Thomas Wimark
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Department of Human Geography
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 73 77
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- Ekonomikum, Kyrkogårdsgatan 10
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- Box 513
751 20 UPPSALA
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- 0000-0001-7272-1729
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Short presentation
PhD, Assoc. Prof.
My research interests include migration, segregation and marginalised groups. In my work, I interrogate how residential segregation affect individuals´ life courses and also how normative views affects LGBTQ+ individuals. My studies are based on Swedish register data as well as qualitative data. I am on the editorial board of Gender, Place and Culture.
I teach quant. methods and urban planning courses and supervise bachelor, master’s, and PhD students.
- gender and sexuality
- migration
- residential segregation
- Current funding
Forte, Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare ”Is there consistency in evaluation of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity asylum seeker cases?”, Principal Investigator, 2021-2024
European Union (EU) Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSCA) ”Solidarity in diversity”. Co-Investigator, 2021-2025
- Previous funding
Riksbankens Jubileumsfond “Lyckliga gatan? Geografisk polarisering och social sammanhållning i dagens Sverige”. Co-Investigator, 2019-2021
Riksbankens Jubileumsfond “Bekönade rum – mångdimensionella vandringar i staden”. Co-Investigator, 2017-2020
Stockholms läns landsting “Integration or åtskillnad? En studie om mobilitet och mångfald i Stockholm”. Co-Investigator, 2017-2019
Stockholms läns landsting “Metoder och verktyg för sociala nyttoberäkningar”. Principal Investigator, 2016
Recent publications
- Life‐course trajectories and spatial segregation in older age (2024)
- From individuals to emotional drones (2024)
- Tenure type mixing and segregation (2022)
- Connecting Environmental Injustice for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Populations With Neighborhood Health Equity Research (2022)
- Same-sex marriage and neighbourhood landscape overlap (2022)
All publications
- Life‐course trajectories and spatial segregation in older age (2024)
- From individuals to emotional drones (2024)
- Tenure type mixing and segregation (2022)
- Connecting Environmental Injustice for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Populations With Neighborhood Health Equity Research (2022)
- Same-sex marriage and neighbourhood landscape overlap (2022)
- Housing policy with violent outcomes – the domestication of queer asylum seekers in a heteronormative society (2021)
- Homemaking and perpetual liminality among queer refugees (2021)
- Is Where Same-Sex Couples Live a Valid Measure for Where Single Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual People Live in Population Health Research? Results from a National Probability Phone Survey, 2017, United States (2020)
- Tenure type landscapes and housing market change (2020)
- Ett forskarsamtal om queer och *bygd (2019)
- Unaccompanied children claiming asylum on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity (2019)
- Migrant labor market integration (2019)
- Health-related regional and neighborhood correlates of sexual minority concentration (2018)
- The life course and emotions beyond fieldwork (2017)
- Samlevnad som ideologi i migrationslagstiftningen (2017)
- A life course approach to the field and fieldwork (2017)
- Migration motives of gay men in the new acceptance era (2016)
- The impact of family ties on the mobility decisions of gay men and lesbians (2016)
- Is It Really Tolerance? Expanding the Knowledge About Diversity for the Creative Class (2014)
- The City as a Single Gay Male Magnet? (2014)
- Stadsparken (2021)
- Bostadssegregation i Södertörn 1990-2012 (2021)
- Hbtq och nyanländ – begränsningar och möjligheter i mobilitet för personer med dubbelt utanförskap (2020)
- Life Course Approaches (2020)
- Sexuality and Emotions Situated in Time and Space (2019)