Ulrika Pöder
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences; Caring Sciences
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 61 60
- Mobile phone:
- +46 73 469 71 49
- E-mail:
- ulrika.poder@uu.se
- Visiting address:
- BMC, Husargatan 3
- Postal address:
- Box 564
751 22 UPPSALA
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences; Nursing
- Mobile phone:
- +46 73 469 71 49
- Visiting address:
- BMC, Husargatan 3, Uppsala
- Postal address:
- Box 564
751 22 UPPSALA
Head of department at Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences; Caring Sciences
- Mobile phone:
- +46 73 469 71 49
- Visiting address:
- BMC, Husargatan 3
- Postal address:
- Box 564
751 22 UPPSALA
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences; Administration
- Mobile phone:
- +46 73 469 71 49
- Visiting address:
- BMC, Husargatan 3
- Postal address:
- Box 564
751 22 UPPSALA
More information is available to staff who log in.
Short presentation
This text is not available in English, therefore the Swedish version is shown.
Ulrika Pöder är lektor vid Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap, docent i vårdvetenskap och medlem i forskargruppen Vårdvetenskap.
Uppdrag: ordförande i programkommittén för sjuksköterskeprogrammen, vice ordförande i kommittén vid medicinska fakulteten för utbildning på grundnivå och avancerad nivå (GRUNK).
Yrkesutbildning: leg. sjuksköterska med vidareutbildning inom intensivvård och neurokirurgisk omvårdnad.
This text is not available in English, therefore the Swedish version is shown.
Forskning bedrivs kring aspekter i vården som syftar till att främja patientsäkerhet, evidensbaserad vård och patienters delaktighet inom framförallt vuxen somatisk sjukhusvård och kommunal äldrevård. Tidigare forskning har handlat om hur föräldrar till barn med cancer mår, främst inriktat på psykosociala aspekter och vårdtillfredställelse.
Ulrika är delaktig i följande forskningsprojekt:
- Personcentrering vid särskilt boende för äldre: de boende, närstående och vårdpersonals perspektiv. Nathalie Godman, forskarstuderande; UP huvudhandledare
- Better self-management of type 2 diabetes. Cecilia Josefsson, doktorand; UP huvudhandledare
- Personcentrerad överlämning vid skiftbyten för mer delaktiga patienter/Bedside nursing shift handover to promote patient participation. Ann-Christin Hultman Lantz, forskarstuderande; UP huvudhandledare, projektansvarig
- Patientsäkerhet på sjukhus - patientsäkerhetskulturen, sjuksköterskans arbetssituation och patientens trygghet/Patient safety at hospital - patient safety culture, RNs job satisfaction and patients' feeling of security. UP delprojektansvarig
Avslutade projekt:
- Äldres autonomi och delaktighet inom vård och omsorg/Autonomy and participation for older people in municipality care. Maria Hedman disputerade 2018-05-22, länk till avhandling; UP bitr. handledare
- Standardiserade vårdplaner inom svensk intensivvård/Clinical pathways in Swedish intensive care. Petronella Bjurling Sjöberg disputerar 2018-03-03, länk till avhandling; UP huvudhandledare
- Patientsäkerhet och omvårdnad i samband med anestesi med fokus på luftvägen/Patient safety and nursing in anesthesia care with focus on the airway. Kati Knudsen disputerade 2016-05-20, länk till avhandling; UP bitr. handledare
- Varför remitteras så många äldre till akutmottagningen från särskilda boenden? Marie Kirsebom disputerade 2015-09-18, länk till avhandlingen; UP bitr. handledare
- Hur mår föräldrar till barn med cancer? Ulrika Pöder disputerade 2008-05-28, länk till avhandling; Louise von Essen, huvudhandledare och projektansvarig
Recent publications
- I Was Merely a Brick in the Game (2024)
- A qualitative study on diverse experiences of medication safety among foreign-born persons living in Sweden (2024)
- Healthcare and Pharmacy Staffs' Experiences on Medication Management for Migrants-A Qualitative Exploratory Case Study in Primary Health Care (2024)
- Registered nurses' experiences on job satisfaction in nursing home settings (2024)
- The Sukaribit Smartphone App for Better Self-Management of Type 2 Diabetes: Randomized Controlled Feasibility Study (2024)
All publications
