Giuliano Di Baldassarre
Professor in Surface water modelling at Department of Earth Sciences; Program for Air, Water and Landscape Sciences; Environmental Analysis
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Professor at Uppsala University Conflicting Objectives Research Nexus (UUniCORN)
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- Akademiska sjukhuset
751 85 Uppsala
- 0000-0002-8180-4996
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Short presentation
Giuliano Di Baldassarre is a professor of hydrology and environmental analysis. He is also the head of division LUVAL, Air Water and Landscape Sciences. His interdisciplinary work combines qualitative and quantitative research methods to unravel the interplay between water, environment and society. The aim is to advance fundamental science and inform policy in the context of disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and sustainability.
- climate change adaptation
- disaster risk reduction
- floods and droughts
- interdisciplinarity
- risk perception
- socio-hydrology
- sustainability
- water and society
Giuliano Di Baldassarre is a professor of hydrology and environmental analysis at the Department of Earth Sciences of Uppsala University, as well as the head of division LUVAL, Air Water and Landscape Sciences. His research deals with risks, crises or disasters resulting from the interplay between water, environment and society. His multi-, inter-, and trans-disciplinary work combines qualitative and quantitative methods to advance fundamental science and inform policy in the context of disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and sustainability.
Giuliano Di Baldassarre has been the recipient of international honours, including the Plinius Medal by the European Geosciences Union (EGU), the Witherspoon Lecture by the American Geophysical Union (AGU), and the Consolidator Grant by the European Research Council (ERC). He was one of the leaders (also serving as one of the Chairs) of Panta Rhei-Everything Flows, the global research initiative on water-society interactions of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), and served as the director of the Centre of Natural Hazards and Disaster Science (CNDS) in the period 2016-2024. He published more than 200 papers in peer-reviewed journals, including multidisciplinary ones such as Nature Sustainability, Science Advances, Earth's Future and Nature.
Drought in a human-dominated world: Feedbacks, legacies and inequalities
Invited webinar at the Water Institute, University of Waterloo, Canada
Floods and droughts: Complex interactions in a rapidly changing world
Invited seminar at CMCC, Italy, an international research centre on climate impacts
Centre of natural hazards and disaster science (CNDS)
Short video introducing the interdisciplinary research work at CNDS
Selection of publications
- The wider the gap between rich and poor the higher the flood mortality (2023)
- Unprecedented droughts are expected to exacerbate urban inequalities in Southern Africa (2023)
- Urban water crises driven by elites' unsustainable consumption (2023)
- The challenge of unprecedented floods and droughts in risk management (2022)
- Integrating Multiple Research Methods to Unravel the Complexity of Human-Water Systems (2021)
- The legacy of large dams in the United States (2021)
- Exposure to natural hazard events unassociated with policy change for improved disaster risk reduction (2021)
- Sociohydrology (2019)
- Water shortages worsened by reservoir effects (2018)
- Nighttime light data reveal how flood protection shapes human proximity to rivers (2018)
- Drought and flood in the Anthropocene (2017)
- Adaptation to flood risk (2017)
- The seventh facet of uncertainty (2016)
- Drought in a human-modified world (2016)
- Perspectives on socio-hydrology: Capturing feedbacks between physical and social processes (2015)
- Towards understanding the dynamic behaviour of floodplains as human-water systems (2013)
- Future hydrology and climate in the River Nile basin (2011)
- Flood fatalities in Africa (2010)
- Flood-plain mapping (2010)
- Uncertainty in river discharge observations (2009)
Recent publications
- Exploring drought‐to‐flood interactions and dynamics: A global case review (2024)
- Thinking systemically about climate services (2024)
- The 2022 Drought Needs to be a Turning Point for European Drought Risk Management (2024)
