Lena Nyholm
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Department of Surgical Sciences; Nursing Research
- E-mail:
- lena.nyholm@surgsci.uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Akademiska sjukhuset, ingång 15, BV
751 85 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Akademiska sjukhuset, ingång 70, 1 tr
751 85 Uppsala
Download contact information for Lena Nyholm at Department of Surgical Sciences; Nursing Research
Specialist nurse at Department of Medical Sciences; Neurosurgery
- E-mail:
- lena.nyholm@neuro.uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Akademiska sjukhuset, ingång 85 2 tr
- Postal address:
- Akademiska sjukhuset, ing 85 2 tr
751 85 UPPSALA
Download contact information for Lena Nyholm at Department of Medical Sciences; Neurosurgery
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Short presentation
This text is not available in English, therefore the Swedish version is shown.
Jag är specialistsjuksköterska inom intensivvård och disputerade 2015. Jag har min anställning på neurointensiven (NIVA) Akademiska sjukhuset där jag varvar kliniskt arbete med forskning och undervisning. Jag är också affilierad till en forskargrupp bestående av sjuksköterskor på institutionen för kirurgiska vetenskaper.
This text is not available in English, therefore the Swedish version is shown.
Neurokirurgi, neurointensivvård, inst för neurovetenskap
Mitt forskning här syftar till att beskriva hur omvårdnadsåtgärder påverkar patofysiologin hos svårt sjuka patienter vårdade på en neurointensivvårdsavdelning. Målet med forskningen är att i möjligaste mån hitta sätt att utföra omvårdnadsåtgärder samtidigt som vitala parametrar förblir stabila så att hjärnan får bästa möjliga chans att tillfriskna.
Forskning inom neurointensivvård
Forskningsprogrammet InCHARGE, inst. för kirurgiska vetenskaper
Det övergripande syftet är att uppnå personcentrerad vård och utforma interventioner som leder till att sjuksköterskors kompetens tillvaratas. Gruppen studerar hur en personcentrerad vård kan uppnås inom den högteknologiska vården för patienter som har komplexa sjukdomstillstånd och i pre- och postoperativ vård med stöd av ramverket Fundamentals of Care. För att uppnå detta studeras organisation, struktur och förutsättningar för omvårdnad. Forskningsprojekten bedrivs inom gruppen och i tvärprofessionellt samarbete
Selection of publications
- Promising clinical outcome of elderly with TBI after modern neurointensive care (2016)
- Updated periodic evaluation of standardized neurointensive care shows that it is possible to maintain a high level of favorable outcome even with increasing mean age (2015)
- Quality systems to avoid secondary brain injury in neurointensive care (2015)
- Acute neurosurgery for traumatic brain injury by general surgeons in Swedish county hospitals (2014)
- Secondary insults related to nursing interventions in neurointensive care (2014)
- Introduction of the Uppsala Traumatic Brain Injury register for regular surveillance of patient characteristics and neurointensive care management including secondary insult quantification and clinical outcome (2013)
- The use of nurse checklists in a bedside computer-based information system to focus on avoiding secondary insults in neurointensive care (2012)
- A decision-making tool to prevent secondary ICP-insults related to nursing interventions
Recent publications
- Missed nursing care in surgical care– a hazard to patient safety (2024)
- Daily life without cranial bone protection while awaiting cranioplasty (2024)
- InCHARGE (2024)
- Neurokirurgisk omvårdnad (2024)
- Effective learning activity to facilitate post-graduate nursing students' utilization of nursing theories (2023)
All publications
- Missed nursing care in surgical care– a hazard to patient safety (2024)
- Daily life without cranial bone protection while awaiting cranioplasty (2024)
- InCHARGE (2024)
- Effective learning activity to facilitate post-graduate nursing students' utilization of nursing theories (2023)
- Sleep in neurointensive care patients, and patients after brain tumor surgery (2023)
- Capturing of intracranial pressure treatment during neurointensive care in patients with acute brain injury using a novel tablet-based method (2022)
- Effective learning activity to facilitate post‐graduate nursing students' utilization of nursing theories – Using the fundamentals of care framework (2022)
- A mentoring programme to meet newly graduated nurses' needs and give senior nurses a new career opportunity (2021)
- Nurses anaesthetists' versus patients' assessment of anxieties in an ambulatory surgery setting. (2019)
- How Anesthesiologists and Nurse Anesthetists Assess and Handle Patients' Perioperative Worries Without a Validated Instrument (2019)
- Electroencephalographic Patterns During Common Nursing Interventions in Neurointensive Care (2019)
- Clinical outcome and prognostic factors in elderly traumatic brain injury patients receiving neurointensive care (2019)
- Decompressive craniectomy in traumatic brain injury (2018)
- Predictive Factors That May Contribute to Secondary Insults With Nursing Interventions in Adults With Traumatic Brain Injury (2017)
- The influence of hyperthermia on intracranial pressure, cerebral oximetry and cerebral metabolism in traumatic brain injury (2017)
- Promising clinical outcome of elderly with TBI after modern neurointensive care (2016)
- Updated periodic evaluation of standardized neurointensive care shows that it is possible to maintain a high level of favorable outcome even with increasing mean age (2015)
- Acute neurosurgery for traumatic brain injury by general surgeons in Swedish county hospitals (2014)
- Secondary insults related to nursing interventions in neurointensive care (2014)
- Introduction of the Uppsala Traumatic Brain Injury register for regular surveillance of patient characteristics and neurointensive care management including secondary insult quantification and clinical outcome (2013)
- The use of nurse checklists in a bedside computer-based information system to focus on avoiding secondary insults in neurointensive care (2012)
- A decision-making tool to prevent secondary ICP-insults related to nursing interventions