Petra Eriksson
Lecturer at Trade Unions and Student Unions; Staff Unions; Saco-S vid Uppsala universitet
- Mobile phone:
- +46 70 550 84 10
- Visiting address:
- Thunbergsvägen 7A
- Postal address:
- Box 533
751 21 UPPSALA
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Department of Archaeology and Ancient History; Kulturvård
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 83 24, +46 498 10 83 24
- Mobile phone:
- +46 70 550 84 10
- E-mail:
- Visiting address:
- Campus Gotland, Cramérgatan 3
621 57 Visby - Postal address:
- Uppsala universitet, Campus Gotland
621 67 Visby
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Short presentation
This text is not available in English, therefore the Swedish version is shown.
Programansvarig för Byggnadsantikvarieprogrammet.
Samverkansdoktorand i kulturvård vid Göteborgs universitet. Forskningsstudierna fokuserar på energieffektivisering av byggnadsbestånd och det byggda kulturarvets värden och görs till största delen inom ramen för större forsknings- och utvecklingsprojekt.
Bakgrund i den byggnadsantikvariska praktiken, som byggnadsantikvarie vid länsstyrelser och länsmuseum.
Selection of publications
- A Method to Assess the Potential for and Consequences of Energy Retrofits in Swedish Historic Buildings (2014)
- EFFESUS Methodology for Assessing the Impacts of Energy-Related Retrofit Measures on Heritage Significance (2014)
Recent publications
- Towards Differentiated Energy Renovation Strategies for Heritage-Designated Multifamily Building Stocks (2021)
- Balancing preservation and energy efficiency in building stocks (2020)
- Renovating the Housing Stock Built Before 1945 (2019)
- Character defining elements (2018)
- Value creation by re-renovation (2018)
All publications
- Towards Differentiated Energy Renovation Strategies for Heritage-Designated Multifamily Building Stocks (2021)
- Balancing preservation and energy efficiency in building stocks (2020)
- A Method to Assess the Potential for and Consequences of Energy Retrofits in Swedish Historic Buildings (2014)
- EFFESUS Methodology for Assessing the Impacts of Energy-Related Retrofit Measures on Heritage Significance (2014)
- Renovating the Housing Stock Built Before 1945 (2019)
- Character defining elements (2018)
- Value creation by re-renovation (2018)
- A method to assess the potential for and consequences of energy retrofits in Swedish historic districts (2018)
- Learning traditional building techniques by practical work and implemented theory (2016)
- The potential for implementing a decision support system for energy efficiency in the historic district of Visby (2016)
- Energy efficiency in historic stone houses (2013)