- The 2022 Drought Shows the Importance of Preparedness in European Drought Risk Management (2024)
- Sociohydrology (2024)
All publications
- Exploring drought‐to‐flood interactions and dynamics: A global case review (2024)
- Thinking systemically about climate services (2024)
- The 2022 Drought Needs to be a Turning Point for European Drought Risk Management (2024)
- The 2022 Drought Shows the Importance of Preparedness in European Drought Risk Management (2024)
- The Potential of Hydrogeodesy to Address Water-Related and Sustainability Challenges (2024)
- Over-reliance on water infrastructure can hinder climate resilience in pastoral drylands (2024)
- Significant relationships between drought indicators and impacts for the 2018-2019 drought in Germany (2024)
- Advances and gaps in the science and practice of impact‐based forecasting of droughts (2024)
- Review article: Drought as a continuum - memory effects in interlinked hydrological, ecological, and social systems (2024)
- Editorial (2024)
- Drought and Human Mobility in Africa (2023)
- Panta Rhei benchmark dataset (2023)
- Groundwater Vulnerability in a Megacity Under Climate and Economic Changes (2023)
- The wider the gap between rich and poor the higher the flood mortality (2023)
- Living in a pandemic (2023)
- Public risk perception of air pollution in the general population of Italy and Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic (2023)
- Unprecedented droughts are expected to exacerbate urban inequalities in Southern Africa (2023)
- Urban water crises driven by elites' unsustainable consumption (2023)
- Go together, to go further! Reply to "Human-water research (2022)
- The challenge of unprecedented floods and droughts in risk management (2022)
- Multiform flood risk in a rapidly changing world (2022)
- Deciphering human influence on annual maximum flood extent at the global level (2022)
- Exploring disaster impacts on adaptation actions in 549 cities worldwide (2022)
- Disaster risk reduction and the limits of truisms (2022)
- Never Ask for a Lighter Rain but a Stronger Umbrella (2022)
- Epidemic risk perceptions in Italy and Sweden driven by authority responses to COVID-19 (2022)
- COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in Sweden and Italy (2022)
- Bridging the gap (2022)
- Drought and society (2022)
- All dried up (2022)
- Streamflow droughts aggravated by human activities despite management (2022)
- On capturing human agency and methodological interdisciplinarity in socio-hydrology research (2022)
- Anthropogenic Drought (2021)
- Integrating Multiple Research Methods to Unravel the Complexity of Human-Water Systems (2021)
- The legacy of large dams in the United States (2021)
- Multiple hazards and risk perceptions over time (2021)
- Heterogeneity in flood risk awareness (2021)
- Social-ecological system approaches for water resources management (2021)
- Global riverine flood risk - how do hydrogeomorphic floodplain maps compare to flood hazard maps? (2021)
- Water management, hydrological extremes, and society (2021)
- Floodplains in the Anthropocene (2021)
- Longitudinal survey data for diversifying temporal dynamics in flood risk modelling (2021)
- Exposure to natural hazard events unassociated with policy change for improved disaster risk reduction (2021)
- Guiding principles for hydrologists conducting interdisciplinary research and fieldwork with participants (2021)
- Hydrological risk (2021)
- Scientists' warning on extreme wildfire risks to water supply (2021)
- Scenarios of Human Responses to Unprecedented Social-Environmental Extreme Events (2021)
- Don't blame the rain (2021)
- Socio-Hydrological Modelling (2020)
- Extreme dry and wet spells face changes in their duration and timing (2020)
- Concurrent wet and dry hydrological extremes at the global scale (2020)
- Brief communication (2020)
- The interplay between structural flood protection, population density, and flood mortality along the Jamuna River, Bangladesh (2020)
- The interplay between reservoir storage and operating rules under evolving conditions (2020)
- A review of freely accessible global datasets for the study of floods, droughts and their interactions with human societies (2020)
- Public perceptions of multiple risks during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy and Sweden (2020)
