Paula Blomqvist
Professor at Department of Government; Faculty
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 63 22
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- +46 70 992 73 43
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Download contact information for Paula Blomqvist at Department of Government; Faculty
- Academic merits:
- Docent
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Short presentation
This text is not available in English, therefore the Swedish version is shown.
Min forskning handlar främst om svensk välfärdspolitik. Jag har inom detta område främst intresserat mig för de så kallade sociala tjänsterna, som sjukvård, skola och social omsorg, och hur de styrs politiskt.
This text is not available in English, therefore the Swedish version is shown.
Ph.D. Columbia University 2002
Associate professor (docent). Uppsala University 2007
Recent publications
- Have the Welfare Professions Lost Autonomy? (2024)
- Contracting out welfare services (2022)
- Covid (In)equalities (2022)
- Does voluntary health insurance reduce the use of and the willingness to finance public health care in Sweden? (2022)
- Sweden (2021)
All publications
- Have the Welfare Professions Lost Autonomy? (2024)
- Contracting out welfare services (2022)
- Covid (In)equalities (2022)
- Does voluntary health insurance reduce the use of and the willingness to finance public health care in Sweden? (2022)
- Nordic welfare states-still standing or changed by the COVID-19 crisis? (2021)
- Preserving social equity in marketized primary care (2021)
- Universalism in Welfare Policy (2020)
- Why No Nonprofits? (2019)
- Negotiated compliance at the street level (2019)
- Health insurance for the healthy? (2019)
- Small is beautiful? (2019)
- Risk selection in primary care (2018)
- Privatization of social care delivery (2018)
- Market-orienting reforms in rural health care in Sweden (2018)
- Professionalized through audit? (2018)
- Do public nursing home care providers deliver higher quality than private providers? (2017)
- Equal Parenting when Families Break Apart (2016)
- Equal Parenting when Families Break Apart: Alternating Residence and the Best Interests of the Child in Sweden (2016)
- Free establishment of primary health care providers (2016)
- User choice in Swedish eldercare (2016)
- The Universal Decline of Universality? Social Policy Change in Canada, Denmark, Sweden and the United Kingdom (2014)
- Recentralizing healthcare through evidence-based guidelines – striving for national equity in Sweden (2014)
- Parental entrepreneurship in public education (2014)
- The trade-off between choice and equity (2013)
- Conflict and Compliance in Swedish Health Care Governance (2012)
- Privatization of social services (2011)
- Regionalisation Nordic Style (2010)
- The Boundaries of Welfare. European Integration and the New Spatial Politics of Social Protection. Mauritizio Ferrera. (2006)
- Privatiseringar inom sjukvården: politisk lösning eller komplikation? En jämförande studie av sjukvårdsreformer i Sverige, Tjeckien och Polen (2005)
- The Choice Revolution (2004)
- Defeat at Home? Issue Ownership and Social Democratic Support in Scandinavia (2004)
- Balancing Ideological Committment and Political Reality for Local Job Creation - A Swedish Dilemma (1998)
- Preserving social equity in privatized primary care: a matter of contract design
- Mellan folkhem och Europa. Svensk politik i brytningstid (2008)
- Vem styr vården? Reformer och politisk styrning inom svensk sjukvård (2007)
- Vem styr vården? Reformer och politisk styrning inom svensk sjukvård (2007)
- Den gränslösa välfärdsstaten (2004)
- Fackliga strategier för att möta globalisering och regionalisering inom metallindustrin. En jämförande studie av fyra nordiska länder (2003)
- Ideas and Policy Convergence (2002)
- Välfärdsstatens nya ansikte (2000)
- Sweden (2021)
- Varför så få ideella aktörer inom äldreomsorgen? (2014)
- Sweden (2014)
- Citizenship, choice and social equality in welfare services (2013)
- Kundvalsmodeller i äldreomsorgen (2013)
- EU and Single Market pressures on Nordic health care systems (2009)
- Sweden: Markets within Politics (2008)
- Sweden: Markets within Politics (2008)
- Effects of decentralization and recentralization on political dimensions of health systems (2007)
- Mot en europeisk sjukvårdspolitik? (2004)
- Globalisering och fackligt samarbete inom svensk metallindustri (2003)