Ian Snowball
Professor in Quaternary Geology at Department of Earth Sciences; Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 36 57
- Mobile phone:
- +46 70 425 07 67
- E-mail:
- Ian.Snowball@geo.uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Villavägen 16
75236 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Villavägen 16
75236 Uppsala
- Academic merits:
- Docent
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Short presentation
Head of Department of Earth Sciences
Professor of Quaternary Geology
Member of BOREAS editorial board.
Research interests: Geo/paleomagnetism, contaminated sediments.
Teaching foci: Geomorphology, Quaternary geology.
Ian graduated from Loughborough University of Technology (England) in 1984 with a BSc in Geography and Ecology. Between 1985 and 1989 he worked as a Research Associate in the Department of Geophysics at Edinburgh University (Scotland). He completed his PhD in Quaternary Geology at Lund University, Sweden in 1995 and spent a postdoctoral year at the Geological Survey of Finland (Espoo), returning to Lund in 1997. He became professor in Quaternary geology in 2008. He moved to Uppsala University in 2012 and is director of the research program 'Natural Resources and Sustainable Development'.
Ian maintains a multidisciplinary interest in global change, palaeomagnetism and human impact on the environment. Currently funded research includes:
Coordinator of an applied and transdiscilinary research project funded by the Swedish Research Council FORMAS titled 'TREASURE - Targeting Emerging Contaminated Sediments Along the Uplifting Northern Baltic Coast of Sweden For Remediation'.
Coordinator of the VINNOVA funded project "FIBREM - Remediation of Sweden’s Fiberbank Sediments – Planning Ahead"
A Swedish Research Council (VR) project titled 'Geomagnetic signals in Arctic Ocean sediments: cracking a Quaternary conundrum.'
Recent publications
- Heavy sulfur isotopes recorded in contrasted redox conditions in Holocene sediments from the Yangtze River Delta (2024)
- Giant saltwater inflow in AD 1951 triggered Baltic Sea hypoxia (2024)
- Rapid hydroclimate fluctuation in eastern China coastal plain restrain Neolithic cultures development: A mineral magnetic study (2023)
- Capping fiberbank sediments to reduce persistent organic pollutants (POPs) fluxes (2023)
- A 2-million-year-old ecosystem in Greenland uncovered by environmental DNA (2022)
All publications
- Heavy sulfur isotopes recorded in contrasted redox conditions in Holocene sediments from the Yangtze River Delta (2024)
- Giant saltwater inflow in AD 1951 triggered Baltic Sea hypoxia (2024)
- Rapid hydroclimate fluctuation in eastern China coastal plain restrain Neolithic cultures development: A mineral magnetic study (2023)
- Capping fiberbank sediments to reduce persistent organic pollutants (POPs) fluxes (2023)
- A 2-million-year-old ecosystem in Greenland uncovered by environmental DNA (2022)
- Late Holocene Paleomagnetic Secular Variation in the Chukchi Sea, Arctic Ocean (2022)
- Dispersal of persistent organic pollutants from fiber-contaminated sediments (2021)
- Assessing the Risk of Contaminant Dispersion From Fibrous Sediments of Industrial Origin (2021)
- Deglaciation dynamics of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet in the Kattegat, the gateway between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea Basin (2021)
- Palaeoenvironmental implications from Lower Volga loess - Joint magnetic fabric and multi-proxy analyses (2021)
- Enviromagnetic study of Late Quaternary environmental evolution in Lower Volga loess sequences, Russia (2021)
- Extreme gas production in anthropogenic fibrous sediments (2021)
- Challenges in slope stability assessment of contaminated fibrous sediments along the northern Baltic coast of Sweden (2021)
- Geotechnical site characterization using multichannel analysis of surface waves (2021)
- Dispersal of cellulose fibers and metals from contaminated sediments of industrial origin in an estuary (2020)
- Less metal fluxes than expected from fibrous marine sediments (2020)
- Magnetic susceptibility parameters as proxies for desert sediment provenance (2020)
- Status of contaminated marine sediments in four Nordic countries (2020)