- Exploring changes in hydrogeological risk awareness and preparedness over time (2020)
- The Role of Experience and Different Sources of Knowledge in Shaping Flood Risk Awareness (2020)
- Household resilience to climate change hazards in Uganda (2020)
- Water management for irrigation, crop yield and social attitudes (2020)
- The need to integrate flood and drought disaster risk reduction strategies (2020)
- A flood-risk-oriented, dynamic protection motivation framework to explain risk reduction behaviours (2020)
- Twenty-three unsolved problems in hydrology (UPH) - a community perspective (2019)
- Space-time disaggregation of precipitation and temperature across different climates and spatial scales (2019)
- Sociohydrology (2019)
- The levee effect along the Jamuna River in Bangladesh (2019)
- The Costs of Living with Floods in the Jamuna Floodplain in Bangladesh (2019)
- Is observation uncertainty masking the signal of land use change impacts on hydrology? (2019)
- Priorities and Interactions of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with Focus on Wetlands (2019)
- GFPLAIN250m, a global high-resolution dataset of Earth's floodplains (2019)
- Design Flood Estimation (2019)
- A systematic comparison of statistical and hydrological methods for design flood estimation (2019)
- Exploring the role of risk perception in influencing flood losses over time (2019)
- Interdisciplinary Critical Geographies of Water (2019)
- Hess Opinions (2018)
- An Integrative Research Framework to Unravel the Interplay of Natural Hazards and Vulnerabilities (2018)
- Water shortages worsened by reservoir effects (2018)
- Socio-hydrological spaces in the Jamuna River floodplain in Bangladesh (2018)
- Nighttime light data reveal how flood protection shapes human proximity to rivers (2018)
- Model averaging versus model selection (2018)
- Hydrological change (2018)
- Reply to Discussion of "Perceptual models of uncertainty for socio-hydrological systems (2018)
- Can weather generation capture precipitation patterns across different climates, spatial scales and under data scarcity? (2017)
- Socio-hydrological modelling of flood-risk dynamics (2017)
- Drought and flood in the Anthropocene (2017)
- Reproducing an extreme flood with uncertain post-event information (2017)
- Event and model dependent rainfall adjustments to improve discharge predictions (2017)
- Impact of social preparedness on flood early warning systems (2017)
- Impact of the timing of a SAR image acquisition on the calibration of a flood inundation model (2017)
- Adaptation to flood risk (2017)
- Simple vs complex rating curves (2017)
- Perceptual models of uncertainty for socio-hydrological systems (2017)
- Increasing flood risk under climate change: a pan-European assessment of the benefits of four adaptation strategies (2016)
- Probabilistic Flood Maps to support decision-making (2016)
- Adaptation of water resources systems to changing society and environment (2016)
- A theoretical model of water and trade (2016)
- The seventh facet of uncertainty (2016)
- An intercomparison of remote sensing river discharge estimation algorithms from measurements of river height, width, and slope (2016)
- Panta Rhei 2013-2015 (2016)
- Testing new sources of topographic data for flood propagation modelling under structural, parameter and observation uncertainty (2016)
- A new methodology to define homogeneous regions through an entropy based clustering method (2016)
- Drought in a human-modified world (2016)
- Drought in the Anthropocene (2016)
- Assessing the impact of different sources of topographic data on 1-D hydraulic modelling of floods (2015)
- The failed-levee effect (2015)
- Perspectives on socio-hydrology: Capturing feedbacks between physical and social processes (2015)
- Flood risk mitigation in developing countries (2015)
- Remotely Sensed Nightlights to Map Societal Exposure to Hydrometeorological Hazards (2015)
- A review of low-cost space-borne data for flood modelling (2015)
- Exploring the Potential of SRTM Topography and Radar Altimetry to Support Flood Propagation Modeling (2015)
- Testing different cross-section spacing in 1D hydraulic modelling (2014)
- Floods and societies: the spatial distribution of water‐related disaster risk and its dynamics (2014)
- Flood modelling (2014)
- An entropy approach for the optimization of cross-section spacing for river modelling (2014)
