Björn Ställberg
Associated Researcher at Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences; General practice
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751 22 UPPSALA
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Recent publications
- Comorbid allergy and rhinitis and patient-related outcomes in asthma and COPD (2024)
- CRP, Fibrinogen, White Blood Cells, and Blood Cell Indices as Prognostic Biomarkers of Future COPD Exacerbation Frequency (2024)
- Risk Factors Associated with Asthma Control and Quality of Life in Patients with Mild Asthma Without Preventer Treatment (2024)
- Biomarkers of chronic airflow limitation and COPD identified by mass spectrometry (2024)
- The Increased Burden of Morbidity Over the Life-Course Among Patients with COPD (2024)
All publications
- Comorbid allergy and rhinitis and patient-related outcomes in asthma and COPD (2024)
- CRP, Fibrinogen, White Blood Cells, and Blood Cell Indices as Prognostic Biomarkers of Future COPD Exacerbation Frequency (2024)
- Risk Factors Associated with Asthma Control and Quality of Life in Patients with Mild Asthma Without Preventer Treatment (2024)
- Biomarkers of chronic airflow limitation and COPD identified by mass spectrometry (2024)
- The Increased Burden of Morbidity Over the Life-Course Among Patients with COPD (2024)
- Pharmacological treatment of asthma in Sweden from 2005 to 2015. (2023)
- Diagnostic spirometry in COPD is increasing, a comparison of two Swedish cohorts (2023)
- Factors Associated with the Non-Exacerbator Phenotype of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (2023)
- Comorbid Heart Disease in Patients with COPD is Associated with Increased Hospitalization and Mortality - A 15-Year Follow-Up (2023)
- Primary care patients with mild or stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease need more support in disease management (2023)
- Does multimorbidity result in de-prioritisation of COPD in primary care? (2023)
- Prioritising primary care respiratory research needs (2022)
- Factors associated with self-assessed asthma severity. (2022)
- Validation of Clinical COPD Phenotypes for Prognosis of Long-Term Mortality in Swedish and Dutch Cohorts (2022)
- Alveolar Nitric Oxide in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease-A Two-Year Follow-Up (2022)
- Behandling med läkemedel kan reducera mortaliteten vid KOL (2022)
- Treatment Patterns, Socioeconomic Status and Clinical Burden in Mild COPD (2022)
- One additional educational session in inhaler use to patients with COPD in primary health care - A controlled clinical trial (2022)
- MAIT cell counts are associated with the risk of hospitalization in COPD (2022)
- Lack of COPD-Related Follow-Up Visits and Pharmacological Treatment in Swedish Primary and Secondary Care (2022)
- Annual and Post-Exacerbation Follow-Up of Asthma Patients in Clinical Practice - A Large Population-Based Study in Sweden (2022)
- Changes in critical inhaler technique errors in inhaled COPD treatment (2022)
- Prediction of Mortality Using Different COPD Risk Assessments (2021)
- Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, blood eosinophils and COPD exacerbations: a cohort study (2021)
- Osteoporosis and fracture risk associated with inhaled corticosteroid use among Swedish COPD patients (2021)
- Quality of life and asthma control related to hormonal transitions in women's lives (2021)
- The Impact of Exacerbation Frequency on Clinical and Economic Outcomes in Swedish COPD Patients (2021)
- Developing a short-term prediction model for asthma exacerbations from Swedish primary care patients' data using machine learning - Based on the ARCTIC study (2021)
- Plasma proteomics and lung function in four community-based cohorts (2021)
- Predicting Hospitalization Due to COPD Exacerbations in Swedish Primary Care Patients Using Machine Learning - Based on the ARCTIC Study (2021)
- Critical inhaler technique errors in Swedish patients with COPD (2021)
- Towards Rational Prescription of Common Inhaler Medication in the Multimorbid COPD Patient (2021)
- Factors associated with knowledge of self-management of worsening asthma in primary care patients (2021)
- Impact of Comorbidities and Commonly Used Drugs on Mortality in COPD - Real-World Data from a Primary Care Setting (2020)
- Data-driven questionnaire-based cluster analysis of asthma in Swedish adults (2020)
- The Burden of Self-Reported Rhinitis and Associated Risk for Exacerbations with Moderate-Severe Asthma in Primary Care Patients (2020)
- Bringing asthma care into the twenty-first century (2020)
- Factors associated with well-controlled asthma (2020)
- Patient outcomes following GPs' educations about COPD (2020)
- Tillägg av inhalationssteroider vid KOL kan förebygga försämring (2020)
- Inhaled corticosteroids and the risk of type 2 diabetes among Swedish COPD patients (2020)
- Improved quality of care by using the PRISMS form to support self-management in patients with COPD (2020)
- Subjective swallowing symptoms and related risk factors in COPD (2019)
- Higher alveolar nitric oxide in COPD is related to poorer physical capacity and lower oxygen saturation after physical testing (2019)
- Different Relationships between FENO and COPD Characteristics in Smokers and Ex-Smokers (2019)
- A multinational observational study identifying primary care patients at risk of overestimation of asthma control (2019)
