Former collaboration in mathematics

Research groups and networks






  • Université de Bamako, Mathematics and computer research and training (Supported 2010-2011)

National Institute for Mathematical Sciences

The National Institute for Mathematical Sciences (NIMS, former IMS and NCMS) in Accra, Ghana was supported by ISP during the period 2002-2009. Director for NIMS was Professor F.K.A Allotey.


The main objectives of the institute was: "To minimize the brain drain in mathematical Sciences, the National Centre for Mathematical Sciences (NCMS) was established in 1995 by Ghana government. To provide infrastructure and promote advanced research, training, education and international co-operation in mathematical sciences and to act as a Centre of excellence in mathematical sciences.

The objectives of the conferences, postgraduate courses, workshops and schools are to provide:

  1. Advanced training of young mathematicians and Scientists for teaching positions in institutions of higher learning and research
  2. To update the knowledge of African mathematicians
  3. To provide a forum for interaction of African mathematicians
  4. Advanced Research Schools"

Two PhD students got their degrees through this collaboration at Luleå University of Technology. The support ended mainly due to the Swedish government strategy introduced in 2007.

National University of Laos

The National University of Laos (NUOL) had support through a Sida bilateral research program in Laos until 2011. Because of the Swedish governments development support policy the bilateral cooperation was terminated and ISP was not able to use Sida funds for supporting NUOL. However, funds coming from other sources, e.g. from Stockholm University, were used to give a small support in order to maintain the achievements and activities that started during the bilateral program.

The ISP supported was given 2012-2014. From 2015, the ISP support is directed to the network SEAMaN.

Royal University of Phnom Penh

The research group consisted of the whole Department of Mathematics at the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP), Cambodia. The collaboration started in 2010 with a small pilot grant. For different reasons the activities did not start until 2011, and from 2012 the group has been granted a three-year allocation from ISP.

The ISP support to this group terminated in 2014, and is now directed to the network SEAMaN.

Analysis, Geometry and Applications

This national network between the mathematics departments at the five state universities in Cameroon had ISP support during the period 2003-2008.

The five universities were University of Yaoundé I, University of Buea, University of Douala, University of Dschang and University of Ngaoundéré.

The research themes involved were:

  • Complex analysis, Dynamical systems and Control theory.
  • Fourier analysis and Application to signal and image processing.
  • Harmonic analysis and Stochastic processes, Applications to Financial mathematics.
  • Partial differential equations, Differential geometry and General relativity.
  • Mathematical aspects of field and string theory.
  • Control theory, Mathematical epidemiology, Population dynamics.
  • Scientific calculation and Numerical models in hydrology.

Totally four students were involved in sandwich PhD programs at Swedish universities (Uppsala University, Stockholm University and Chalmers University of Technology).


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