Owe Ronström
Professor at Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology; Ethnology; Affiliated
- E-mail:
- owe.ronstrom@etnologi.uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Campus Gotland, Cramérgatan 3
621 57 Visby - Postal address:
- Uppsala universitet, Campus Gotland
Cramérgatan 3
SE-621 67 Visby
More information is available to staff who log in.
Short presentation
I am a professor emeritus in ethnology. I have written a whole lot, on music, dance, ethnicity, multiculture, age, heritage, and islands. I have also produced several hundred radio broadcasts for the Swedish Broadcasting Coorporation, on music from around the world. I am also active as a musician, in the bands Orientexpressen, Gunnfjauns kapell, and as director of Gotlands Balalajkaorkester. In June 2013 I produced BelleSounds, the world’s largest concert.
- ethnomusicology
- heritage politics
- island studies
- ritual
- sustainable developement
On my homepage, I have collected most of my publications during up to recent years. You are welcome to share, download, order, look, read and listen, for your own personal use. You may spread the texts and you may cite or briefly quote them, if you, in line with the usual academic conventions, observe the practices of academic citation. You may not in any way change or for commercial purposes or gain use my texts, pictures or music without my explicit permission.
I am currently (2021) working on the following research projects and research programs:
Sustainable visits - a program for exploring and creating sustainable visits, from a regional, national and global perspective, as well as contributing to the development and establishment of sustainable perspectives in the hospitality industry.
Stories about sustainability. A research program on narrative perspectives on sustainability.
Music in the outskirts. Music life on Gotland during the 19th century.
Carl Jularbo - modernist. Sweden in the time of virginity - a cultural history. A minor project about Sweden's modernization during the 20th century, as reflected through a musician and his music.
Selection of publications
- In retrospect: Dancing and music-making among Yugoslavs in Stockholm (2021)
- Sounds of Migration (2021)
- Remoteness, islands and islandness (2021)
- Densities. A key to (late) modern cultural production. (2020)
- Spelman, folkmusiker, artist (2019)
- Arkaism och öighet (2018)
- Densities. (2018)
- Musik i Gothem - skärvor av ett musikliv (2018)
- Öprat (2018)
- On seriality (2018)
- I landet annorlunda (2018)
- Musiketnologi – elva repliker om en vetenskap. (2017)
- Körer och kulturhistoria (2016)
- Four facets of festivalisation (2016)
- Öar och öighet (2016)
- 'Island' as seriality (2015)
- Consequenses of World Heritage production: the Heritage Town (2014)
- Traditional music, heritage music (2014)
- Om betydelsen av dörröppnare (2014)
- Festivals et festivalisations (2014)
- Hvad verdensarv er - og gjör (2014)
- Folklore och Performance Studies (2013)
- En sång om Gotland (2013)
- Intervju med Ulf Palmenfelt 30 oktober 2012 (2013)
- Körer och körsång (2013)
- Recension av Dragan Nikolic: Tre städer, Två broar och ett museum (2013)
- Förord (2013)
- Folkloristikens aktuella utmaningar (2013)
- Bot och bättring (2012)
- Saffron Pancake (2012)
- Den gamla goda tiden (2012)
- Gotland (2012)
- Finding their place (2012)
- Musiken i framtiden (2011)
- Perspektiv på minne, historia och arkiv (2011)
- Islanders , others and other islanders (2011)
- Revival Reconsidered (2011)
- What a festival “says” and “does” (2011)
- Det fina i kråksången (2011)
- In or on? (2011)
- Årsfester och livshögtider (2010)
- Musik. Utan gränser. (2010)
- Fiddling with pasts (2010)
- Kontinuiteter? (2010)
- Folkmusikens manus (2010)
- Si si komplejni (2010)
- The Production of World Heritage Cities (2009)
- Islands as heritage sites (2009)
- Island words, island worlds (2009)
- Kubb (2008)
- Intressedominas och motivattraktion (2008)
- Memories and Visions (2005)
- Didjeridu - från Arnhem Land till Internet - och tillbaka (2003)
- "Oh! Island in the sun" (2003)
- Concerts and festivals (2001)
- Ålder som perspektiv (1999)
- Pigga pensionärer och populärkultur (1998)
- "I'm Old and I'm Proud!" (1994)
- Att gestalta ett ursprung (1992)
- Sverige och de nya svenskarna (1989)
- Blåkullamarschen i Visby (1988)
- Festivals and festivalisations
Recent publications
- Toward Sustainable Visits (2024)
- Enabling sustainable visits (2023)
- Concluding remarks (2023)
- Enabling sustainable visits (2023)