- Impact of COPD diagnosis timing on clinical and economic outcomes (2019)
- Errors in inhaler use related to devices and to inhalation technique among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in primary health care (2019)
- Gender differences among Swedish COPD patients (2019)
- COPD patients need more information about self-management (2019)
- A Cross-Sectional Study Assessing Appropriateness Of Inhaled Corticosteroid Treatment In Primary And Secondary Care Patients With COPD In Sweden (2019)
- A complex intervention of self-management for patients with COPD or CHF in primary care improved performance and satisfaction with regard to own selected activities; A longitudinal follow-up (2019)
- Sex-related differences in management of Swedish patients with a clinical diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (2019)
- Longitudinal measurements of blood eosinophils in relation to COPD outcomes (2018)
- Interprofessionell samverkan för astma-KOL (2018)
- Influence of comorbid heart disease on dyspnea and health status in patients with COPD - a cohort study (2018)
- Determinants of FENO in COPD with regard to current smoking (2018)
- 2017 Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease reclassifies half of COPD subjects to lower risk group (2018)
- Identifying the associated risks of pneumonia in COPD patients (2018)
- Health care resource utilization and cost for asthma patients regularly treated with oral corticosteroids - a Swedish observational cohort study (PACEHR) (2018)
- Total cost of health care resource utilization for asthma patients in Sweden with different exposures to oral corticosteroids (2018)
- Prevalence, characteristics and management of frequently exacerbating asthma patients (2018)
- Nya kriterier för astma/KOL-mottagningar i primärvården (2018)
- Prevalence and management of severe asthma in primary care (2018)
- Description of inhalation technique in patients with COPD in primary care (2018)
- Comorbidity, disease burden and mortality across age groups in a Swedish primary care asthma population (2018)
- Economic burden of COPD in a Swedish cohort (2018)
- Clinical clustering of COPD patients is useful to predict future COPD exacerbations (2018)
- Endothelial dysfunction is associated with impaired lung function in two independent community cohorts (2018)
- Endothelial dysfunction is associated with impaired lung function in two independent community cohorts (2018)
- Factors associated with lung cancer in COPD patients (2018)
- Effectiveness of 2x2-hour lectures and case methods in Swedish general practitioners' continuing medical education about COPD (2018)
- Effectiveness of traditional lectures and case methods in Swedish general practitioners' continuing medical education about COPD (2018)
- COPD management by Swedish general practitioners - baseline results of the PRIMAIR study (2018)
- Changes in smoking prevalence and cessation support, and factors associated with successful smoking cessation in Swedish patients with asthma and COPD (2018)
- Många överbehandlas med astmamedicin (2018)
- Prediction of future COPD exacerbations - DOSE index or a history of exacerbations? (2018)
- Real-world retrospective cohort study ARCTIC shows burden of comorbidities in Swedish COPD versus non-COPD patients (2018)
- Clinical correlates of alveolar nitric oxide in COPD (2018)
- How Do Dual Long-acting Bronchodilators Prevent Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease? (2017)
- Extent And Impact Of Late Versus Early COPD Diagnosis In Women In The Swedish Arctic Study (2017)
- European Respiratory Society guidelines for the management of adult bronchiectasis (2017)
- Inhaler Errors in the CRITIKAL Study (2017)
- Use of electronic medical records and biomarkers to manage risk and resource efficiencies (2017)
- Case Method in COPD education for primary care physicians (2017)
- Pulmonary rehabilitation in COPD - available resources and utilization in Swedish primary and secondary care (2017)
- Health-related quality of life in asthma patients - A comparison of two cohorts from 2005 and 2015 (2017)
- Factors influencing pharmacological treatment in COPD (2017)
- Clinical highlights from Amsterdam. (2016)
- Availability of pulmonary rehabilitation in primary care for patients with COPD (2016)
- General practitioners and rare lung diseases (2016)
- Multi-component assessment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (2016)
- Are pharmacological randomised controlled clinical trials relevant to real-life asthma populations? (2016)
- Time pressured deprioritization of COPD in primary care (2016)
- The prevalence of comorbidities in COPD patients, and their impact on health status and COPD symptoms in primary care patients (2016)
- Change in health status in COPD (2016)
- Comparison of the COPD Assessment Test (CAT) and the Clinical COPD Questionnaire (CCQ) in a Clinical Population (2016)
- Characteristics of patients making serious inhaler errors with a dry powder inhaler and association with asthma-related events in a primary care setting (2016)
- Cost-Effectiveness of Glycopyrronium Bromide Compared with Tiotropium in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Sweden (2015)
- Real-life use of budesonide/formoterol in clinical practice (2015)
- Clinical highlights: messages from Munich (2015)
- Primary Care COPD Patients Compared with Large Pharmaceutically-Sponsored COPD Studies (2014)
