Reza Azarian
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Department of Sociology; Faculty
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- FD, Docent
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Short presentation
- classical social thought
- economic sociology
- relational sociology
- social psychology
- sociological theory
- symbolic interactionism
During the last 10 years, my research has continued along two distinct lines. One is theoretical and focuses in particular on sociological and social psychological theories regarding social relations social networks. This line has so far led to the publication of two conceptual articles:
- “Social Ties: Elements of a Substantive Conceptualisation” published 2010 in Acta Sociologica; and
- “Joint Actions, Stories and Symbolic Structures: A Contribution to Herbert Blumer’s Conceptual Framework” published 2015 in Sociology
Another strand of research is economic sociological, and concerns in particular the issue of boundary uncertainty and the importance of inter-organizational linkages developed and sustained as copying devices. A focal issue here has been the firms’ preference for durable trust-based relations over vertical integration. The result of this research has been published in the form of three articles.
- “Trade-offs in Choice of Inter-firm Transaction Structure: A Case Study of Perceived Comparative Advantages of Business Relation over Vertical Integration” Journal of Sociology 2014
- “Integration Decision: A Qualitative Study of Producer-Supplier Relation” Business Management Dynamics 2011
- “Asset Specific Relations as Inter-firm Transaction Structures: A Qualitative Study” International Journal of Business and Social Science 2010
Parallel to these main strands of work, I have also conducted research in a number of areas. For instance, together with Tage Alalehto (Umeå University), I have carried on an empirical study of tax evasion among small private businesses in a few branches of the Swedish economy. The study shows that the tax violation among these groups is mainly triggered by the assumptions they make about the behaviors of the relevant others and about the probable impact of these behaviors on their own opportunities – an assumption which although is never verified is nonetheless crucial for the business-owners’ definition of the situation in their market and for their assessment of the existing business opportunities. The result has been published as an article in 2014 in Deviant Behavior.
Currently, I have several ongoing research projects, some of which are small and others larger. One is an article – The Paradox of Self- Employment: Evidence from Sweden – in which Daniel Larsson (Umeå University) and I use a national data set from Sweden to explain the difference in work satisfaction between the employed and the self-employed, trying to trace the observed difference back to the relative importance that each group attaches to instrumental outcomes (earning money) and non-instrumental outcomes (autonomy and self-materialization).
Another one concerns the importance of place in people’s life. This project has taken the form of an article in which I empirically examine the role that places play in the formation as well as the endurance of both individual and collective identities, investigating also the possible impacts that disruptive displacements may have and the ways in which people try to maintain or reconstruct their identities when confronting such experiences. The title of the article is Narrative of Uniqueness: An Empirical Study of Place, Meaning and Identity and it theoretically draws on the ideas of Herbert Blumer.
A third article that currently is in progress is related to my earlier work on didactics at the Department of Sociology, Uppsala University. This article – The Promise of Sociology: Teaching Sociology as a Disciplined Imagination – builds on Mills’ notion of sociological imagination and highlights the importance of social order – empirically captured in myriad observable behavioral patterns across realms and levels of social reality – as the core of sociology.
In addition to these articles, there are two books, which are currently in progress. The first one, which is an extension of my article on Herbert Blumer (published last year in Sociology), is an exploration of Blumer’s legacy within the areas of social order and power structures. The other book – Uncertainty Rationality and Inter-firm Relations – is an updated summary of my previous writings on inter-firm relations and networks as remedial devices widely employed for reducing uncertainty and for turning as manageable as possible the operational environment of the firms.
Selection of publications
- Social construction of places as meaningful objects (2023)
- Analytical Sociology and Symbolic Interactionism (2021)
- Relational Habitat (2020)
- Harrison White (2019)
- Joint Actions, Stories and Symbolic Structures (2017)
- Uncertainty as a Common Ground for a Dialogue between Economics and Sociology (2016)
- Social Ties: Elements of a Substantive Conceptualisation (2010)
Recent publications
- Social construction of places as meaningful objects (2023)
- Analytical Sociology and Symbolic Interactionism (2021)
- Relational Habitat (2020)
- Harrison White (2019)
- When White Collar Criminals Turn to Fatal Violence: The Impact of Narcissism and Psychopathy (2018)
All publications
- Social construction of places as meaningful objects (2023)
- Analytical Sociology and Symbolic Interactionism (2021)
- Relational Habitat (2020)
- When White Collar Criminals Turn to Fatal Violence: The Impact of Narcissism and Psychopathy (2018)
- Joint Actions, Stories and Symbolic Structures (2017)
- Uncertainty as a Common Ground for a Dialogue between Economics and Sociology (2016)
- Rational Imitation among Producer Firms: Some Insights from Social Psychology (2015)
- Trade-offs in Choice of Inter-firm Transaction Structure: A Case Study of Perceived Comparative Advantages of Business Relation over Vertical Integration (2014)
- Patterns in Account-giving among White Collar Criminals (2014)
- review of ‘The Emancipation of Europe’s Muslims: The role of State in Minority Integration’ by Jonathan Laurence (2013)
- review of ‘Relational Sociology: A New Paradigm for the Social Sciences” by Pierpaolo Donati (2012)
- The White Web: Mapping the Impact of Harrison C. White on Contemporary European Economic Sociology (2012)
- Integration Decision: A Qualitative Study of Producer-Supplier Relation (2011)
- Potentials and Limitations of Comparative Method in Social Science (2011)
- Nationalism in Turkey: Response to a Historical Necessity (2011)
- Outline of an Economic Sociology of Islamic Banking (2011)
- Historical Comparison Re-considered (2011)
- Social Ties: Elements of a Substantive Conceptualisation (2010)
- Asset Specific Relations as Inter-firm Transaction Structures: A Qualitative Study (2010)
- review of ‘Mannheim’s Sociology as Political Education’ edited by David Kettler (2003)
- review of ‘Markets from Networks: Socioeconomic Models of Production’ by Harrison White (2002)
- review of ‘Karl Polanyi in Vienna: The Contemporary Significance of The Great Transformation’ edited by Kenneth McRobbie and Kari Polanyi Levitt (2000) (2001)
- review of ‘Social Capital: A Theory of Social Structure and Action’ by Nan Lin (2001)
- review of ‘Chaos of Disciplines’ by Andrew Abbot (2001)
- review of ‘Economy/Society: Markets, Meanings and Social Structures’ by Bruce Carruthers and Sarah Babb (2000)
- Ekonomisk sociologi: en introduktion (2014)
- The General Sociology of Harrison C. White (2005)
- The General Sociology of Harrison White (2003)
- Harrison White (2019)
- Mötet mellan det traditionella och det moderna samhöllet (2015)
- Nätverk och relationer mellan företag (2014)
- Inledning (2014)
- Kapitalformer och fält (2007)
- Rational Imitation among Producer Firms: Dissecting the Convolutions (2014)
- Making Assessment Criteria Explicit: Challenges and Coping Strategies (2013)
- Trade-offs in Choice of Inter-firm Transaction Structure: A Case Study of Perceived Comparative Advantages of Business Relation over Vertical Integration (2012)
- Islamic Development Bank as a Trade Promoting Agency (1999)
- Sociologins didaktiska utmaning: En rapport om sociologiundervisningeninom Lärarprogrammet vid Uppsala universitet (2017)
- Rapport om Invandrarnas deltagande i integrationsprojek i Stockholm (1998)
- Invandrares upplevelser av boendesegregation (1993)
- Economic Action from Relational Habitat (2012)
- Economic History of Money, Credit, Bank and Finance (2000)
- The Basic Framework in the General Sociology of Harrison White (2000)
- Sociology of Money, Bank and Finance: A Bibliography 1990-1998 (1999)
- Bifall till Status Quo: En Komparativ studie av Antonio Gramsci och Pierre Bourdieu (1993)
- Contextuality of Economy (1993)