Åke Lundkvist
Part of Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology; Infection and Immunity
- Visiting address:
Husargatan 3
752 37 UPPSALA - Postal address:
- Box 582
751 23 UPPSALA - Web page:
- http://www.imbim.uu.se
- Abdelaal, Walaa
- Master's Student
- Akaberi, Dario
- Postdoctoral position
- dario.akaberi@imbim.uu.se
- Albinsson, Bo
- PhD student
- bo.albinsson@imbim.uu.se
- Berger, Julia
- Student
- Birkenfeld, Kristina
- Master's Student
- Daabag Elmarghani, Ebraheem
- Guest doctoral student
- Eliasson, Anna
- Master's Student
- Ellström, Patrik
- Researcher
- patrik.ellstrom@imbim.uu.se
- Hoffman, Tove
- Laboratory Manager and Researcher
- tove.hoffman@imbim.uu.se
- Järhult, Josef
- Visiting researcher
- +46 18 471 43 35
- josef.jarhult@imbim.uu.se
- Kang, Yan-Jun
- Visiting researcher
- Kolstad, Linda
- Research Assistant
- linda.kolstad@imbim.uu.se
- Kumar Dey, Tushar
- PhD student
- tushar.kumar.dey@imbim.uu.se
- Lang, Anna
- Master's Student
- Li, Jinlin
- Researcher
- jinlin.li@imbim.uu.se
- Liang, Yijun
- Visiting researcher
- yijun.liang@imbim.uu.se
- Lindahl, Johanna
- Adjunct Professor
- johanna.lindahl@imbim.uu.se
- Liu, Yang
- Visiting researcher
- yang.liu@imbim.uu.se
- Lundkvist, Åke
- Professor
- ake.lundkvist@imbim.uu.se
- Luong-Hung, Nam
- PhD student
- nam.luong-hung@imbim.uu.se
- Mohamed Naguib, Mahmoud
- Researcher Docent
- mahmoud.naguib@imbim.uu.se
- Mourkas, Evangelos
- Visiting researcher
- +46 76 581 53 41
- Nguyen, Ha Thi Thanh
- PhD student
- ha.nguyen@imbim.uu.se
- Olsen, Björn
- Researcher
- +46 70 238 49 44
- Persson, Carolina
- Research Assistant
- carolina.persson@imbim.uu.se
- Rönnberg, Bengt
- Research Engineer
- Schmid, Julia
- Project student
- Skog, Erik
- Guest doctoral student
- +46 18 471 45 30
- Spörndly, Robert
- Guest doctoral student
- Van Eck, Alisha Singh
- Master's Student
- Walther, Johanna
- Project student
- Wasberg, Anishia
- PhD student
- anishia.wasberg@imbim.uu.se