- Determinants of uncontrolled asthma in a Swedish asthma population (2014)
- Improvement in COPD management by access to asthma/COPD clinics in primary care (2014)
- Cost-effectiveness of the LABA/LAMA dual bronchodilator indacaterol/glycopyrronium in a Swedish healthcare setting (2014)
- Clinical highlights from the 2013 ERS Congress in Barcelona (2014)
- Management, morbidity and mortality of COPD during an 11-year period (2014)
- Cost-Effectiveness Of Glycopyrronium Compared To Tiotropium In Copd Patients From A Swedish Societal Perspective (2013)
- Cost Effectiveness Of Budesonide/Formoterol Versus Fluticasone/Salmeterol From A Swedish Health Care Perspective Based On Real-World Effectiveness And Safety In Patients With Copd (2013)
- Pneumonia and pneumonia related mortality in patients with COPD treated with fixed combinations of inhaled corticosteroid and long acting beta(2) agonist (2013)
- Combination of budesonide/formoterol more effective than fluticasone/salmeterol in preventing exacerbations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (2013)
- Sex-differences in quality of life and asthma control in Swedish asthma patients (2013)
- 'SIMPLES' (2013)
- Management of COPD exacerbations in primary care (2013)
- Assessment of COPD in primary care (2013)
- Hospital-based pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with COPD in Sweden (2013)
- Cost-effectiveness of budesonide/formoterol versus fluticasone/salmeterol based on real-world effectiveness in patients with copd (2012)
- ALMA, a new tool for the management of asthma patients in clinical practice (2012)
- Prioritising the respiratory research needs of primary care (2012)
- High costs and burden of illness in acute rhinosinusitis (2012)
- Clinical COPD Questionnaire score (CCQ) and mortality (2012)
- The Dyspnoea, Obstruction, Smoking, Exacerbation (DOSE) index is predictive of mortality in COPD (2012)
- The prevalence of undiagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a primary care population with respiratory tract infections (2011)
- Co-morbidity, body mass index and quality of life in COPD using the clinical COPD questionnaire (2011)
- How often is diagnosis of COPD confirmed with spirometry? (2010)
- UNLOCK (2010)
- Primary health care centres with asthma clinics (2010)
- The International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG) Research Needs Statement 2010 (2010)
- Asthma control in primary care in Sweden (2009)
- Validation of the clinical COPD Questionnaire (CCQ) in primary care (2009)
- Budesonide/formoterol as effective as prednisolone plus formoterol in acute exacerbations of COPD (2009)
- Astma/KOL-mottagningar i primärvård ger effektivt omhändertagande (2008)
- A real-life cost-effectiveness evaluation of budesonide/formoterol maintenance and reliever therapy in asthma (2008)
- Astma/KOL-mottagning i primärvård (2008)
- Quality of life and measures of asthma control in primary health care (2007)
- ABC vid spirometri i primärvården (2007)
- Factors related to the level of severity of asthma in primary care (2007)
- Potency ratio fluticasone propionate (Flixotide Diskus)/budesonide (Pulmicort Turbuhaler) (2007)
- Tidig diagnos av KOL utmaning för primärvården (2007)
- Brief questionnaires for patient-reported outcomes in asthma (2006)
- Budesonide/formoterol in a single inhaler for maintenance and relief in mild-to-moderate asthma (2006)
- Organisation of asthma and COPD care in secondary care in Mid-Sweden (ABS77) (2006)
- International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG) Guidelines (2006)
- Management, asthma control and quality of life in Swedish adolescents with asthma (2005)
- Adjustable maintenance dosing with budesonide/formoterol (Symbicort) reduces treatment costs in asthma (2004)
- Asthma treatment preference study (2004)
- Asthma treatment preference study (2004)
- Living with asthma in Sweden (2003)
- Living with asthma in Sweden (2003)
- Early detection of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (2003)
- SBU-rapporten om astma och KOL (2001)
- Clinical phenotypes predict exacerbations of COPD
- CRP, fibrinogen, leukocytes, and blood cell indices as prognostic biomarkers of future COPD exacerbation frequency
- Sex-related differences regarding quality of life and asthma control in Swedish asthma patients
- A follow up of adolescents and young adults with asthma
- Astma och KOL (2014)
- KOL (2014)
- Samarbete allmänläkare, barnläkare och barnallergolog (2014)
- KOL i primärvården (2014)
- Astma och KOL (2009)
- Astma och KOL (2007)
- Astma och KOL (2005)
- Subjective swallowing symptoms in COPD - a 2-year follow up (2022)
- Prevalence of subjective swallowing dysfunction in patients with stable COPD (2017)
- Swallowing dysfunction in COPD: Is it more related to burden of disease than lung function (2017)
- Regionala skillnader i rökslutarstöd för KOL-patienter (2006)
- Kvinnor har sämre astmakontroll (2006)
- Organisation of asthma and COPD care in primary health care in Mid-Sweden (2006)
- Gender differences and asthma control in asthma patients (2006)
- KOL-exacerbationer i Uppsala-Örebroregionen (2006)
- Organisation of asthma and COPD care in secondary care in Mid-Sweden (2006)
- Organisation av astma- och KOL-vård i primärvården i Mellansverige (2005)
- Ger otillräckligt astmakontroll sämre livskvalitet hos patienter med astma i primärvården? (2002)