- Öhistorier (2022)
All publications
- Toward Sustainable Visits (2024)
- Öhistorier (2022)
- Carl Jularbo, modernist. Eller (2021)
- Remoteness, islands and islandness (2021)
- Densities. A key to (late) modern cultural production. (2020)
- Spelman, folkmusiker, artist (2019)
- Arkaism och öighet (2018)
- Öprat (2018)
- On seriality (2018)
- I landet annorlunda (2018)
- I landet annorlunda (2017)
- Four facets of festivalisation (2016)
- Fast grund under fødderne: Ø-filosofiske pejlemærker (In Danish). [Solid ground under one’s feet: Island-philosophical indicators] by Jørgen Rasmussen (reviewer: Owe Ronström) (2016)
- Recension av Anne Eriksen: From Antiquities to Heritage. Transformation of Cultural Memory. New York, Oxford: Berghahn 2014 (2015)
- Världsarv - varför då? (2015)
- Memory, Politics, and World Heritage. (2015)
- Consequenses of World Heritage production: the Heritage Town (2014)
- Festivals et festivalisations (2014)
- Recension av Dragan Nikolic: Tre städer, Två broar och ett museum (2013)
- Bot och bättring (2012)
- Den gamla goda tiden (2012)
- Finding their place (2012)
- Det fina i kråksången (2011)
- In or on? (2011)
- Si si komplejni (2010)
- Island words, island worlds (2009)
- Intressedominas och motivattraktion (2008)
- Hur låter förförelse? (2007)
- "Oh! Island in the sun" (2003)
- Concerts and festivals (2001)
- Ålder som perspektiv (1999)
- Revival in retrospect (1998)
- "I'm Old and I'm Proud!" (1994)
- Sverige och de nya svenskarna (1989)
- Blåkullamarschen i Visby (1988)
- Festivals and festivalisations
- Festivals and festivalisations
- Enabling sustainable visits (2023)
- Sounds of Migration (2021)
- Musiketnologi – elva repliker om en vetenskap. (2017)
- Körer och kulturhistoria (2016)
- Öar och öighet (2016)
- Folkloristikens aktuella utmaningar (2013)
- Memories and Visions (2005)
- Att gestalta ett ursprung (1992)
- Concluding remarks (2023)
- Enabling sustainable visits (2023)
- In retrospect: Dancing and music-making among Yugoslavs in Stockholm (2021)
- Musik i Gothem - skärvor av ett musikliv (2018)
- Traditional music, heritage music (2014)
- Om betydelsen av dörröppnare (2014)
- Hvad verdensarv er - og gjör (2014)
- Folklore och Performance Studies (2013)
- En sång om Gotland (2013)
- Intervju med Ulf Palmenfelt 30 oktober 2012 (2013)
- Körer och körsång (2013)
- Förord (2013)
- Saffron Pancake (2012)
- Gotland (2012)
- Revival Reconsidered (2011)
- Årsfester och livshögtider (2010)
- Musik. Utan gränser. (2010)
- Fiddling with pasts (2010)
- Folkmusikens manus (2010)
- The Production of World Heritage Cities (2009)
- Hur låter julen? (2006)
- Memories, traditions, heritage (2005)
- Introduction (2005)
- Didjeridu - från Arnhem Land till Internet - och tillbaka (2003)
- Sweden (2000)
- Pigga pensionärer och populärkultur (1998)
- Inledning (1990)
- Danshusrörelsen i Ungern (1990)
- Musik i utkanten. (2021)
- Sustainable narratives/narratives of sustainability (2021)
- Musik och migration – iakttagelser från 30 års studier. (2019)
- Folk music collections as mindscapes (2019)
- "Thanks for lending me the music" (2019)
- Densities. (2018)
- I periferins centrum: (2018)
- Interface, exformation and Hermes' dilemma: Ethnological perspectives on tour guides. Paper read at the conference/workshop “TOUR GUIDING AND SUSTAINABILITY: FILLING THE GAPS” December 7 – 8, 2017, Uppsala University, Campus Gotland (2017)
- Remoteness, islands and islandness. Keynote presented at the conference “REMOTE: Rethinking Remoteness and Peripherality”, Longyearbyen, Svalbard, 15-19 January 2017 (2017)
- What is in a Name? The Sound of Maria. (2017)
- The island and the islander (2016)
- Musiketnologi i Norden - en kartering (2016)
- Öar, öbor och besökare i gotländska turistbroschyrer. (2016)
- 'Island' as seriality (2015)
- Islands, culture, and cultural production on an island (2013)
- Consequences of world heritage production (2013)
- Heritage history – the Swedish Way (2013)
- Musiken i framtiden (2011)
- Det stora uppdraget – och det lilla (2011)
- Perspektiv på minne, historia och arkiv (2011)
- Islanders , others and other islanders (2011)
- Spelman, folkmusiker, artist (2011)
- What a festival “says” and “does” (2011)
- Kulturarv, religion och nationell självförståelse (2011)
- Visby, Gotland - Fra en sliten småby til middelalderikon (2010)
- Körsång – en svensk historia? (2010)
- Finding the place (2010)
- Hermes dilemma (2010)
- Kontinuiteter? (2010)
- Islands as heritage sites (2009)
- Är du rysk, sork? (2009)
- Kubb (2008)