Lightning Guru - Dr Chandima Gomes
ISP would like to recognize Sri Lankan engineer and physicist, Dr Chandima Gomes, for his outstanding contributions to the lightning protection field in Asia and Africa.
Dr Gomes is today working as a Professor of High Voltage Engineering at University of Witwatersrand, South Africa. He started his academic career with PhD studies in the former ISP supported research group in Atmospheric Physics and Lightning at University of Colombo, Sri Lanka in close collaboration with Uppsala University.
He is specialized in lightning protection, grounding, and electromagnetic interference – with emphasis on putting research into use. After graduating in 1999, he has altered between research and consultancy services in lightning protection based in Sri Lanka and Malaysia. As an engineering consultant, he has conducted over 120 training programs in his field of specialization, contributed to several papers on lightning safety and protection in Asia and Africa, and has been part of establishing a number of centers for lightning protection on both continents.
Thanks to his work there is now a greater awareness and an increased number of skilled manpower to handle and take affirmative actions on lightning strikes.
Keep up the good work!