Evelina Liljeberg
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Department of food studies, nutrition and dietetics
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 50 16
- Mobile phone:
- +46 70 167 91 57
- E-mail:
- evelina.liljeberg@ikv.uu.se
- Visiting address:
Husargatan 3
752 37 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Box 560
751 22 UPPSALA
Affiliated Researcher at Department of Women's and Children's Health; Physiotherapy and behavioral medicine
- Mobile phone:
- +46 70 167 91 57
- Visiting address:
- MTC-huset, Dag Hammarskjölds väg 14B, 1tr
752 37 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Akademiska sjukhuset, MTC-huset
751 85 Uppsala
More information is available to staff who log in.
- clinical nutrition
- dietitian
- disease-related malnutrition
- nutrition therapy
- oral nutritional supplements
I work as a senior lecturer with a combined position as a dietitian at Uppsala University Hospital. My research interests revolve around the dietitian's profession and nutritional therapy in disease-related malnutrition.
I teach within the Clinical Dietetics Programme, and I am passionate about integrating research in dietetics and nutrition with teaching and clinical practice. I am also the coordinator of the Clinical Dietetics Programme and responsible for the dietetian students' clinical placements during the third and sixth semesters of their education.
Selection of publications
Recent publications
- Adherence to Oral Nutritional Supplements (2025)
- How Can Healthcare Improve Adherence to Oral Nutritional Supplements? (2024)
- Understanding the complexity of barriers and facilitators to adherence to oral nutritional supplements among patients with malnutrition: a systematic mixed-studies review (2024)
- Följsamhet till nutritionsbehandling med kosttillägg (2024)
- An audit of dietitians' documentation (2023)
All publications
- Adherence to Oral Nutritional Supplements (2025)
- Understanding the complexity of barriers and facilitators to adherence to oral nutritional supplements among patients with malnutrition: a systematic mixed-studies review (2024)
- Följsamhet till nutritionsbehandling med kosttillägg (2024)
- 'Between foods and medicines' (2022)
- A qualitative exploration of dietitians' experiences of prescribing oral nutritional supplements to patients with malnutrition (2021)
- ASPEN 2019 Nutrition Science & Practice Conference (2019)
- High adherence to oral nutrition supplements prescribed by dietitians (2019)
- Incomplete descriptions of oral nutritional supplement interventions in reports of randomised controlled trials (2018)
- Följsamhet till nutritionsbehandling med kosttillägg - ett doktorandprojekt halvvägs i doktorandutbildningen (2017)
- Institutionen för kostvetenskap 120 år (2015)
- ‘I take the amount I need to feel good’: a qualitative exploration of patient experiences of the meaning and usage of oral nutritional supplements
- How Can Healthcare Improve Adherence to Oral Nutritional Supplements? (2024)
- An audit of dietitians' documentation (2023)
- The concept of adherence and its applications in the field of nutrition and dietetics: a narrative review (2021)
- ‘I take the amount I need to feel good’: a qualitative exploration of patient experiences of the meaning and usage of oral nutritional supplements (2021)
- Följsamhet till kosttilläggsförskrivning associerat till patientens behandlingsduration och ålder (2020)
- Treatment dilemmas experienced by dietitians when prescribing oral nutritional supplements (2020)
- A qualitative exploration of dietitians’ experiences of prescribing oral nutritional supplements to patients with malnutrition (2020)
- Factors associated with adherence to oral nutritional supplements among free-living hospital outpatients (2019)
- Adherence to oral nutritional supplements among hospital outpatients (2018)
- Factors influencing the choice of oral nutritional supplements prescribed by Swedish dietitians (2016)