Christer Gustafsson
Professor at Department of Archaeology and Ancient History and Conservation; Kulturvård
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Short presentation
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His trans-disciplinary research is focusing on boundary-spanning challenges and opportunities for cultural heritage as a driver for sustainable growth and heritage-led innovation-driven regional/urban development. At the moment, he is engaged in the EU Horizon 2020 project CLIC - Circular Models Leveraging Investments in Cultural heritage adaptive reuse, research on Fields of Creative Powers as well as the EU Horizon 2020 project RURITAGE . He was also one of the founders of the Halland Model
- conservation
- cultural heritage
- economics of conservation
- fields of creative power
- sustainable development
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Curriculum Vitae
Professor Christer Gustafsson, Ph.D.
Christer Gustafsson, Ph.D. is
- Full Professor in Conservation at Uppsala University, Sweden;
- ICOMOS Advisory Committee Officer;
- Secretary-General for ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Economics of Conservation;
- Vice chairman of the expert panel for European Heritage Label (appointed by the European Commission)
- member of the ICOMOS Task Force Bureau, an international expert group working with indicators for the United Nations’ Sustainability Goals as well as to incorporate cultural heritage issues in the next round of the Sustainability Goals (Agenda 2045)
His trans-disciplinary research is focusing on boundary-spanning challenges and opportunities for cultural heritage as a driver for sustainable growth and heritage-led innovation-driven regional/urban development. At the moment, he is engaged in the EU Horizon 2020 project CLIC - Circular Models Leveraging Investments in Cultural heritage adaptive reuse as well as research on Fields of Creative Powers as well as the EU Horizon 2020 project RURITAGE Heritage for Rural Regenetion. He was also one of the founders of the Halland Model.
He was currently:
- conducting a study on Best practices in sustainable management and safeguarding of cultural heritage in the EU for the European Parliament
- member of the expert panel to analyse of the potential future European Institute for Innovation and Technology thematic areas, societal challenges and their innovation potential; and their suitability for a EIT-Knowledge and Innovation Centre model.
- member of the European Commission’s expert panel and ambassador for a European Agenda for research of cultural heritage and innovation.
Higher education qualifications
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
2009, Environmental Sciences, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg.
The Halland Model: A Trading Zone for Building Conservation concerted with Labour Market Policy and Construction Industry aiming at Sustainable Development.
The dissertation presents an application-oriented theoretical platform and a new model, providing adequate approaches to solving boundary-spanning challenges for regional growth, strengthening competitiveness, sustainability and development of building conservation.
1984 B.A. Integrated Building Conservation. Göteborg University.
1979-85 Various University courses in e.g. Art History, Economics, Economic History, Mathematics, and Philosophy. Göteborg University.
Previous positions
Director (Landsantikvarie) Regional Museums of Halland and Heritage Halland 2005-2012.
Head of International Department, Regional Museums of Halland, 2001-2005
Head of Building Conservation Team, Regional Museums of Halland, 1992-2001
Municipal Heritage Conservation officer, Sollentuna kommun 1989 – 1992
Heritage Conservation officer, various regional museums in Sweden 1984 – 1989
Awards and others
Awarded with the Polish Culture Minister’s Golden Medal 1999 (comparable to the Swedish Vasa-order)
Awarded with Region Warminsku – Mazurskies Grand Medal (PL) 1999
Awarded with Region Halland Culture Prize 2005
Professor (hon.) at Nanjing University in China;
Member of the Advisory Board for the Horizon 2020 project Ruritage 2018-
Member of the Steering Group for European Innovators in Cultural Heritage, EU DG Research and Innovation 2017-2018
Researcher the European Parliament for Best Practice in Sustainable Management and Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage in the EU 2017-2018
International Senior Advisor to assist the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear safety of the Federal Republic of Germany for future cultural heritage policies 2016-2017
Faculty member at Turin Faculty of Development (Politecnico di Torino and Università degli Studi di Torino)
Member of the Scientific Board of Cultural Industries and Complexity Observatory at IULM University, Milano, Italy 2015 -
Visiting Professor Instituto Universitario di Lingue Moderne IULM Unversity, Milano 2011- 2013Director for the formation of Institute for Culture, Creativity and Competitiveness at Jönköping International Business School (SE) 2009-2010
Member of expert panel of STINT Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education 2015-2018
Member of the examination board for PhD dissertations at Politecnico di Milano 2015-
Member of the Scientific Committee for Bollettino del Centro Calza Bini – Università degli Studi Napoli Federico II 2015-
Chairman of the of the assessment committee for the evaluation of research conducted at CLUE research centre at VU University Amsterdam during the period 2008-2013
Evaluator and expert for European Union Research Framework Programmes 2000-,
European Union Culture Programme 2011-, and
European Union Europe for Citizens Programme 2011-
Member of the Board of Directors for Cultural Heritage without Borders 2012-2019
Chairman Boards of Directors Good and Green consultancy (UK) 2011-2013
Secretary of the Boards of Directors for Swedish Association of Regional Museums 2006-2013
Member of the Boards of Directors for Europa Nostra (SE) 2013-2015
Lecturer at the 13th Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture in Dublin (IRL)
Speaker at EU China Mayors Forum 2012, EU Africa Forum 2013, Moscow Urban Forum 2012
International expert in EU COST C 20 Urban Knowledge – Urban Heritage 2007-2010
Promotor of the Halland Model 1993-2005.
