Andreas Solders
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Department of Physics and Astronomy; Applied Nuclear Physics
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 26 31, +46 70 167 92 16
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- Visiting address:
- Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
- Postal address:
- Box 516
751 20 UPPSALA
- 0000-0003-4725-3083
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Short presentation
I am Senior lecturer in Applied Nuclear Physics and my research concerns our understanding of the fission process, the spitting of an atomic nucleus. Presently, I am responsible for two courses, Nuclear reactor physics at the Bachelor's Programme in Nuclear Engineering and Experimental methods at the Bachelor's Programme in Physics. I am also one of the Director of Studies at the department, with focus on pedagogical development.
I am member of mentorskollegiet that mentors new teachers.
- fission
- flipped classroom
- kärnklyvning
- mentoring
- mentorsnätverket
- nuclear fission
- reactor physics
- reaktorfysik
Selection of publications
- Benchmark of a multi-physics Monte Carlo simulation of an ionguide for neutron-induced fission products (2022)
- Isomeric fission yield ratios for odd-mass Cd and In isotopes using the phase-imaging ion-cyclotron-resonance technique (2019)
- Production of Sn and Sb isotopes in high-energy neutron induced fission of natU (2018)
- First isomeric yield ratio measurements by direct ion counting and implications for the angular momentum of the primary fission fragments (2018)
- A neutron source for IGISOL-JYFLTRAP (2017)
- Measurements of isomeric yield ratios of fission products from proton- induced fission on natU and 232Th via direct ion counting (2017)
- Characterization of a Be(p,xn) neutron source for fission yields measurements (2014)
- Accurate fission data for nuclear safety (2014)
- A compact time-resolving pepperpot emittance meter for low-energy highly charged ions (2011)
- Evaporative Cooling and Coherent Axial Oscillations of Highly Charged Ions in a Penning Trap (2011)
- MATS and LaSpec (2010)
- Determination of the proton mass from a measurement of the cyclotron frequencies of D+ and H2+ in a Penning trap (2008)
- High-frequency Ramsey excitation in a Penning trap (2007)
- Precision mass measurements of 40Ca17+ and 40Ca19+ ions in a Penning trap (2006)
Recent publications
- "Every morning I take two steps to my desk..." (2024)
- Estimating angular momenta of fission fragments from isomeric yield ratios using TALYS (2024)
- Random files for fission fragment evaporation in TALYS (2024)
- Global comparison between experimentally measured isomeric yield ratios and nuclear model calculations (2023)
- Applying machine learning methods for the analysis of two-dimensional mass spectra (2023)
All publications
- "Every morning I take two steps to my desk..." (2024)
- Estimating angular momenta of fission fragments from isomeric yield ratios using TALYS (2024)
- Random files for fission fragment evaporation in TALYS (2024)
- Global comparison between experimentally measured isomeric yield ratios and nuclear model calculations (2023)
- Applying machine learning methods for the analysis of two-dimensional mass spectra (2023)
- New design and simulation of the ion guide for neutron-induced fission products at the IGISOL facility (2023)
- Isomeric yield ratios in proton-induced fission of 238U (2023)
- Templates of expected measurement uncertainties (2023)
- Benchmark of a multi-physics Monte Carlo simulation of an ionguide for neutron-induced fission products (2022)
- Isomer yields in nuclear fission (2021)
- Prompt fission neutron yields in thermal fission of 235U and spontaneous fission of 252Cf (2020)
- Extraction of angular momenta from isomeric yield ratios (2019)
- Isomeric fission yield ratios for odd-mass Cd and In isotopes using the phase-imaging ion-cyclotron-resonance technique (2019)
- Production of Sn and Sb isotopes in high-energy neutron induced fission of natU (2018)
- First isomeric yield ratio measurements by direct ion counting and implications for the angular momentum of the primary fission fragments (2018)
