Sören Spörndly-Nees
Affiliated Researcher at Department of Women's and Children's Health; Physiotherapy and behavioral medicine
- Mobile phone:
- +46 73 834 22 60
- E-mail:
- soren.sporndly-nees@uu.se
- Visiting address:
- MTC-huset, Dag Hammarskjölds väg 14B, 1tr
752 37 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Akademiska sjukhuset, MTC-huset
751 85 Uppsala
- Academic merits:
- PhD
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Selection of publications
Recent publications
- A pilot study of a joint outdoor exercise program for dog owners and dogs (2024)
- Pain in patients with motor neuron disease (2023)
- Behavioral Medicine Physiotherapy in the Context of Return to Work for Chronic Pain (2022)
- Effects on obstructive sleep apnea severity following a tailored behavioral sleep medicine intervention aimed at increased physical activity and sound eating (2020)
- The impact of physical exercise on neuromuscular function in Myasthenia gravis patients (2018)
All publications
- A pilot study of a joint outdoor exercise program for dog owners and dogs (2024)
- Pain in patients with motor neuron disease (2023)
- Behavioral Medicine Physiotherapy in the Context of Return to Work for Chronic Pain (2022)
- Effects on obstructive sleep apnea severity following a tailored behavioral sleep medicine intervention aimed at increased physical activity and sound eating (2020)
- The impact of physical exercise on neuromuscular function in Myasthenia gravis patients (2018)
- High or increasing levels of physical activity protect women from future insomnia (2017)
- High physical activity level protect women from future insomnia (2016)
- Leisure-time physical activity predicts complaints of snoring in women (2014)
- Facilitators and barriers for eating behaviour changes in obstructive sleep apnoea and obesity (2013)
- The navicular position test - a reliable measure of the navicular bone position during rest and loading. (2011)
- The effects of aerobic exercise and individual variations on snoring over nine nights: five experimental single-case studies.