Cloud service Dis

The UPPMAX cloud Dis (Swedish word for "haze") and successor of Smog (Swedish for "smog") was introduced in October 2017 and upgraded during 2020. Dis is the east region in the Swedish Science Cloud together with Umeå University (north, HPC2N).

See also details at NAISS web page.

Researchers interested in applying for a Swedish Science Cloud project should request a project in NAISS SUPR.

Technical data

  • 40 compute nodes, 24 dedicated for SNIC and 16 for local projects. Each compute node is equipped with 128-256GB memory and dual CPU E5-2660 at 2.2GHz for a total of 16 cores per compute node.
  • VM flavors for small (2 vCPUs) up to large (16 vCPUs) compute allocations.
  • 250 TB of total volume storage.
  • Interconnect is 10GbE.

Object storage is planned for 2021 but currently unavailable.


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