Hannah Bradby

Professor at Department of Sociology; Faculty

+46 18 471 51 83
Visiting address:
Engelska parken
Thunbergsvägen 3H
Postal address:
Box 624
751 26 UPPSALA

Short presentation

Since the early 1990s, Hannah's research has looked at identity and inequalities around ethnicity, migration status and gender, with a particular focus on health. This work has been widely published in book and article form.

Having published her doctoral research as a novella, she maintains an interest in fiction as a form of evidence and as a research method for understanding health and illness in social context.

More information at http://hannah.bradby.info/


After taking degrees from the Universities of Oxford and London (scholarships awarded in both cases), Hannah undertook doctoral research with the Medical Research Council Medical Sociology Unit in Glasgow. After a postdoctoral contract in Glasgow, she accepted a lectureship at the University of Warwick in the Department of Sociology, where she worked for a decade. She was visiting fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity in Göttingen and a visiting fellow at King's College, London.

Over the years she has undertaken editorial roles with journals published by Taylor and Francis, Blackwells, Elsevier and, most recently, the open access journal Frontiers in Sociology


She regularly blogs at https://www.cost-ofliving.net/


Current funded research projects:

Together with Sarah Hamed, Suruchi Thapar-Björkert and Beth Maina Ahlberg: 'Understanding racism in healthcare: Developing and implementing anti-racist strategies through shared knowledge production and evaluation’ funded by Vetenskapsrådet.

The research has been discussed at a webinars organised by the Equal opportunities board of Lund Medical Faculty https://www.med.lu.se/intramed/min_anstaellning/vaerdegrund_likabehandling_och_trakasserier/lika_moejligheter_samma_raettigheter and by the Swedish Medical Association https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRyQMuXpA8g and on an edition (Särbehandling i vården – om rasism och minoritetsstress) of the long-running P1 radio program Kropp & Själ https://sverigesradio.se/avsnitt/1582449

An ongoing collaboration with the Universities of North Carolina and Jonköping is exploring means of teaching caring professions how to recognise and undo the harms of racism.

Project publications

Beth Maina Ahlberg, Sarah Hamed, Hannah Bradby, Cecilia Moberg, and Suruchi Thapar-Björkert. 2022 ‘“Just Throw It Behind You and Just Keep Going”: Emotional Labor when Ethnic Minority Healthcare Staff Encounter Racism in Healthcare’. Frontiers in Sociology.

Hannah Bradby, Sarah Hamed, Suruchi Thapar-Björkert, Beth Maina Ahlberg. 2021 ‘Designing an education intervention for Understanding racism in healthcare in Sweden – development and implementation of anti-racist strategies through shared knowledge production and evaluation’. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health

Sarah Hamed, Suruchi Thapar-Björkert, Hannah Bradby and Beth Maina Ahlberg 2020. ‘Racism in European Health Care: Structural Violence and Beyond’. Qualitative Health Research.

Ahlberg, B.M., Hamed, S., Thapar-Björkert, S., Bradby, H. 2019. ‘Invisibility of Racism in the Global Neoliberal Era: Implications for Researching Racism in Healthcare’. Frontiers in Sociology.

Hannah Bradby, Suruchi Thapar Björkert, Sarah Hamed and Beth Maina Ahlberg. 2019 ‘Undoing the unspeakable: researching racism in Swedish healthcare using a participatory process’. BMC Health Research Policy and Systems. 17 (43)n European Health Care: Structural Violence and Beyond’

Together with colleagues from the Universities of Birmingham, Melbourne & Bilkent: ‘Sexual and Gender-based Violence in the Refugee Crisis: Vulnerabilities, Inequalities and Responses’ funded by the Europe and Global Challenges 4th call, Riksbankjubileum, Volkswagen, Wellcome.


Past funders of research: the Economic and Social Research Council, The Welfare State Futures Norface programme and National Institute for Health Research.


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Hannah Bradby