- I Was Merely a Brick in the Game (2024)
- A qualitative study on diverse experiences of medication safety among foreign-born persons living in Sweden (2024)
- Healthcare and Pharmacy Staffs' Experiences on Medication Management for Migrants-A Qualitative Exploratory Case Study in Primary Health Care (2024)
- Registered nurses' experiences on job satisfaction in nursing home settings (2024)
- The Sukaribit Smartphone App for Better Self-Management of Type 2 Diabetes: Randomized Controlled Feasibility Study (2024)
- Evaluation of patient participation in relation to the implementation of a person‐centered nursing shift handover (2023)
- Swedish Registered Nurse Anesthetists’ Understanding of Difficult Airway Algorithms (2022)
- Action research improved general prerequisites for evidence-based practice (2021)
- Caring in nursing homes to promote autonomy and participation (2019)
- Parents' needs of support following the loss of a child to cancer (2019)
- Registered nurses' perspectives of work satisfaction, patient safety and intention to stay (2019)
- Struggling for a feasible tool - the process of implementing a clinical pathway in intensive care (2018)
- Well-being among survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (2018)
- Balancing intertwined responsibilities (2017)
- Impact of a child’s cancer disease on parents’ everyday life (2017)
- General practitioners' experiences as nursing home medical consultants (2017)
- Transfer of nursing home residents to emergency departments (2017)
- How anaesthesiologists understand difficult airway guidelines (2017)
- Facilitating student nurses' learning by real time feedback of positioning to avoid pressure ulcers--Evaluation of clinical simulation (2016)
- Awake intubation creates feelings of being in a vulnerable situation but cared for in safe hands (2016)
- Factors affecting the implementation process of clinical pathways (2015)
- Life memories and the ability to act (2015)
- Is the competence of Swedish Registered Nurses working in municipal care of older people merely a question of age and postgraduate education? (2015)
- Standardised care plans for in hospital stroke care improve documentation of health care assessments (2015)
- Prevalence and quality of clinical pathways in Swedish intensive care units (2014)
- Medication administration accuracy (2014)
- A nationwide postal questionnaire survey: the presence of airway guidelines in anaesthesia department in Sweden (2014)
- Parents' Perceptions of Their Child's Symptom Burden During and After Cancer Treatment (2013)
- Parents' Perceptions of Their Child's Symptom Burden During and After Cancer Treatment (2013)
- The frequency of and reasons for acute hospital transfers of older nursing home residents (2013)
- The ethics of coercive treatment of people with dementia (2013)
- Challenges of safe medication practice in paediatric care (2013)
- Objective and subjective factors as predictors of post-traumatic stress symptoms in parents of children with cancer (2012)
- Early avoidance of disease- and treatment-related distress predicts post-traumatic stress in parents of children with cancer (2011)
- Implementation of a multi-professional standardized care plan in electronic health records for the care of stroke patients (2011)
- Parents' Perceptions of Their Children's Cancer-Related Symptoms During Treatment (2010)
- Perceptions of support among Swedish parents of children on cancer treatment (2009)
- Posttraumatic stress disorder among parents of children on cancer treatment (2008)
- ‘Chip in whenever information needs to be corrected’ – a mixed method study of person-centred handover
- Implementing clinical pathways in the context of intensive care; (2018)
- Clinical Pathways in Swedish Intensive Care Units: (2017)
- Implementation of a Clinical Pathway in a Swedish Intensive Care Unit: Lessons from an Action Research Project. (2017)
- Balancing intertwined responsibilities: (2016)
- Clinical pathways at Swedish intensive care units: (2015)
- Clinical pathways to facilitate evidence based practice in Swedish intensive care units. (2014)
- Standardiserade vårdplaner inom svensk intensivvård – (2013)