- Is 'deep-water formation' in the Baltic Sea a key to understanding seabed dynamics and ventilation changes over the past 7,000 years? (2020)
- The Arctic Ocean Manganese Cycle, an Overlooked Mechanism in the Anomalous Palaeomagnetic Sedimentary Record (2020)
- Distribution and dispersal of metals in contaminated fibrous sediments of industrial origin (2019)
- Biases in radiocarbon dating of organic fractions in sediments from meromictic and seasonally hypoxic lakes (2019)
- Subsurface Characterization of a Quick-Clay Vulnerable Area Using Near-Surface Geophysics and Hydrological Modelling (2019)
- Southwest Greenland shelf glaciation during MIS 4 more extensive than during the Last Glacial Maximum (2019)
- Coring induced sediment fabrics at IODP Expedition 347 Sites M0061 and M0062 identified by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) (2019)
- Late Pleistocene chronology of sediments from the Yermak Plateau and uncertainty in dating based on geomagnetic excursions (2019)
- Changes in sea ice cover and ice sheet extent at the Yermak Plateau during the last 160 ka - Reconstructions from biomarker records (2018)
- Is the Hilina Pali ‘palaeomagnetic excursion’ becoming another example of the reinforcement syndrome? A comment inspired by Nawrocki et al. (2018) (2018)
- Holocene stratigraphy of the Ångermanälven River estuary, Bothnian Sea (2017)
- Bulk sediment C-14 dating in an estuarine environment (2017)
- Towards an event stratigraphy for Baltic Sea sediments deposited since AD 1900 (2017)
- The undatables (2017)
- Magma transport in sheet intrusions of the Alnö carbonatite complex, central Sweden (2016)
- Identifying landslide preconditions in Swedish quick clays - insights from integration of surface geophysical, core sample- and downhole property measurements (2016)
- IODP expedition 347 (2015)
- A 5000-year pollen and plant macrofossil record from the Osogovo Mountain, Southwestern Bulgaria (2015)
- Post-depositional remanent magnetization lock-in depth in precisely dated varved sediments assessed by archaeomagnetic field models (2015)
- Pa leo-environment and flooding of the Limpopo River-plain, Mozambique, between c. AD 1200-2000 (2015)
- Till botten med gamla synder (2015)
- Till botten med gamla synder (2015)
- Echoes from the Past (2014)
- A deglacial palaeomagnetic master curve for Fennoscandia Providing a dating template and supporting millennial-scale geomagnetic field patterns for the past 14 ka (2014)
- Late Quaternary vegetation dynamics and hydro-climate in the Drakensberg, South Africa (2014)
- A 30,000-year pollen record from Mire Kupena, Western Rhodopes Mountains (south Bulgaria) (2014)
- Large spatial variations in coastal C-14 reservoir age a case study from the Baltic Sea (2013)
- Radiocarbon wiggle-matching of bulk sediments - how accurate can it be? (2013)
- Magnetostratigraphic importance of secondary chemical remanent magnetizations carried by greigite (Fe3S4) in Miocene sediments, New Jersey shelf (IODP Expedition 313) (2013)
- Establishment of modern circulation pattern at c. 6000 cal a BP in Disko Bugt, central West Greenland (2013)
- Magnetic enhancement of Baltic Sea sapropels by greigite magnetofossils (2013)
- An estimate of post-depositional remanent magnetization lock-in depth in organic rich varved lake sediments (2013)
- 19. Mire Kupena, Western Rhodopes Mountains (South Bulgaria) (2013)
- Late pleistocene and holocene history of genus isoetes L. (Lycopodiophyta) in the Western Rhodope Mountains, Bulgaria. New palynological and palaeoecological data (2012)
- Palaeolimnological response to holocene tree-limit retreat in the Scanders Mountains of westcentral Sweden (2004)
- Distribution and dispersal of metals in contaminated fibrous sediments of industrial origin
- Post-depositional diagenesis in Arctic Ocean sediments and its implications for the palaeomagnetic record
- Combined land and river high-resolution reflection seismic imaging of an area prone to quick-clay landslides in Sweden (2016)
- Geophysical and physical measurements applied to characterize an area prone to quick clay landslides in SW Sweden (2014)
- Analysis of seismic data and correlation with downhole geophysical measurements in theassessment of a Swedish area prone to quick clay landslides (2013)