Michael Thuné
Professor emeritus at Department of Information Technology; Division of Scientific Computing
- Visiting address:
- Hus 10, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
- Postal address:
- Box 337
751 05 UPPSALA
More information is available to staff who log in.
Short presentation
Professor of Scientific Computing, with an interest in computer science aspects of this subject, for example issues concerning implementation of scientific computing algorithms on parallel computers; also active in Computing Education Research.
My research in Scientific Computing has focussed on issues concerniing software architecture for numerical software and efficient implementation of scientific computing algorithms. In recent years I have also been engaged in subject-specific education research.
Recent publications
- Students' learning process in the computer laboratory (2022)
- Learning to program hands-on: a controlled study (2020)
- Analysis of students’ learning of computer programming in a computer laboratory context (2019)
- Från informationsbehandling till informationsteknologi (2015)
- Analysing the enacted object of learning in lab assignments in programming education (2013)
All publications
- Analysis of students’ learning of computer programming in a computer laboratory context (2019)
- Gender-aware course reform in Scientific Computing (2013)
- Variation theory applied to students' conceptions of computer programming (2009)
- Design and usability of a PDE solver framework for curvilinear coordinates (2006)
- OpenMP versus MPI for PDE solvers based on regular sparse numerical operators (2006)
- Novice Java Programmers' Conceptions of "Object" and "Class", and Variation Theory (2005)
- Object-oriented software tools for the construction of preconditioners (1997)
- Partitioning strategies for composite grids (1997)
- Object-oriented software tools for parallel PDE solvers (1996)
- Framtidens superdator (1994)
- A partitioning algorithm for composite grids (1993)
- The partitioning problem for a class of data parallel algorithms (1992)
- Straightforward partitioning of composite grids for explicit difference methods (1991)
- A partitioning strategy for explicit difference methods (1990)
- A numerical algorithm for stability analysis of difference methods for hyperbolic systems (1990)
- Stability of a Runge–Kutta method for the Euler equations on a substructured domain (1989)
- Automatic GKS stability analysis (1986)
- Från informationsbehandling till informationsteknologi (2015)
- Software Issues in Computational Science and Engineering (2009)
- Parallel Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement (2009)
- Object-Oriented Construction of Parallel PDE Solvers (1997)
- Students' learning process in the computer laboratory (2022)
- Learning to program hands-on: a controlled study (2020)
- Analysing the enacted object of learning in lab assignments in programming education (2013)
- OpenMP versus MPI for PDE solvers based on regular sparse numerical operators (2002)
- Mixed C++/Fortran 90 implementation of parallel flow solvers (2001)
- A comparison of partitioning schemes for blockwise parallel SAMR algorithms (2001)
- Optimal parameter values for a parallel structured adaptive mesh refinement algorithm (2001)
- Object-oriented modeling of parallel PDE solvers (2001)
- Characterization of domain-based partitioners for parallel SAMR applications (2000)
- Software tools for parallel CFD on composite grids (1996)
- Towards an expressive language for PDE solvers (1996)
- Portability and data structures in scientific computing (1992)
- Partition shapes for explicit difference methods (1989)
- A software package for stability analysis of difference methods (1984)