Physics groups in Burkina Faso
ISP Physics supports the following research group in Burkina Faso:
- Energy and environment research group at University Joseph Ki-Zerbo (formerly known as University of Ouagadougou):
Energy and environment research group
ISP support to this research group at Department of Physics, University Joseph Ki-Zerbo started in 2013. The activities are coordinated by Dr Bruno Korgo.
The group aims to study and design buildings with low energy consumption. Specific objectives are:
- The development of new building materials based on local materials, like local clay, wood, terracotta, mixtures of materials, recycling of some construction waste to develop new building materials with high energy efficiency and meet the sustainability standards and resistance.
- To reduce dependence on conventional energy by solar energy. We aim at integrating combined systems of solar photovoltaic and solar thermal energy in buildings to minimize the use of conventional energy sources.
- The formation of a group of specialized scientists. This project objective is to train students, teachers and researchers in mastering scientific subjects related to solar energy, energy saving and environment.
Dr Bruno Korgo, University Joseph Ki-Zerbo