Susanne Urban
Professor in Sociology, especially Housing and Urban Sociology at Institute for Housing and Urban Research
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- +46 18 471 65 31
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Download contact information for Susanne Urban at Institute for Housing and Urban Research
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Department of Sociology; Faculty
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- Visiting address:
- Engelska parken
Thunbergsvägen 3H - Postal address:
- Box 624
751 26 UPPSALA
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Short presentation
Professor of Sociology, Deputy and Deputy Head at the Institute for Housing and Urban Research. I am interested in ideas about how to create social cohesion in cities; consequences of, and causes of, housing and school segregation; neighborhood importance; integration and climate change.
- boendesegregation
- cityplanning
- hållbar utveckling
- integration
- neighbourhood effect
- residential segregation
- samhällsplanering
- school commuting
- school segregation
- skolpendling
- skolsegregation
- sustainable development
My research can be described with the following four themes:
- Urban development and neighbourhood ideals. On how urban planning, anti-segregation policies and urban ideals have been formulated over time and how these influence segregation in cities.
- Neighbourhood effects. How housing areas influence the individuals that live there. I have studied the long-term effects on income and education and the importance of local social networks for native-born and foreign-born residents.
- Work and business ownership among foreign-born residents. The role of social networks for business owners and the importance of political reforms and privatisation within health care and labour force migration reform.
- Education and school segregation. The consequences of school choice reforms in the form of travel times and long-term consequences for education and income.
Research has been financed in part by the following external projects:
Sustainable or segregated? Energy communities for a broad sustainable energy transition. Formas, projektledare Klas Palm 2021-2024.
The market for upper-secondary education in areas with few Swedes. The choice of upper-secondary programmes among families and students from immigrant backgrounds in ethnically heterogeneous and socio-economically disadvantaged housing areas. Swedish Research Council, project manager Håkan Forsberg 2017–2020.
School choice reforms implementation and long-term consequences for individuals’ social mobility. Swedish Research Council, project manager Susanne Urban 2014–2017. SEK 6.375 million.
Strategies and Structures. A multi-disciplinary study of the preconditions for entrepreneurship among immigrants in Sweden. Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation, project manager Martin Klinthäll. 2014–2017.
Selection of publications
- School Choice and Its Long-Term Impact on Social Mobility in Sweden (2021)
- Utsatta bostadsområden och områdesorienterad politik (2020)
- Integration och grannskap (2018)
- Formal Education and New Openings for Self-Employment Amongst Foreign-Born Persons in the Swedish Healthcare Sector (2017)
- Invandring och företagande (2016)
- The strength of ethnic ties (2016)
- Second-Generation Immigrants in the Small-Business Sector in Sweden (2014)
- Utbildning, arbete, medborgarskap (2014)
- Restaurant work-experience as stepping stone into the rest of labour market. (2013)
- University Education as a Compensation Strategy Among Second-Generation Immigrants (2012)
- Is the neighbourhood effect an economic or an immigrant issue? A study of the importance of the childhood neighbourhood for future integration into the labour market (2009)
Recent publications
- IBF 30 ÅR (2024)
- Swedish migration policy liberalization and new immigrant entrepreneurs (2023)
- Is ‘the social’ forgotten? (2022)
- School Choice and Its Long-Term Impact on Social Mobility in Sweden (2021)
- Etnisk boendesegregation (2021)
All publications
- Swedish migration policy liberalization and new immigrant entrepreneurs (2023)
- School Choice and Its Long-Term Impact on Social Mobility in Sweden (2021)
- Utsatta bostadsområden och områdesorienterad politik (2020)
- Hur klass gör skillnad. Klasspositionens betydelse för rasistiska och negativt särskiljande praktiker (2020)
- Vi betalar ett högt pris för valfriheten i skolan (2019)
- Migrants and City-Making (2019)
- Utanförskap innebär att det finns en gemenskap som inte fungerar (2019)
- Meandering rides of the Swedish taxi industry: (2018)
- Breda insatser fungerar bäst mot segregation (2017)
- Formal Education and New Openings for Self-Employment Amongst Foreign-Born Persons in the Swedish Healthcare Sector (2017)
- The strength of ethnic ties (2016)
- Second-Generation Immigrants in the Small-Business Sector in Sweden (2014)
- Områdesutveckling mot fattigdom (2014)
- Restaurant work-experience as stepping stone into the rest of labour market. (2013)
- University Education as a Compensation Strategy Among Second-Generation Immigrants (2012)
- Is the neighbourhood effect an economic or an immigrant issue? A study of the importance of the childhood neighbourhood for future integration into the labour market (2009)
- Socio-Economic Trends in the Swedish Taxi Sector -Deregulation, Recommodification, Ethnification (2008)
- Rekommodifiering av taxibranschen - förändring av ekonomiska förhållanden och etnisk sammansättning (2008)
- Skilda världar i samma stad (2007)
- IBF 30 ÅR (2024)
- Fostran till valfrihet (2019)
- Integration och grannskap (2018)
- Utbildning, arbete, medborgarskap (2016)
- Utbildning, arbete, medborgarskap (2014)
- Utbildning, arbete, medborgarskap (2007)
- Utbildning, arbete, medborgarskap (2007)
- Att ordna staden (2005)
- Etnisk boendesegregation (2021)
- Det beskurna medborgarskapet (2016)
- Lokal sammanhållning mot segregation – varför då? (2015)
- Etnisk boendesegregation (2015)
- Social excludering: Ett beskuret medborgarskap. (2014)
- Köksingång till den svenska arbetsmarknaden? (2010)
- Kartläggning av företagande bland personer med utländsk bakgrund i Sverige (2010)
- Stockholms etniska delning. Polarisering på arbets- och bostadsmarknaden. (2008)
- Etnisk boendesegregation - en korsningsfråga (2008)
- Social exkludering (2007)
- Is ‘the social’ forgotten? (2022)
- Should I stay or should I go (2017)
- (Re) mixed embeddedness (2015)
- Meandering rides of the Swedish taxi industry (2015)
- Education and new openings for immigrant entrepreneurship in the health care sector in Sweden (2014)