- Insights from socio-hydrology modelling on dealing with flood risk–roles of collective memory, risk-taking attitude and trust (2014)
- Exploring the Potential of SRTM Topography and Radar Altimetry to Support Flood Propagation Modeling (2014)
- HP - Special Issue on Flood Risk and Uncertainty (2013)
- The role of risk perception in making flood risk management more effective (2013)
- Towards understanding the dynamic behaviour of floodplains as human-water systems (2013)
- Socio-hydrology (2013)
- Detailed data is welcome, but with a pinch of salt (2013)
- Downscaling technique uncertainty in assessing hydrological impact of climate change in the Upper Beles River Basin, Ethiopia (2013)
- Characterizing Climate Model Uncertainty Using an Informal Bayesian Framework (2013)
- Reconstruction and analysis of the Po River inundation of 1951 (2013)
- "Panta Rhei-Everything Flows" (2013)
- Data errors and hydrological modelling (2013)
- The role of model structure to propagate observation uncertainty (2013)
- Exploring the potential of SRTM topographic data for flood inundation modelling under uncertainty (2013)
- Uncertainty in design flood profiles derived by hydraulic modelling (2012)
- Bridge pier scour (2012)
- Effect of observation errors on the uncertainty of design floods (2012)
- Is the current flood of data enough? (2012)
- An Entropy Method for Floodplain Monitoring Network Design (2012)
- Relation Between the North-Atlantic Oscillation and Hydroclimatic Conditions in Mediterranean Areas (2011)
- Floodplain management strategies for flood attenuation in the river Po (2011)
- A hydraulic study on the applicability of flood rating curves (2011)
- Future hydrology and climate in the River Nile basin (2011)
- Recent advances in mapping and modelling flood processes in lowland areas (2011)
- Timely Low Resolution SAR Imagery To Support Floodplain Modelling (2011)
- Floodplain management in Africa (2011)
- Selecting the appropriate hydraulic model structure using low-resolution satellite imagery (2011)
- Flood fatalities in Africa (2010)
- Coarse resolution SAR imagery to support flood inundation models in near real time (2010)
- Flood-plain mapping (2010)
- The direct use of radar satellites for event-specific flood risk mapping (2010)
- Near real-time flood wave approximation on large rivers from space (2010)
- Isla Hispaniola (2009)
- Optimal Cross-Sectional Spacing in Preissmann Scheme 1D Hydrodynamic Models (2009)
- Analysis of the effects of levee heightening on flood propagation (2009)
- Probability-weighted hazard maps for comparing different flood risk management strategies (2009)
- Uncertainty in river discharge observations (2009)
- Near real time satellite imagery to support and verify timely flood modelling (2009)
- A technique for the calibration of hydraulic models using uncertain satellite observations of flood extent (2009)
- Model selection techniques for the frequency analysis of hydrological extremes (2009)
- The Utility of Spaceborne Radar to Render Flood Inundation Maps Based on Multialgorithm Ensembles (2009)
- Comparing the performance of a 2-D finite element and a 2-D finite volume model of floodplain inundation using airborne SAR imagery (2007)
- Reliability of different depth-duration-frequency equations for estimating short-duration design storms (2006)
- Relationships between statistics of rainfall extremes and mean annual precipitation (2006)
- The two-faced impact of dams and reservoirs on hydrological drought
- Hydro-Meteorological Hazards, Risks, and Disasters (2023)
- Hydro-Meteorological Hazards, Risks, and Disasters (2015)
- Floods in a Changing Climate: Inundation Modelling (2012)
- Sociohydrology (2024)
- KULTURisk Methodology Application (2015)
- Global and Low-Cost Topographic Data to Support Flood Studies (2015)
- Hydrology and society: Phenomena emerging from the interactions and feedbacks between human and water systems (2022)
- Suggesting a new diagram and convention for characterising and reporting model performance (2022)
- Assessing fluvial flood risk in urban environments (2016)
- Optimal Cross-sectional Sampling for River Modelling with Bridges (2016)
- The interplay between human population dynamics and flooding in Bangladesh (2014)
- A framework for the assessment of the industrial risk caused by floods (2009)
- Design flood estimation using model selection criteria (2009)