Peer-reviewed original articles (summary)
Ferilli, G., Gustafsson, C., Buscema, M. and Sacco, P.L. (2019). The complex dynamic evolution of cultural vibrancy in the Region of Halland, Sweden. International regional Science Review (forthcoming).
Stanojev, J. and Gustafsson, C. (2019). Prioritizing Cultural Heritage through Smart Specialisation strategies –Boundaries and Perspectives Toward integrated Approaches (forthcoming)
Gustafsson, C. and Ijla, A. Building Conservation as a Catalyst for Regional Sustainable Development. Halland Model as a Planning and Acting Sphere. in: Van Balen, K. and Vandesande, A. (eds.) (2018) Innovative Bult Heritage Models. Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK. Pp. 161-166. ISSN: 2576-3075.
Ferilli, G., Gustafsson, C. and Sacco, P. L. Cognitive Keynesianism: Integrated heritage conservation as an anti-cyclic policy. The case of the Halland Region, Sweden. Ingår in: Journal of Cultural Heritage, Vol 27, 10-19 s. ISSN: 1296-2074.
Gustafsson, C. and Polesie, T. Return on Heritage Investments. Some Measurable Results of the Conservation of the Rossared Manor House. BDC Bollettino del Dipartimento di Conservazione dei Beni Architettonici ed Ambientali dell'Università degli Studi di Napoli. Vol. 13, 1/2013. ISSN 1121-2912.
Gustafsson, C. and Rosvall, J. The Halland Model and the Gothenburg Model: A quest towards integrated sustainable conservation. In: City and Time, 4 (1), pp. 15-30. CECI, Centro de Estudos Avançados da Conseração Integrada.
Chapters in Books
Gustafsson, C. Heritage Conservation and Socio-Economic Development. In: Grosso, P. (2018) 2018 - European Year of Cultural Heritage. Cartaditalia. Vol II. pp. 267-289. ISSN 2466-6726.
Peer-reviewed conference contributions (summary)
Gustafsson, C. (2017) Cultural Heritage and Innovation. 2nd European Congress. European Cities and their Heritage. Faces of History in European Cities. Berlin 8-9 December 2016.
Gustafsson, C. (2011) A trading zone for built cultural heritage aiming at urban sustainable development. Paper presented at 10th ESA Conference of the European Sociological Association “Social Relations in Turbulent Times”, Geneva, 2011.
Norrström, H., Edén, M. and Gustafsson, C. (2011) EEPOCH, a multiple case study involving energy efficiency, preservation, and management and working climate in conservation teams. Chalmers university of technology. Paper presented at 10th ESA Conference of the European Sociological Association “Social Relations in Turbulent Times”, Geneva, 2011.
Gustafsson, C. (2010) A trading zone for built cultural heritage aiming at regional sustainable development. Paper presented at ESA Research Network Sociology of Culture Midterm Conference: "Culture & the Making of Worlds". Published at
Gustafsson, C. and Polesie, T. (2007) Return on Heritage Investments. Some Measurable Results of the Conservation of Harplinge Windmill and Rydöbruk Industrial Site. Paper presented at the International Trades Educations Symposium and International Preservation Trades Workshop, Tällberg, Sweden, 21–25 May 2007.
Official reports
Gustafsson, C. (2018) Research for Culture Committee - Best practices in sustainable management and safeguarding of cultural heritage in the EU. The European Parliament.
Gustafsson, C. and Lazzaro, E. (2017) Input to EIT’s Strategic Innovation Agenda Future EIT Thematic Areas Expert analysis. European Institute of Innovation and Technology.
Gustafsson, C. (2016) Trends in cultural heritage - a global overview. European Cultural Diplomacy Platform.
Member of expert groups and co-author for following reports:
The European Commission (2015) Getting Heritage to work for Europe
The European Commission (2017) European Heritage Label
The European Commission (2016) Evaluation. European Heritage Label
The European Commission (2015) European Heritage Label
The European Commission (2014) European Heritage Label
Popular science articles/presentations
Gustafsson, C. (2017) Kreativa Kraftfält i Fyrbodal samt Göteborgsregionen. Västar Götalandsregionen. Vänersborg (39 pages).
Gustafsson, C. (2016) Kreativa Kraftfält i Fyrbodal. Fyrbodals kommunalförbund. Uddevalla (75 pages).
Gustafsson, C. (2016) Kreativa Kraftfält i Göteborgsregionen. Västra Götalandsregionen. Göteborg (74 pages).