- Simulated production rates of exotic nuclei from the ion guide for neutron-induced fission at IGISOL (2017)
- A neutron source for IGISOL-JYFLTRAP (2017)
- Developments for neutron-induced fission at IGISOL-4 (2016)
- Simulations of the fission-product stopping efficiency in IGISOL (2015)
- Measuring independent yields of fission products using a penning trap (2015)
- Experiments and Theoretical Data for Studying the Impact of Fission Yield Uncertainties on the Nuclear Fuel Cycle with TALYS/GEF and the Total Monte Carlo Method (2015)
- Isomeric Yield Ratios of Fission Products Measured with the Jyfltrap (2014)
- Independent fission yield measurements with jyfltrap (2014)
- Development of a neutron converter for studies of neutron-induced fission fragments at the IGISOL facility (2014)
- Characterization of a Be(p,xn) neutron source for fission yields measurements (2014)
- Accurate Fission Data for Nuclear Safety (2014)
- Recommissioning of JYFLTRAP at the new IGISOL-4 facility (2013)
- A compact time-resolving pepperpot emittance meter for low-energy highly charged ions (2011)
- Evaporative Cooling and Coherent Axial Oscillations of Highly Charged Ions in a Penning Trap (2011)
- Optimization of the Stockholm R-EBIT for the production and extraction of highly charged ions (2010)
- Improved temperature regulation of Penning trap mass spectrometers (2010)
- MATS and LaSpec (2010)
- The new Stockholm Electron Beam Ion Trap (S-EBIT) (2010)
- Re-trapping and cooling of highly-charged (2009)
- Precise Atomic Masses for Fundamental Physics Determined at SMILETRAP (2008)
- Determination of the proton mass from a measurement of the cyclotron frequencies of D+ and H2+ in a Penning trap (2008)
- Q value related mass determinations using a Penning trap (2007)
- High-frequency Ramsey excitation in a Penning trap (2007)
- Precise measurements of ionic masses for QED tests (2006)
- Precision mass measurements of 40Ca17+ and 40Ca19+ ions in a Penning trap (2006)
- Comparison of Fission Models with the DElFIN code
- Determination of the Plasma Delay Time in PIPS detectors for fission fragments at the LOHENGRIN spectrometer (2023)
- Independent isotopic fission yields of Cf-252 spontaneous fission via mass measurements at the FRS Ion Catcher (2023)
- Flipping the physics classroom – First observations (2021)
- Remote research reactor exercises during pandemic induced lockdown (2021)
- On teaching experimental reactor physics in times of pandemic (2021)
- Employing TALYS to deduce angular momentum rootmean-square values, J(rms), in fission fragments (2020)
- Fission studies at IGISOL/JYFLTRAP (2020)
- I could rewind and understand and google – Insights into a mixed-methods study on flipped classrooms in higher physics education (2020)
- Studying fission neutrons with 2E-2v and 2E (2018)
- Measurement of fission yields and isomeric yield ratios at IGISOL (2018)
- Neutron-multiplicity experiments for enhanced fission modelling (2017)
- A methodology for the intercomparison of nuclear fission codes using TALYS (2017)
- Measurements of isomeric yield ratios of fission products from proton- induced fission on natU and 232Th via direct ion counting (2017)
- Simulations of the stopping efficiencies of fission ion guides (2017)
- Analysis of prompt fission neutrons in U-235(nth,f) and fission fragment distributions for the thermal neutron induced fission of U-234 (2016)
- Fission yield measurements at IGISOL (2016)
- Comparing Nuclear Fission Codes (2016)
- A methodology for the intercomparison of nuclear fission codes using TALYS (2016)
- Fission Activities of the Nuclear Reactions Group in Uppsala (2015)
- Prompt fission neutron emission from 235U(n,f): thermal and resonance region (2015)
- Characterization of a Be (p, xn) neutron source for fission yields measurements (2014)
- Measurement of the energy spectrum from the neutron source planned for IGISOL (2014)
- Target thickness dependence of the Be(p,xn) neutron energy spectrum (2014)
- Accurate fission data for nuclear safety (2014)
- Design of a High Intensity Neutron Source for Neutron-Induced Fission Yield Studies (2012)
- Accurate FissiOn data for Nuclear Safety (AlFONS) (2015)
- Ion counting efficiencies at the IGISOL facility (2014)