15.1 Department of Sociology
Part of Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences; Faculty of Social Sciences
The Department of Sociology is located at English Park Campus. Student counsellor, the management, billboards and post boxes is located in house 3 on floor 1.
The student counsellors office is monday to thursday 10-12.
- E-mail:
- info@soc.uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Engelska parken
Thunbergsvägen 3H - Postal address:
- Box 624
751 26 UPPSALA - Web page:
- http://www.soc.uu.se/
- Head of department:
- Deputy head of department:
- Assistant head of department:
- Administrative manager:
- Safety officer:
- Director of studies first cycle (undergraduate):
- Director of studies second cycle (master):
- Director of studies third cycle (doctoral):
- Study counsellor:
- Course administration:
- Financial administration:
- Human resource administration: