Stefan Engblom
Professor at Department of Information Technology; Division of Scientific Computing
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 27 54
- E-mail:
- Visiting address:
- Hus 10, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
- Postal address:
- Box 337
751 05 UPPSALA
- Academic merits:
- Excellent Teacher
- 0000-0002-3614-1732
More information is available to staff who log in.
Please see my personal web-page.
Please see my page about my research. Refer also to my software page.
Selection of publications
- App-based COVID-19 syndromic surveillance and prediction of hospital admissions in COVID Symptom Study Sweden (2022)
- Distributed and Adaptive Fast Multipole Method in Three Dimensions (2021)
- Bayesian epidemiological modeling over high-resolution network data (2020)
- Flash X-ray diffraction imaging in 3D (2020)
- Temporal upscaling in micromagnetism via heterogeneous multiscale methods (2019)
- Stochastic simulation of pattern formation in growing tissue (2019)
- Exposing inter-process information for efficient PDES of spatial stochastic systems on multicores (2019)
- Supervised classification methods for flash X-ray single particle diffraction imaging (2019)
- SimInf (2019)
- Multiscale modelling via split-step methods in neural firing (2018)
- Pathwise error bounds in multiscale variable splitting methods for spatial stochastic kinetics (2018)
- Mesoscopic modeling of random walk and reactions in crowded media (2018)
- Scalable population-level modelling of biological cells incorporating mechanics and kinetics in continuous time (2018)
- Towards Bayesian parametrization of national scale epidemics (2018)
- A general high order two-dimensional panel method (2018)
- Fine-grained local dynamic load balancing in PDES (2018)
- Assessing uncertainties in x-ray single-particle three-dimensional reconstruction (2018)
- Spatio-temporal modelling of verotoxigenic Escherichia coli O157 in cattle in Sweden (2018)
- Vascular sprouts induce local attraction of proangiogenic neutrophils (2017)
- Stability and strong convergence for spatial stochastic kinetics (2017)
- Data-driven computational disease spread modeling (2017)
- Exposing inter-process information for efficient parallel discrete event simulation of spatial stochastic systems (2017)
- Fast event-based epidemiological simulations on national scales (2016)
- Mesoscopic modeling of stochastic reaction–diffusion kinetics in the subdiffusive regime (2016)
- Fast Matlab compatible sparse assembly on multicore computers (2016)
- Preconditioned Metropolis sampling as a strategy to improve efficiency in posterior exploration (2016)
- Analysis and design of jump coefficients in discrete stochastic diffusion models (2016)
- Data-driven network modelling of disease transmission using complete population movement data (2016)
- Sensitivity estimation and inverse problems in spatial stochastic models of chemical kinetics (2015)
- Efficient inter-process synchronization for parallel discrete event simulation on multicores (2015)
- Machine learning for ultrafast X-ray diffraction patterns on large-scale GPU clusters (2015)
- Strong convergence for split-step methods in stochastic jump kinetics (2015)
- Stochastic focusing coupled with negative feedback enables robust regulation in biochemical reaction networks (2015)
- On the stability of stochastic jump kinetics (2014)
- X-ray laser imaging of biomolecules using multiple GPUs (2014)
- Dynamic autotuning of adaptive fast multipole methods on hybrid multicore CPU and GPU systems (2014)
- On diffuse interface modeling and simulation of surfactants in two-phase fluid flow (2013)
- Adaptive fast multipole methods on the GPU (2013)
- URDME (2012)
- Adaptive fast multipole methods on the GPU (2012)
- On well-separated sets and fast multipole methods (2011)
- Analytical solutions for a single blade in vertical axis turbine motion in two dimensions (2009)
- Parallel in time simulation of multiscale stochastic chemical kinetics (2009)
- Spectral approximation of solutions to the chemical master equation (2009)
- Galerkin spectral method applied to the chemical master equation (2009)
- Simulation of stochastic reaction-diffusion processes on unstructured meshes (2009)
- Numerical Solution Methods in Stochastic Chemical Kinetics (2008)
- Numerical methods for the chemical master equation (2006)
- Computing the moments of high dimensional solutions of the master equation (2006)
Recent publications
- Modeling the hallmarks of avascular tumors (2025)
- Morphological Stability for in silico Models of Avascular Tumors (2024)
- Bayesian inference in epidemics (2023)
- Bayesian Monitoring of COVID-19 in Sweden (2023)
- App-based COVID-19 syndromic surveillance and prediction of hospital admissions in COVID Symptom Study Sweden (2022)
All publications
- Morphological Stability for in silico Models of Avascular Tumors (2024)
- Bayesian inference in epidemics (2023)
- Bayesian Monitoring of COVID-19 in Sweden (2023)
- App-based COVID-19 syndromic surveillance and prediction of hospital admissions in COVID Symptom Study Sweden (2022)
- Distributed and Adaptive Fast Multipole Method in Three Dimensions (2021)
- Bayesian epidemiological modeling over high-resolution network data (2020)
- Flash X-ray diffraction imaging in 3D (2020)
- Temporal upscaling in micromagnetism via heterogeneous multiscale methods (2019)
- Stochastic simulation of pattern formation in growing tissue (2019)
- Exposing inter-process information for efficient PDES of spatial stochastic systems on multicores (2019)
- Supervised classification methods for flash X-ray single particle diffraction imaging (2019)
- SimInf (2019)
- Multiscale modelling via split-step methods in neural firing (2018)
- Pathwise error bounds in multiscale variable splitting methods for spatial stochastic kinetics (2018)
- Mesoscopic modeling of random walk and reactions in crowded media (2018)
- Scalable population-level modelling of biological cells incorporating mechanics and kinetics in continuous time (2018)
- A general high order two-dimensional panel method (2018)
- Assessing uncertainties in x-ray single-particle three-dimensional reconstruction (2018)
- Spatio-temporal modelling of verotoxigenic Escherichia coli O157 in cattle in Sweden (2018)
- Vascular sprouts induce local attraction of proangiogenic neutrophils (2017)
- Fast event-based epidemiological simulations on national scales (2016)
- Mesoscopic modeling of stochastic reaction–diffusion kinetics in the subdiffusive regime (2016)
- Fast Matlab compatible sparse assembly on multicore computers (2016)
- Analysis and design of jump coefficients in discrete stochastic diffusion models (2016)
- Data-driven network modelling of disease transmission using complete population movement data (2016)
- Machine learning for ultrafast X-ray diffraction patterns on large-scale GPU clusters (2015)
- Strong convergence for split-step methods in stochastic jump kinetics (2015)
- Stochastic focusing coupled with negative feedback enables robust regulation in biochemical reaction networks (2015)
- On the stability of stochastic jump kinetics (2014)
- Approximations for the moments of nonstationary and state dependent birth–death queues (2014)
- Dynamic autotuning of adaptive fast multipole methods on hybrid multicore CPU and GPU systems (2014)
- On diffuse interface modeling and simulation of surfactants in two-phase fluid flow (2013)
- Adaptive fast multipole methods on the GPU (2013)
- URDME (2012)
- On well-separated sets and fast multipole methods (2011)
- Analytical solutions for a single blade in vertical axis turbine motion in two dimensions (2009)
- Parallel in time simulation of multiscale stochastic chemical kinetics (2009)
- Spectral approximation of solutions to the chemical master equation (2009)
- Galerkin spectral method applied to the chemical master equation (2009)
- Simulation of stochastic reaction-diffusion processes on unstructured meshes (2009)
- Computing the moments of high dimensional solutions of the master equation (2006)
- Modeling the hallmarks of avascular tumors (2025)
- Numerical Solution Methods in Stochastic Chemical Kinetics (2008)
- Numerical methods for the chemical master equation (2006)
- Stability and strong convergence for spatial stochastic kinetics (2017)
- Multiscale simulation of stochastic reaction–diffusion networks (2017)
- Data-driven computational disease spread modeling (2017)
- Robust and integrative Bayesian neural networks for likelihood-free parameter inference (2022)
- Towards Confident Bayesian Parameter Estimation in Stochastic Chemical Kinetics (2021)
- Initialization of a Disease Transmission Model (2020)
- SimInf for spatio-temporal data-driven modeling of African swine fever in Swedish wildboar (2019)
- Towards Bayesian parametrization of national scale epidemics (2018)
- Fine-grained local dynamic load balancing in PDES (2018)
- Exposing inter-process information for efficient parallel discrete event simulation of spatial stochastic systems (2017)
- Multiscale stochastic neuron modeling – with applications in deep brain stimulation (2017)
- A direct solver for the advection–diffusion equation using Green's functions and low-rank approximation (2016)
- Preconditioned Metropolis sampling as a strategy to improve efficiency in posterior exploration (2016)
- Sensitivity estimation and inverse problems in spatial stochastic models of chemical kinetics (2015)
- Efficient inter-process synchronization for parallel discrete event simulation on multicores (2015)
- X-ray laser imaging of biomolecules using multiple GPUs (2014)
- The well-posedness of diffuse interface modeling of surfactants in two-phase fluid flow (2013)
- Stable and accurate wave simulations in complex geometries and discontinuous media (2013)
- Time-parallel simulation of stochastic chemical kinetics (2008)
- On the stability of stochastic jump kinetics (2012)
- Adaptive fast multipole methods on the GPU (2012)
- A discrete spectral method for the chemical master equation (2008)
- Parallel in time simulation of multiscale stochastic chemical kinetics (2008)
- Simulation of stochastic reaction-diffusion processes on unstructured meshes (2008)
- Gaussian quadratures with respect to discrete measures (2006)
- Computing the moments of high dimensional solutions of the master equation (2005)