for Research and Education in Physics. Later it was renamed to The International Programme in the Physical Sciences (IPPS), today shortened to ISP Physics.

Today ISP Physics supports research in:

  • Condensed matter physics and materials science
  • Biophysics and radiation physics
  • Geophysics and atmospheric physics
  • Environmental physics
  • Applied laser physics
  • Instrumental development
  • Astrophysics and space science

Supported research groups

Supported networks

  • AFSIN - African Spectral Imaging Network
  • EAARN - East African Astrophysics Research Network
  • EANWoBAS - Eastern Africa Network for Women in Basic Sciences
  • ESARSWG - Eastern and Southern African Regional Seismological Working Group
  • MSSEESA - Materials Science and Solar Energy Network for Easter and Southern Africa

Previously supported groups and networks


Prof Carla Puglia

Carla Puglia

Program director

Phone: +46 70 167 9114

Dr Barbara Brena

Barbara Brena

Deputy program director

Phone: +46 72 999 9545

Ms Ulrika Kolsmyr

Ulrika Kolsmyr


Phone: +46 18 471 4228


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