Voices of SweDeliver
SweDelivers nätverk och forskningsprogram utgör idag en dynamisk plattform. Listan över personer som är inblandade är omfattande. Här presenterar vi några röster om vår verksamhet.
Fredrik Frejd, Affibody AB
“Sweden has both the tradition and competence base to build on in the field of pharmaceuticals, but if we are to maximize the outcome of the strengths at our disposal, we must work together. By bringing together the many abilities of academia and industry, we can, with a basis in basic research, reach far in terms of both what care recipients want and what really works, and here SweDeliver fulfills a large and valuable function.
Today we interact in regular discussion forums, develop ideas for new research projects and seek joint grants. Thus, to me, SweDeliver is exactly the piece that was missing when we first started talking about an arena where industry and academia with joined forces can further develop Swedish drug delivery.
Still at an early stage of SweDeliver, I already see how we at Affibody add experience, unique data and stimuli to dialogue about the delivery of protein drugs, while also establishing a large and broad network within universities and industry where we know where we can find the answers to our questions!
Fredrik Frejd
Chief Scientific Officer, Affibody AB
Mats Berglund, AstraZeneca
“To me, SweDeliver’s predecessor: the Swedish Drug Delivery Forum was characterized by commitment, positive attitudes and a united effort to contribute to the common good. We decided early on that we wanted to create an open-door ecosystem. Where all participating organisations have equal responsibilities and privileges. Where we pave the way for excellent research, making all new knowledge publicly available for everyone to use.
With a very accomplished facilitator in Uppsala University’s Faculty of Pharmacy, we have indeed come to regard each other as partners. Significant scientific progress is being achieved on all platforms and we are now seeing the fruits of our labour: talented young researchers getting ready to play prominent roles in Sweden’s future pharmaceutical industry, and high-quality scientific articles being published that will fortify our nation’s internationally prominent position in the field of drug delivery.
Today we form an entity that we all benefit from, regardless of individual needs. Now we will continue our progress as SweDeliver. To me, a natural extension in which we will develop our creation to perfection.”
Mats Berglund
Vice President of ISEL, AstraZeneca
Former Chair, Swedish Drug Delivery Forum
Susanne Bredenberg, Emplicure
"As a small company in the pharmaceutical industry, Emplicure needs strong networks to conduct research and development, and our participation in SweDeliver gives us access to both valuable contacts and new input. The approach fits our already strong tradition of collaboration between industry and academia. I was once myself a PhD student at Uppsala University's Faculty of Pharmacy before I took the step to Orexo. Over the years, I have accumulated broad experience during a career that includes several different roles in drug development.
As one of three leaders for the SweDeliver Work package Education and Career Development, I want to contribute to broadening the junior researchers' views within Life Science. Through, among other things, mentoring programs and interdisciplinary workshops, we hope to inspire and open networks that reach beyond their own immediate scientific sphere.
I feel that we are on our way to create an effective mix of activities in the work package, and added the curiosity and drive that characterizes the center's PhD and postdoctoral students, I already know that my commitment to this Work package will be rewarding for me as well."
Susanne Bredenberg
Former CEO, Emplicure
Co-Leader, Work package Education and Career Development
Member, Center Board, SweDeliver
Jesper Lind, Orexo
“To me, SweDeliver symbolises belief in the future and a determination to create win-win situations for all participants. Take for example Orexo where I work, a relatively small player in the field of pharmaceutics that invests significant effort in our forum for the common good. Sure, we strive to strengthen our own business to develop better medicines for patients, but more than that, we want to contribute towards the crucial mission of drug delivery. This is an indispensable part of the development of new drugs.
With increased knowledge in this field, the pharmaceutical industry will generate better products, more jobs and sizeable financial revenue for Sweden. The work here has really helped our cause: Vinnova now recognises the importance of drug delivery. We foresee tomorrow's leading researchers supplying novel methods of great relevance. And yes, Orexo’s competence has improved and our network has expanded significantly due to our collaboration in the forum.
In the near future, I believe that the knowledge generated will help us solve challenges on a new level. The expression ‘the whole is greater than the sum of its parts’ feels very appropriate.”
Jesper Lind
Senior Advisor, Orexo AB
Eva Sjökvist Saers, Swelife
“Creating an arena that unites Uppsala University's Faculty of Pharmacy with a selection of our leading pharmaceutical companies has, in a short time, provided us with the tool we need to further develop a vibrant Swedish life science sector.
In SweDeliver’s predecessor: the Swedish Drug Delivery Forum, the concept of ‘we’ soon extended far beyond the individual organisation. Today we form a large and vital part of a scientific field of high relevance. And we don't just share challenges. We share knowledge, networks and infrastructures. Together we generate the perspectives necessary for identifying novel opportunities. United we make it obvious to politicians and authorities what areas are in need of investments and new research. Above all, we share progress. Partly in the form of current scientific success, and partly in the form of future competence.
These values will ensure Sweden’s strong position in drug delivery and continuous appeal to multinational corporations as a competitive country in which to conduct research, pursue development and operate.”
Eva Sjökvist Saers
Former CEO of APL, Chair of Swelife,
Member of the SDDF steering committee 2017–2019
Contact SweDeliver
Center Director
Professor Christel Bergström,
Department of Pharmacy, Uppsala University
Center co-Director
Associate Professor Alexandra Teleki
Department of Pharmacy, Uppsala University
Project Coordinator
Caroline Fronczak Alvebratt
Department of Pharmacy, Uppsala University