Linnea Gullholmer
PhD student at Department of Law; Doctoral Candidates
- E-mail:
- Visiting address:
- Dag Hammarskjölds väg 7
- Postal address:
- Box 512
751 20 UPPSALA
Download contact information for Linnea Gullholmer at Department of Law; Doctoral Candidates
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Short presentation
The research project intends to clarify the legal interface between crisis and war. Based on three constitutional concepts, the goal is to show the effect that the government's decisions, or non-decisions, on war, danger of war and extraordinary conditions (high readiness) have on the Swedish preparedness system, as well as for the rule of law.
- beredskap
- beredskapslagstiftning
- fhs
- fullmaktslagar
- försvarshögskolan
- höjd beredskap
- komparativ konstitutionell rätt
- konstitutionell rätt
- krig
- krigsfara
- krisberedskap
- msb
- myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap
- totalförsvar